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The Milan Glosses Project: a lexicon and digital database*

The Milan Glosses Project: a lexicon and digital database*. www.univie.ac.at/indogermanistik/download/projekte/milan.htm. Aaron Griffith University of Vienna aaron.griffith@univie.ac.at. Introduction. Main Project Goals To create a lexicon of the forms in the Milan Glosses

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The Milan Glosses Project: a lexicon and digital database*

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  1. The Milan Glosses Project: a lexicon and digital database* www.univie.ac.at/indogermanistik/download/projekte/milan.htm Aaron Griffith University of Vienna aaron.griffith@univie.ac.at

  2. Introduction • Main Project Goals • To create a lexicon of the forms in the Milan Glosses • To create a searchable electronic database of the same • Subsidiary Goals • To produce an electronic version of the Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus text of the Milan Glosses • To correct mistakes found in the Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus

  3. Status of the Project • Main Project Goals • lexicon of the forms in the Milan Glosses • In progress • searchable electronic database of the same • Finished (corrections under way) • Subsidiary Goals • electronic version of the Thes. Pal. Text • finished • correct mistakes in Thes. Pal. • finished

  4. Plan of the Talk • Presentation of the electronic database • Brief introduction to the database • Demonstration of features / capabilities • Show corrections to Thes Pal. • Online corrections • Offline corrections • Show new glosses / improved readings

  5. Timetable for Publication • On-line Database • Status: it is online! • Warning: still has errors!! • Correction work ongoing throughout 2012 • Lexicon • To be sent to publisher in 2012 • Creating the lemmata will serve as basis for corrections to the on-line database

  6. The database(s) • Main database • basic unit is the word or morpheme • one entry for every form • contains grammatical analysis and various other information • Dictionary database • basic unit is the lemma (dictionary headword) • one entry for every lemma in the main database • Gloss database • basic unit is the gloss number • one entry for each gloss (after Thesaurus numbering, though with some changes!!)

  7. The Database (I) • Starting with the Gloss List database • Simply lists all the glosses with translation • Is a limited version of the Gloss Database • The Gloss database • A different display of the glosses (one at a time) • Contains additional information • Text Notes (misreadings or difficult spots) • Translation Notes (Irish and Latin at odds; difficult or confusing spots) • Latin Text (more complete than Thes Pal) • Notes on the Latin (missing Latin Glosses) • Table of analyzed Forms for the gloss

  8. Gloss 102a15

  9. The Database (II) • The Main Database • has most of the data from the “Gloss” database • includes the analysis of single forms • contains the dictionary table lower right • The Dictionary Database

  10. The database (III) • Useful for searches • u-stem and i-stem genitives • find -o or -a • Useful for sorting • find deponent verbs • sort by headword

  11. Corrections (I) • Many corrections of Thes Pal are clear from the facsimile, but most are minor: • accent indicated incorrectly (e.g. 025d10) • .i. missing or erroneously present (e.g. 040b15) • single letter wrongly printed (e.g. 080c09) • wrongly attached gloss (e.g. 103a10)

  12. Misplaced accent (025d10) • Thes Pal .i. induine arároét deacht

  13. Missing .i. (040b15) • Thes Pal remcaissen

  14. Wrong Letter (080c09) • Thes Pal .i. connaconrabae ní roscrutais

  15. Wrongly attached gloss (103a10) • Gloss is with promisione, not obligari, as in Ascoli and Thes Pal.

  16. Corrections (II) • Some corrections are more substantive: • Forgotten word(s) (e.g. ocus from 102a15) • Misinterpretation important for analysis (e.g. 030b02, 069a04) • Sometimes it is a judgment call about what to do (e.g. 085b17) • These corrections are online for download: www.univie.ac.at/indogermanistik/download/projekte/milan.htm

  17. Interpretation of 030b02 • Ml. 30b2 (Thesaurus reading): .i. duaidbetar atafiriensom 7atandirgi hochridiu allethe rissan ingraim atarograinn saul intan asmbeirrectos corde • Translation: i.e. when he says rectos corde they are shown to be just and to be upright in [their] heart as to the persecution wherewith Saul persecuted them.

  18. The Manuscript at Milan 30b2

  19. Interpretation of 030b02 Corrections (both in Ascoli): du·aidbdetar for du·aidbetar in the Thesaurus ata·roigrainn for ata·rograinn in the Thesaurus Further problems: For allethe “as far as, as concerns”, alleth is usually found (acc sg of nt leth “side”) For rissan (acc sg of fri + acc sg nt article), frissan is usually found (cf. McCone, Ériu 36 on rissan as a Middle Irishism)

  20. Interpretation of 030b02 • Explanation (suggested by David Stifter): MS actually reads alleth frissan! • MS is smudged, but the letter appears to be more like an f than an e. • Line break occurs after the letter, confusing earlier scholars, since lethe is the gen sg of leth. • Corrected reading makes perfect sense and allows easy interpretation of two otherwise difficult forms.

  21. 069a04 • Ascoli: isfrisremeperthiu • Thes Pal: is[na] frisremeperthiu “it is the aforesaid”

  22. 069a04 • Actual Text: isfersremeperthiu “in the aforementioned verse”

  23. A judgment call 085b17 dauid .i. is nomen lesom oriens du dudia

  24. A judgment call 085b17 • Thes Pal: .i. is nomen lesom oriens <du>dudia • Ascoli: .i. is nomen lesom oriens dano dudia • Latin: Deum omnia {elimenta} præcidentem [leg. præcedentem]16 orientem uocauit17 • Translation: “he (David) called God preceding all (elements) ‘Oriens’.” • Both Ascoli’s and Thes Pal’s suggestions have merit and both require emending the text. What is right?

  25. Glosses not found in Thes Pal • Thes Pal forgot one gloss: • 013d01: inmaith andubso amne • In a footnote in Ascoli • Neither Ascoli nor Thes Pal had others: • 032d24a nowhere: interrogatiuus dano • 082c09 nowhere: forcanar • 088d06a nowhere: .i. inegipt

  26. Forgotten gloss 013d01

  27. New gloss 032d24a

  28. New Gloss 082c09

  29. New Gloss 088d06a

  30. Corrections based on UV Light • In some cases, examining the manuscript in Milan under UV light allowed new readings. • Frequently minor: • 019c12 • Sometimes more substantive: • 044c20, 037c16, 054c18

  31. UV Light Corrections: 019c12 • Thes Pal: • óndforcunn dúthrach[tach] • “by the desired end” • MS: • hondforcunn dúthrach[tach]

  32. UV Light Corrections: 044c20 • Ascoli: amal dunthlaichiursa cucut a dæ ar….d:thufortacht·· • Thes Pal: .i. amal dunthlaichiursa cucut a dæ ar(duai)d thufortacht • “i.e. as I ask of You (sg), O God, says David, Your (sg) help.”

  33. 044c20 (continued) • Reading under UV light: • .i. amal dunthluichiursa cucut a dæ ærren dam thuforacht [leg. ærrend dam thufortacht].. • i.e. as I ask it of You, O God, give Your Help to me!

  34. 037c16 • Thes Pal: • las(e) .i. e…im…th donemadath(ir) mani cathaiged occa ali sisa (?) inna cestae sin les dominus pars rl. • Their conjecture: • lase .i. ce immurgu cruth donemad athir mani cathaiged occa· isí alisis inna cestae sin les...

  35. 037c16 • Thes Pal restoration: • lase .i. ce immurgu cruth donemad athir mani cathaiged occa· isí alisis inna cestae sin les... • Translation: • “when, i.e. or how could he defend his land if he did not fight in doing so? This is his λύσις of that question, to wit, Dominus pars etc.”

  36. 037c16 • My reading (under UV light): • .i. amal ba(d) n-ex hoc ::um c::th donemadathir mani cathaiged occae is si íc inna cestae sin les dominus pars rl. • My restoration: • .i. amal ba(d) n-ex hoc (uers)u in c(ru)th donemadathir mani cathaiged occae is si íc inna cestae sin les dominus pars rl.

  37. 037c16 • My restoration: • .i. amal ba(d) n-ex hoc (uers)u in c(ru)th do·n-emad a thir mani·cathaiged occae is si íc inna cestae sin les dominus pars rl. • Translation: • i.e. as if it were from this verse how he would have defended his land if he did not fight for it. This is the solution to that question for him: Dominus pars etc.

  38. 054c18 • Thes: • .i. hure [leg. huare] asbered heremias friusom fesin arangnetis d(eg)nimu ar(du)ecomnacht dia incathraig hilama cald· 7 hure [leg. huare] noteged echtarchaig [leg. -cathraig] …..n dilmai(n) domm..…som b..…eg..nach·· d…… immurgu noteged som 7 no ..…disiu., • Translation: • i.e. because Jeremiah used to say to them themselves that they should do good works, since God had delivered the city into the hands of the Chaldees and because he used to go outside the city……

  39. 054c18 • New Reading: • .i. hure [leg. huare] as|bered here|mias friu|som fesin ar|angnetis de(g)|nimu ardu|ecomnacht | dia incath|raig hilama | cald· 7 hure | noged echta|rchaig [leg. huare noteged echtarchathraig] 7 ba | ndilmain do | dommuintis|som ba (dia)m|mrath no|teg [leg. noteged] noch ba | duloig biid immurgu noteged | som 7 nibu d(i)ndisin.,

  40. 054c18 • Translation: • i.e. because Jeremiah used to say to them themselves that they should do good works, since God had delivered the city into the hands of the Chaldeans. And because he used to go outside the city and it was unrestrained for him, they used to think that it was for their betrayal that he used to go, and yet, however, it was for the purchase of food that he used to go; and it was not because of that (i.e. for betrayal).

  41. Thank you!

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