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The Grid : Grids for Worldwide Science. Vicky White Head, Computing Division, Fermilab May 21, 2003 Fermilab Colloquium. Acknowledgements for Materials possibly stolen from talks by.
The Grid : Grids for Worldwide Science Vicky White Head, Computing Division, Fermilab May 21, 2003 Fermilab Colloquium
Acknowledgements for Materials possibly stolen from talks by Fran Berman(Director SDSC), Harvey Newman(Caltech), Miron Livny(U.Wisc), Ian Foster(U.Chicago), Doug Olson(LBNL), Tony Hey (UK e-science), John Taylor (UK), Fabrizio Gagliardi (CERN), Federico Carmenati(CERN), Lee Lueking(FNAL), Ruth Pordes(FNAL), Lothar Bauerdick (FNAL), Irwin Wladavsky-berger(IBM), DaSilva (EU), Igor Terakhov(FNAL)
Grid Computing in the News FEATURE ARTICLE Scientific American April 2003 issue INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Grid: Computing without Bounds By linking digital processors, storage systems and software on a global scale, grid technology is poised to transform computing from an individual and corporate activity into a general utility By Ian Foster Scientists Giddy About the Grid By Randy Dotinga | Also by this reporter Page 1 of 1 WIRED NEWS 02:00 AM Jan. 20, 2003 PT SAN DIEGO, California -- One pesky word has doomed many collaborative supercomputer projects to the purgatory of the suggestion box: feasible. Sure, universities could conceivably link their most powerful machines. But just like back in the kindergarten sandbox, differing standards prevented everyone from playing well with others.
Wired News articles last year • Grid Computing Good for Business Jan. 16, 2003 • Tackling Breast Cancer on a Grid Oct. 14, 2002 • Library of Congress Taps the Grid Oct. 02, 2002 • Open Sourcers Say Grid Is Good Aug. 15, 2002 • Time to Hop on the Gridwagon Jul. 26, 2002 • Supercomputing: Suddenly Sexy Jul. 08, 2002 • The Grid Draws Its Battle Lines Feb. 20, 2002
Nature : April 2003 Article about CERN and the LHC Computing Grid (and US Grid projects)
What is GRID computing : Coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations. [Ian Foster] • A virtual organization is a collection of users sharing similar needs and requirements in their access to processing, data and distributed resources and pursuing similar goals. Key concept : • ability to negotiate resource-sharing arrangements among a set of participating parties (providers and consumers) and then to use the resulting resource pool for some purpose. [Ian Foster]
Who is this guy Ian Foster? Computer Scientist at University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab Leader of sequence of efforts in distributed computing Globus Project Globus is a toolkit of software that helps do some of the things you need to do to make Grid Computing a reality It is not the only software offering Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, editors, “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,” Morgan Kaufmann, 1999, http://www.mkp.com/grids
And what is he talking about? • An idea of how to work using distributed computers and storage devices and disks and networks in a global way based on emerging • standards for interoperability • Based on the metaphor of the Power Grid – you just plug into the wall and get power wherever you go! • (but its not quite as simple as that) Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, editors, “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,” Morgan Kaufmann, 1999, http://www.mkp.com/grids
The GRID: networked data processing centres and ”middleware” software as the “glue” of resources. Researchers perform their activities regardless geographical location, interact with colleagues, share and access data Scientific instruments and experiments (and simulations) provide huge amount of data The Grid Vision Federico.Carminati@cern.ch
What does Grid Computing involve? • some specific Grid software that is evolving. Often called “GridMiddleware” • Funding opportunities and some hype • Many funded grid projects all over the world • An opportunity for Computer Scientists and Scientists with a job to do (e.g. Physicists) to get together and make something work • Potential broad benefit to society. Vendor interest has peaked. • Is this what comes after the web? • Lots and lots of buzzwords to learn Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, editors, “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure,” Morgan Kaufmann, 1999, http://www.mkp.com/grids
1995 – 2000+: Maturation of Grid Computing • “Grid book” gave a comprehensive view of the state of the art • Important infrastructure and middleware efforts initiated • Globus, Legion, Condor, NWS, SRB, NetSolve, AppLes, etc. • 2000+: Beginnings of a Global Grid • Evolution of the Global Grid Forum • Some projects evolving to de facto standards (e.g. Globus, Condor, NWS)
The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed Computing research performed by a team of 30 faculty, full time staff and students who • face software engineering challenges in a UNIX/Linux/NT environment, • are involved in national and international collaborations, • actively interact with users, • maintain and support a distributed production environment, • and educate and train students. Funding – DoD, DoE, NASA, NIH, NSF,AT&T, INTEL, Microsoft and the UW Graduate School Distributed batch system with many features for high throughput computing across clusters spread worldwide. .
What’s different about Grids and are they useful now? • Lots of production quality Distributed Applications in real life • Much work in High Energy Physics and much progress on building early grids, prototypes, testbeds, even spanning continents • Our Virtual Organizations are our Experiments
Real-world example - Walmart Inventory Control • Satellite technology used to track every item • Bar code information sent to remote data centers to update inventory database and cash flow estimates • Satellite networking used to coordinate vast operations • Inventory adjusted in real time to avoid shortages and predictdemand • Data management,prediction, real-time,wide-area synchronization
More Real World Distributed Applications • SETI@home • 3.8M users in 226 countries • 1200 CPU years/day • 38 TF sustained (Japanese Earth Simulator is 40 TF peak) • 1.7 ZETAflop over last 3 years (10^21, beyond peta and exa …) • Highly heterogeneous: >77 different processor types
Grid for Science • Walmart – controlled/owned distributed computing system • SETI - other end of the spectrum • Same “job” run on anyone’s desktop • Science using the GRID – • Focus on standards and interfaces, not all resources owned and controlled • Sharing with other disciplines • Opportunistic use of resources for ever-changing jobs and investigations
The Grid and the Web • As the Web became an everyday tool for “everyone,” the Grid concept has become much easier to explain • Web users are familiar with accessing remote resources • typically the resources accessed are static documents but some are dynamic. • Consequently, the idea of harnessing major remote computational and data resources is no longer quite so foreign.
Global Grid Forum • International Working Group on Grid Computing • Has grown from first meeting in Amsterdam (Mar 2001) with 200 registrants to 4th meeting in Toronto (Feb 2002) with 450 registrants • Strong participation by developers, application users, industry • Promote Grid technologies via "best practices," implementation guidelines, and standards • Meetings three times a year • International participation, hundreds of attendees • Many Physics participants contributing to GGF • Working group chairs, document production, etc. • Mature Physics technologies should transition to GGF
Vendors and the Grid Sun1 Grid Engine When you move from network computing to grid computing, you will notice reduced costs , shorter time to market, increased quality and innovation and you will develop products you couldn't do before. Sun Grid Computing solutions are ideal for compute-intensive industries such as scientific research, EDA, life sciences, MCAE, geosciences, financial services, and others.
Vendors and the Grid IBM Says Its Grid Services Contributions Will Be Royalty-FreeBy Paul ShreadThe Open Grid Services Architecture vision for the convergence of Web services and Grid computing received a big boost today when IBM announced that its contributions to the core Grid Services Specification will be royalty-free. "IBM is pleased to announce that any essential patent claims, held by IBM, that are necessary to implement the 'Grid Services Specification' document submitted to the Global Grid Forum, will be licensed on a royalty-free basis," IBM Grid Computing General Manager Tom Hawk wrote in a letter to Charlie Catlett, chair of the standard-setting Global Grid Forum. "The 'Grid Services Specification' is built upon both Grid and Web Services technologies, referred to as the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)," Hawk wrote. "Like Web Services and XML before it, this foundational Grid work will be an essential part of the Web and network infrastructure for businesses, as well as for governments and scientific institutions."
New devices PDAs, sensors, cars, clothes, smart dust,smart bandaids, … Wired and Wireless Next generation Grids will include new technologies
Many BioGrid Projects • EUROGRID BioGRID • Asia Pacific BioGRID • NC BioGrid • Bioinformatics Research Network • Osaka University Biogrid • Indiana University BioArchive BioGrid
Why GRIDs for HEP and other sciences • The scale of the problems human beings have to face to perform frontier research in many different fields is constantly increasing. • Performing frontier research in these fields already today requires world-wide collaborations (i.e. multi domain access to distributed resources).
Farms (Production Processing resources) CMS 1U Fixed Target Run I Run II
Feynman Computing Center • Run2 and CMS require massive PC computing clusters • Very high physical density • ~200 Watts per CPU chip (similar for SMP and PC)
One Gigantic Computing Center? • At Fermilab for Run II expts, MINOS, BTeV, CKM, SDSS ? • At CERN for LHC ? • Makes no sense technically, politically, socially • Changing role for Fermilab Computing
Getting to the Vision • Democratization of Science • Not just a question of computers and disks and tapes and access to them all • Seeds a way of working that puts emphasis on equal access for all and standardization of the way things are done • Computer Scientists’ focus is on the technology • Our focus is on enabling Scientists to work by creating a massive “virtual” environment • Long way to go to get to the vision
How close to the Vision? • State of the art today for “The Grid” is • Moving data files between institutions, across continents, (almost) seamlessly and automatically • Almost here today is • submitting jobs from your desktop and having them run somewhere at one of the “centers” of your “virtual organization” • Seamless • You don’t care where • Choice of where to run the job optimized for you • All the errors/resubmits handled for you
How do the economics work? • So we need massive amounts of CPU, disk, tape to do analysis • The more we have the more we can • explore our data quickly • reprocess multiple times • let every grad student sift through masses of data • How does getting tied up with Grid help to make more • Aren’t there only so many $$s in total? • Doesn’t distributing all the computing make it all more complicated? • Isn’t this all nonsense because the real scarce resource for scientific discovery is brainpower?
Does Grid Computing make more Computing and more capabilities ? • Information technology is now accepted as an essential enabling infrastructure • For a University • For a Region • For a Country • For a Business • For Global competitiveness • The “GRID” word has captured the vision for a new way of using computers (and so has captured the $$s)
HENP Related Grid Projects Projects • PPDG I USA DOE $2M 1999-2001 • GriPhyN USA NSF $11.9M + $1.6M 2000-2005 • EU DataGrid EU EC €10M 2001-2004 • PPDG II (CP) USA DOE $9.5M 2001-2004 • iVDGL USA NSF $13.7M + $2M 2001-2004 • DataTAG EU EC €4M 2002-2004 • GridPP UK PPARC >$15M 2001-2004 • LCG Phase1 CERN MS 30 MCHF 2002-2004 Many Other Projects of interest to HENP • Initiatives in US, UK, Italy, France, NL, Germany, Japan, … • US and EU networking initiatives: AMPATH, I2, DataTAG • US Distributed Terascale Facility: ($53M, 12 TeraFlops, 40 Gb/s network) • Storage Resource Manager (Fermilab participating with LBL and others) – gaining acceptance as a standard
GriPhyN: PetaScale Virtual Data Grids Production Team Individual Investigator Workgroups Interactive User Tools Request Planning & Request Execution & Virtual Data Tools Management Tools Scheduling Tools Resource Other Grid • Resource • Security and • Other Grid Security and Management • Management • Policy • Services Policy Services Services • Services • Services Services Transforms Distributed resources Raw data (code, storage, computers, and network) source
There is funding for Grid projects worldwide • European Commission and many individual European countries • And for Network infrastructure – e.g GEANT and Netherlands • Asia – coordinated and individual countries • Australia, Brazil, and many others…
UK e-Science Initiative • £120M Programme over 3 years • £75M is for Grid Applications in all areas of science and engineering • £35M ‘Core Program’ to encourage development of generic ‘industrial strength’ Grid middleware • Require £20M additional ‘matching’ funds from industry
e-Science ‘e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it.’ John Taylor (Director General of Research Councils Office of Science and Technology Dept of Trade and Industry, UK )
In flight data DAME is an e-Science pilot project, demonstrating the use of the GRID to implement a distributed decision support system for deployment in maintenance applications and environments. It is funded by the EPSRC under the UK e-Science programme, and is one of six EPSRC projects launched in the first phase of e-Science funding. DAME will demonstrate how the GRID and web services (based on OGSA) can facilitate the design and development of systems for diagnosis and maintenance applications which combine geographically distributed resources and data within a localised decision support system. Global Network eg: SITA Ground Station Airline DS&S Engine Health Center Maintenance Centre Internet, e-mail, pager Data centre
I E R NTEGRATING UROPEAN ESEARCH P T A A / RIORITY HEMATIC REAS NTICIPATING S T NEEDS Research for policy Frontier research, support unexpected developments Specific SME activities Nanotechnologies, intelligent mat., Information society technologies Genomic and biotechnology Food safety and health risks Specific international Co-operation activities new production processes Sustainable development in the knowledge society Citizens and governance Aeronautics and space Specific international Co-operation activities and global change for health JRC activities S TRENGTHENING THE S ERA TRUCTURING THE FOUNDATIONS OF ERA Research Human Research Science and Coordination Development and resources & infrastructures society of research of research/ innovation mobility activities innovation policies European Union Funds Projects – next round of funding – for the 6th Framework Program Integrating European Research Structuring the ERA Strengthening the foundation of ERA
European Union Funded, CERN led, Data Grid Project 2001-2003
EGEE is the new EU proposal just submitted • 1. To deliver production level Grid services, the essential elements of which are manageability, robustness, resilience to failure and a consistent security model, as well as the scalability needed to rapidly absorb new resources as these become available, while ensuring the long-term viability of the infrastructure.2. To carry out a professional Grid middleware re-engineering and development activity in support of the production services. This will support and continuously upgrade a suite of software tools capable of providing production level Grid services to a base of users which is anticipated to rapidly grow and diversify.3. To ensure outreach and training effort which can proactively market Grid services to new research communities in academia and industry, capture new e-Science requirements for the middleware and service activities, and provide the necessary education to enable new users to benefit from the Grid infrastructure.
The LHC Computing GridProject Structure LHCC CommonComputingRRB Reviews The LHC Computing Grid Project Resource Matters Reports Project Overview Board OtherComputingGridProjects Project Manager ProjectExecutionBoard Software andComputingCommittee(SC2) Requirements, Monitoring Other HEPGridProjects implementation teams EUDataGridProject RTAG Other Labs Launch Workshop March 11-15
DOE/NSF Partnership for Global Infostructure I.Gaines, 4-Agency meeting at CERN March 21st, 2003 • Physics + Computer Science/Information Technology Funding Agencies Physics + Computer Science/Information Technology Funding Agencies
Closer to home – what are we doing at Fermilab? • SAM for Run II Experiments • Grid-enabled storage systems using standards like SRM (Storage Resource Manager) • Partipating in Grid projects and submitting proposals in the areas of • Grid, Cyber Security, Network Research, Collaborative Tools, Global Analysis, Lattice QCD, Sloan Digital Sky Survey • US-CMS Software and Computing leadership • Building US-CMS production Grid for Data Challenges • Playing a big role in coordination of Grid Projects • Trillium - joining together 3 US HEP Grid Projects (Ruth Pordes ) • HICB – international coordination body
Dzero has a prototype Grid • SAM - data handling system • Now also being used by CDF offsite • Also working to incorporate defacto Grid standards – Globus, Condor, GridFTP, SRM, etc • UK Grid funding as well at DOE funded PPDG project is supporting this effort
What’s SAM? • SAM Sequential data Access via Meta-data is a data handling system with a Grid job management services (JIM) being added • http://d0db.fnal.gov/sam • Joint project between D0 and Computing Division started in 1997 to meet the FNAL Run II data handling needs • Globally distributed system • Provides high-level collective services of reliable data storage and replication • Arguably the most functional “Grid” in HEP currently
SAM Data Handling System at D0 Regional Center Analysis site Integrated Files Consumed vs Month (DØ) Summary of Resources (DØ) 4.0 M Files Consumed Integrated GB Consumed vs Month (DØ) 1.2 PB Consumed 3/03 3/02
LHC Physics Discoveries at Universities and Labs! U.S. CMS is Committed to Empower the CMS Scientists at U.S. Universities and Labs to do Research on LHC Physics Data This is why we are pushing Grids and other Enabling Technology Lothar Bauerdick – U.S. CMS Software and Computing Project Manager • This is why we are pushing Grids and other Enabling Technology
Grid Testbeds becoming Production Grids Brazil South Korea 1.5 Million Events Delivered to CMS Physicists! (nearly 30 CPU years) • Grid Testbeds for Research, Development and Dissemination! • USCMS Testbeds real-life large Grid installations, becoming production quality • Strong Partnership between Labs, Universities, with Grid (iVDGL, GriPhyN, PPDG) and Middleware Projects (Condor, Globus) • Strong dissemination component, together with Grid Projects • Caltech, UCSD, U.Florida, UW Madison, Fermilab, CERN • Nowjoining: MIT Rice Minnesota Iowa Princeton
Facility-Centric Components View Peta Scales!!