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Innovative/Alternative Septic System Performance

Innovative/Alternative Septic System Performance. System Performance and Tracking it with the Carmody Database. Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment. By The Numbers. Permit Breakdown by Town and System Type. Box-Whisker Diagrams. What are they?. Min/Max Value.

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Innovative/Alternative Septic System Performance

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  1. Innovative/Alternative Septic System Performance System Performance and Tracking it with the Carmody Database Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment

  2. By The Numbers Permit Breakdown by Town and System Type

  3. Box-WhiskerDiagrams What are they? Min/Max Value Min/Max Value Box Median – Middle Value Whiskers 50% 25% 25% Probability Density Graph (“Bell Curve”)

  4. Box-Whisker Diagrams What Can We Use Them For? A – A “Good” System. Box and whiskers are short and compact. B – A “Bad” System. Results are all over the place. Box and whiskers are stretched out. C – A “Consistently Bad” System. Compact but well above TN limit (19 mg/l) D – A “Usually Pretty Good” System. Compact but maybe a couple of high results. A B C D

  5. Single Family all Types by Individual System Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 761 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 569 of 761 (75%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  6. Single Family all Types by System Type Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series

  7. Single Family Advantex Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 27 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 21 of 27 (78%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  8. Single Family Amphidrome Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 4 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 3 of 4 (75%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  9. Single Family Bioclere Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 43 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 32 of 43 (74%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  10. Single Family FAST Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 442 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 355 of 442 (80%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  11. Single Family JET Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series

  12. Single Family MicroSepTech Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series

  13. Single Family Orenco Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series

  14. Single Family OMNI RSF Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 51 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 30 of 51 (51%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  15. Single Family Generic RSF Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 16 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 9 of 16 (56%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  16. Single Family RUCK Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 22 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 11 of 22 (50%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  17. Single Family Septitech Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 45 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 15 of 45 (33%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  18. Single Family Singulair Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 90 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 81 of 90 (90%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  19. Single Family Waterloo Biofilter Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series • 11 systems with 3 or more TN samples • 7 of 11 (64%) with median TN <19 mg/l

  20. Nitrex System at 15 Dory Lane, Eastham Influent versus Effluent Total Nitrogen Design Flow = 9,900 gpd 40 Houses at Buildout 30 Houses currently occupied, with 6 seasonal

  21. Single Family all Types by System Type Three or More Samples with Full Nitrogen Series

  22. Keeping Track of it All… Quickly Identifying Poorly Performing Systems Sample Reports Use to obtain a list of the most recent sample exceedances (anything over 19 mg/l) Two 25% Exceedances Use to generate a list of systems with two samples exceeding 19mg/l by 25% (24mg/l). One 50% Exceedance Use to generate a list of systems with one sample exceeding 19 mg/l by 50% (30 mg/l)

  23. Keeping Track of it All… Sample Reports Messages Amount of the Exceedance Exceedance Percentage Exceeding Parameter Number of Consecutive Exceedances 25.83 mg/L > 19mg/L(36%) for Total Nitrogen 1 Consecutive 4 Non-Consecutive (25.83,8.54,43.4,29.35,24.1) Number of Non-Consecutive Exceedances Results from the Last Five Samples

  24. Keeping Track of it All… Quickly Identifying Poorly Performing Systems Sample Reports Use to obtain a list of the most recent sample exceedances (anything over 19 mg/l) Two 25% Exceedances Use to generate a list of systems with two samples exceeding 19mg/l by 25% (24mg/l). One 50% Exceedance Use to generate a list of systems with one sample exceeding 19 mg/l by 50% (30 mg/l)

  25. Keeping Track of it All… Sample Exceedance Report Select the Report Type: 2 over 24mg/l, 1 over 30mg/l or merged report. Export the current list to MS EXCEL List of the last 5 samples Remove the flag for this system. Will reappear on this list with another exceedance.

  26. Keeping Track of it All… Exporting the Sample Exceedance Report to EXCEL

  27. Keeping Track of it All… “Cleaned Up” Sample Exceedance Report • Exceedance reports will be delivered semi-annually. • BOH will decide what action to take, since each BOH will likely have a different policy.

  28. Innovative/Alternative Septic System Performance System Performance and Tracking it with the Carmody Database Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment

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