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Responsible Care® An Introduction - Performance Metrics

Responsible Care® An Introduction - Performance Metrics. PIC Executive Team Briefing February 13 th , 2012. Al Biggs GM, Operational Excellence/ GPCA RCC Member – Sipchem. Introduction – Topics of the Presentation. What is Responsible Care®

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Responsible Care® An Introduction - Performance Metrics

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  1. Responsible Care®An Introduction - Performance Metrics PIC Executive Team Briefing February 13th, 2012 Al Biggs GM, Operational Excellence/ GPCA RCC Member – Sipchem

  2. Introduction – Topics of the Presentation • What is Responsible Care® • Responsible Care® Codes of Management Practices • Performance Monitoring and Metrics – Development and Implementation Phases TOPICS Responsible Care- An Introduction

  3. What is Responsible Care® Chemical industry’s unique Global Initiative that drives continuous improvement in environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) performance. Transparent communication with interested parties (i.e. stakeholders) about its activities to improve perception and respond to concerns of the industry. Embraces the development and application of sustainable chemistry, helping our industry contribute to sustainable development while allowing us to meet the world’s growing need for essential chemicals and the products those chemicals make possible. First developed in Canada by the Canadian Chemical Producers Association in 1985. International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) provides oversight for the program globally. Today it is implemented by chemical federations and their member companies in 54 nations. Not a one-time activity. It will evolve over time to meet the changing expectations of the industry and its stakeholders . No end point! Responsible Care- An Introduction

  4. Responsible Care® Global Charter Global Charter Responsible Care- An Introduction

  5. Responsible Care® Family of Nations 54 Worldwide National Associations Responsible Care- An Introduction

  6. GPCA Responsible Care® Program • GPCA adopted Responsible Care® in December 2009 to improve regional EHS&S performance and general perception of the chemical industry both in the Gulf and globally. • Initiative run by Responsible Care® Committee: • 15 Members representing a blend of Full and Associate Members • Chaired by a Board Member • Quarterly Meetings Held/Task Force Solutions • Main objective is to secure and maintain the ICCA Membership and develop programs for the implementation of Responsible Care® in Member Companies. • Programs being developed with the cooperation of American Chemistry Council (ACC). ACC Signed MOU Responsible Care- An Introduction

  7. GPCA’s RC Implementation Timeline – RC 2011 Plan Phase I Phase II ICCA Membership Program Implementation Mandatory by Dec 2013 Only 23 appointed so far Issued 2011-2013 1Q 2012 CEOs’ Declaration of Support RC Coordinators Appointment Guiding Principles Gap Closures GPCA’s Codes on RC RC Logo Registration Self Assessments & Action Plans RC Program Document Reporting Metrics Initiation of Verification Process Reg in 6 GCC Countries Issued Start with 2010 data To be complete by all Signatory members December 2010 2012-2013 Responsible Care- An Introduction

  8. Responsible Care®Codes of Management Practices CAER Environment Process Safety Distribution Employee Health & Safety Product Stewardship Security RCMS Responsible Care- An Introduction

  9. Responsible Care® GPCA – Guiding Principles Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry’s health, safety, security and environment initiative that drives continuous improvement in performance. Responsible Care® is both an ethic and a commitment seeking to build confidence and trust in an industry that is essential for sustainability. These objectives are achieved by implementing the following guiding principles: • Tolead our companies in ethical ways that increases the benefits to society by protecting our people, environment and community. • To design and operate our facilities in a safe, secure and environmentally sound manner. • To instill a culture throughout all levels of our organizations to continually identify, reduce and manage occupational and process safety risks. • To steward our products and services through each life cycle stages in order to protect people and the environment. • To promote pollution prevention, minimization of wastes and conservation of energy and other critical resources. • To counsel customers and stakeholders on the safe use, transportation and disposal of chemical products. • To work with Governments, Agencies and Associations at all levels in the development of effective and efficient health, safety, security and environmental laws and industry standards. • To recognize, respect and respond to community concerns about our products and operations. • To extend knowledge by conducting or supporting research on the health, safety and environmental effects of our products and waste material management. • To measure performance, openly report and make continual progress towards our goal of eliminating accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from our products and operations. • To seek continual improvement in our integrated Responsible Care Management System® to address health, safety, security and environment performance. • To promote the principles and practices of Responsible Care by sharing experiences and offering assistance to others who produce, handle, use, transport or dispose of chemicals. H.E. Mohammed Al-Mady Chairman-GPCA Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Sadoun Secretary General-GPCA Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Jawahery Chairman Responsible Care Committee-GPCA Responsible Care- An Introduction

  10. Responsible Care Performance MetricsDevelopment Phase – Key Accomplishments • Task Force (TF) approach adopted by Responsible Care Committee (RCC) - December 2010 • Vision, Strategy, Objectives and Action Plan defined by TF – February 2011 • TF completed performance metrics survey and study. Recommendations on metrics adopted by RCC – March 2011 • Guidance document / roll-out strategy approved by RCC and Workshop held – May / June 2011 WORKING GREEN

  11. Responsible CARE – Task Force (08) Performance Metrics Task Force Members • Bader Al- Adwani - PIC • Manoel Fernandes - Borouge • Mortaza K Al-Yousef - Tasnee • Naved Khan - QAPCO • Ahmed Al-Hazmi - Sabic • Qasim Yunus - Sabic • Asrar Mohammed - Equate • Jassim Darwish - GPIC • Tariq Alauddin - Sipchem • Albert E. Biggs - Sipchem

  12. Responsible CARETask Force 08 – Performance Metrics • Vision • “To measure performance, openly report, make continual progress towards our goal of eliminating accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from our products and operations” • GPCA Guiding Principle

  13. Responsible CARETask Force 08 – Performance Metrics • Strategy • Keep it simple by building on commonly reported performance metrics • Where applicable, align with global trade associations • Phase in new “value added” metrics over time • Use data for bench marking, targeting areas for improvement and sharing of best practices

  14. Responsible CARETask Force 08 – Performance Metrics Task Force Objectives • Establish a standard template including definition and formulas for metrics. • Develop a guideline document for measuring and reporting performance metrics. • Ensure effective communication and understanding of performance reporting. • Over time, realize value added benefits and industry performance improvements.

  15. Performance Metrics Study and Survey Results • Most member companies are reporting or have data available that align with reporting requirements of ACC and CEFIC for: • Occupational Safety • Process Safety • Waste Disposal • Resource Utilization • Gaseous emission data is scattered • No data being collected and reported on distribution incidents

  16. Responsible CARETask Force 08 – Performance Metrics Governance • Member company data is to be posted on the GPCA web site. • For the first three years (2010, 2011 and 2012) data is to be published without company names. • A sub-committee recently chartered to support implementation of the Guidance document and provide governance surrounding management of data • The Performance Metrics Task Force has transitioned to form the first sub-committee of the GPCA Responsible Care Committee

  17. GPCA Publication Plans • Targeting to publish the first data set and a consolidated report covering 2010 on the GPCA website the 1st quarter 2012 • Subsequent annual reports to be posted by GPCA the 2nd or 3rd quarter of each year for the previous year data sets (e.g. 2011, 2012 data etc.) • Member Company data sets are due no later than March 31st for the previous year.

  18. PERFORMANCE METRICS / SUB-COMMITTEE CHARTER Team Members: Bader Al-Adwani, Dr. Ahmed Al-Hazmi, Mortaza Al-Yousef, Naveed Khan, Qasim Yunus, Asrar Mohammad, Manoel Fernandes, Tariq Alauddin, Tahir Qadir * Extended Team Member(s): David Sandige (ACC) Committee Chairman: Al Biggs Vice Chairman:JassimDarwish Date Developed : December 2011 Vision/Destination Key Deliverables / Milestones Date In Scope • Complete sub-committee work process, procedure development and obtain RC Committee / GPCA endorsement. • Complete 2010 performance data analysis and provide recommendations on presenting data for GPCA posting by March 31st. • Complete 2011 performance data analysis and provide recommendations on presenting data for GPCA posting by October 1st • Review and update Distribution Incident metrics and guidance document if needed • Outline path forward and provide a communication package for members about GHG reporting • Present recommendations and program updates during RC Workshop • To measure performance, openly report, make continual progress towards our goal of eliminating accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from our products and operations 2nd Qtr. • Lead and influence the development of value added metrics and alignment with ICCA • Review, consolidate , analyze and provide recommendations to RC Committee about RC performance data • Promote and Share Best Practices • Clarify and communicate with key stakeholders related to Performance Measurements • Respond to Technical queries from Stakeholders 1st Qtr. 2012 Objectives • Develop sub-committee work flows, processes and procedures for dealing with incomplete / inconsistent data, evaluating technical queries and updating of the guidance document. • Finalize our recommendations about 2010 and 2011 Member Company Performance Data. • Review and refine metric requirements and guidelines for Distribution Incidents and provide recommendations for developing greenhouse gas metrics • Present summary of recommendations in a RC workshop 3rd Qtr. 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. Out of Scope 2nd Half • Compliance with legal requirements • Technical problem solving for specific company performance issues Key Dependencies & Interfaces Committee - Key Performance Indicators • RC Committee • ICCA • Regulatory agencies • Member Companies • On time delivery of recommendations and solutions • Positive feedback from member companies • Regional EHS&S performance improvements 18 Charter Template

  19. Back-Up Slides Task Force Workshop Survey Conclusions

  20. Responsible CARE Metrics Task Force 08 – Performance Metrics Workshop Date: February 23, 2011 Al-Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  21. INDEX • Work Shop Agenda • Current Situation, Objectives, Strategy and Summary of Survey Results • Individual Member Survey Results: • Equate • GPIC • SABIC • Tasnee • Borouge • Sipchem • Qapco • Metrics Definitions and Formulas

  22. Responsible CARE – Task Force (08) Performance Metrics Proposed Workshop Agenda • Introductions (10 min.) • Review Agenda and Desired Outcomes (15 min.) • Responsible Care Committee Objectives and Task Force Approach (10 min.) • Metrics – Objectives and Task Force Strategy (15 min.) • Results of TF survey – Proposal Development, Discussion and Alignment (180 min.) • Next Steps (30 min.) • Wrap up / Action Items (15 min.) • Meeting Pluses and Deltas (5 min.)

  23. Survey Design • Results of Task Force Survey • Surveyed Task Force Members • Survey sent to 9 companies • Response from 7 companies / 5 Countries

  24. Survey Responses • Occupational Safety • 70% of Companies polled Recording & reporting • Fatalities • Lost Time Injuries & Incidence Rates • OSHA Recordable Injuries & Incidence rates • For Employees and Contractors. • 30 % Companies not reporting this data for contractor employees. • Polled companies generally in alignment with ACC & CEFIC reporting requirements.

  25. Survey Responses • Process Safety • 70 % companies reporting Process Safety Incidents • 33 % companies reporting Process Safety Total Incident Rate • No company reporting Process Safety Total Incident Severity Rate • Definitions of Process Safety Incident not aligned with the CCPS definition for all reporting companies.

  26. Survey Responses • Waste • All Companies reporting waste generated and disposed. • 30 % companies not segregating waste into Hazardous and non hazardous. • Waste Water Discharge • 70 % companies reporting TOC in waste water

  27. Survey Responses • Gaseous Emissions • 90 % companies reporting NOx emissions in PPM • 33 % companies reporting SO2 • 22 % Reporting CO2 emissions & CO2 Intensity • 22 % Companies reporting Total Green House Gases Emissions • 1 Company reporting total Emissions • Significant gap from ACC & CEFIC Metrics

  28. Survey Responses • Resource Utilization • 100 % companies reporting energy consumption • 78 % reporting specific energy consumption • 78 % reporting water consumption • Alignment with ACC & CEFIC • Distribution Incidents • No Company Reporting

  29. Conclusions • Most companies are reporting or have data available for ACC/CEFIC metrics in. • Occupational Safety • Process Safety • Waste Disposal • Resource Utilization • Gaseous emission data is scattered. • No data on distribution Incidents.

  30. Back-Up Slides Task Force Workshop Survey Results

  31. Responsible Care – Performance Metrics Task Force (08)CEFIC and ACC Comparison Metric Name CEFIC ACC A. Occupational Safety   Employee Fatalities 1. 2.   Lost Time Injury Incident Rate for Employees 3.  OSHA Recordable Cases Incidence Rate for Employees 4.   Contractor Employee Fatalities 5.   Lost Time Injury Incidence Rate for Contract Employees  6. OSHA Recordable Cases Incidence Rate for Contract Employees B. Process Safety Process Safety Incidents  1. 2. Process Safety Total Incident Rate (PSTIR)  3. Process Safety Total Incident Severity Rate (PSTIR)   - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / definitions could be different.

  32. Responsible Care – Performance Metrics Task Force (08)CEFIC and ACC Comparison Metric Name CEFIC ACC C. Emissions / Discharges to Environment Hazardous Waste for Disposal  1. 2. Non-Hazardous Waste for Disposal  3.  Discharges to Water – Chemical Oxygen Demand  4.  Sulfur Dioxide   Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) 5. 6. Nitrous Oxide (N2O)  Total Green House Gases Hydro fluorocarbons / Per Chlorofloro Carbons  7. 8.   Methane 9. SurfurHexaflouride   10.  Total Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions 11. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Intensity ** On Discretion of National Associations to publish if relevant / necessary  - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / definitions could be different.

  33. Responsible Care – Performance Metrics Task Force (08)CEFIC and ACC Comparison Metric Name CEFIC ACC D. Resource Utilization  1. Use of Energy (Tonnes of Fuel oil Equivilant; TOE) 2. Specific Energy Consumption   3. Water Consumption   E. Product Distribution 1. Distribution Incidents and Severity Level    - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / definitions could be different.

  34. Task Force – Survey Results Metric Name Metric Name CEFIC CEFI ACC ACC ACC A A B B C C D D E E F F G G CEFIC A Occupational Safety         Employee Fatalities 1. Lost Time Injury Incident Rate for Employees  2.         OSHA Recordable Cases Incidence Rate for Employees 3.          Contractor Employee Fatalities 4.       Lost Time Injury Incidence Rate for Contract Employees        5. OSHA Recordable Cases Incidence Rate for Contract Employees       6. Process Safety B Process Safety Incidents  1.      Process Safety Total Incident Rate (PSTIR)     2. Process Safety Total Incident Severity Rate (PSTIR) 3.    - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / definitions could be different.

  35. Task Force – Survey Results Metric Name CEFIC ACC A B C D E F G C Emissions / Discharges to Environment       Hazardous Waste for Disposal 1.    2. Non-Hazardous Waste for Disposal      Discharges to Water – Chemical Oxygen Demand       3.  Sulfur Dioxide      4. 5. Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)           6. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Total Emissions Gases Hydro fluorocarbons / Per Chlorofloro Carbons 7.   Total Green House Gases Total Green House Gases 8. Methane     9. SurfurHexaflouride    10. Total Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions      11. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Intensity   * Reported as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ** On Discretion of National Associations to publish if relevant / necessary  - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / Definitions could be different.

  36. Task Force – Survey Results Metric Name CEFIC ACC A F G B C D E D Resource Utilization         1. Use of Energy (Tonnes of Fuel oil Equivilant; TOE) Specific Energy Consumption         2.         3. Water Consumption E Product Distribution   1. Distribution Incidents and Severity Level  - Data on the metric being gathered and reported. Units / definitions could be different. Legend: A - Equate B - GPIC C - SABIC D - Tasnee E - Borouge F - Sipchem G- QAPCO

  37. GPCA Responsible Care Performance Metric Annual Report GPCA Company Name : Report for the Year :

  38. GPCA Responsible Care Performance Metric Annual Report

  39. GPCA Responsible Care Performance Metric Annual Report Legend:

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