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Sustainable Conservation Initiatives for Biological Diversity Enhancement

This initiative aims to improve the health of watersheds, landscapes, and marine resources by sustaining biological communities and protecting cultural and heritage resources. It focuses on habitat conservation for fish, wildlife, and plants, along with achieving optimal sustainable populations for marine mammals. The long-term goals include restoring habitat, preventing invasive species, and recovering species through conservation efforts. The project also aims to enhance public recreation opportunities and serve communities by ensuring safety and protecting lives and property.

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Sustainable Conservation Initiatives for Biological Diversity Enhancement

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  1. RESOURCE PROTECTION Resource Protection DOI Mission Component DOI Strategic Goals Proposed FWS Mission Goals Proposed FWS Long Term Goals Improve Health of Watersheds, Landscapes, & Marine Resources Sustain Biological Communities Protect Cultural and Heritage Resources Conservation of Fish, Wildlife, Plants and their Habitats Habitat Conservation (4 goals) Fish, Wildlife and Plant Populations (8 goals)

  2. Resource Protection –FWS Long-term Goals Habitat Conservation (4 goals) Fish, Wildlife and Plant Populations (8 goals) Achieve Optimal Sustainable Population (marine mammals within FWS jurisdiction) for X# of marine mammals By 2008, achieve desired status (as stated in bird conservation plans) for X# of 910 migratory bird populations Restore/enhance X# of acres of habitat and X# of streammiles Increase the number of high-priority inspections/investigations in order to assist with species conservation Protect X# of acres of habitat and X# of streammiles By 2008, achieve desired status for X% (as provided in fishery management plans) of interjurisdictional fish populations Inventory/assess/monitor x# of species/population Manage X# of acres of habitat and X# of streammiles By 2008, prevent, rapidly respond and control X# of invasive species By 2008, Recover X# of species and identify X# of candidates not listed due to conservation efforts Inventory and assess the habitat conditions on x# of acres of Service and Service-influenced lands By 2008, influence the conservation of X# of species protected by treaty or international agreement

  3. RESOURCE USE Resource Use DOI Mission Component DOI Strategic Goals Proposed FWS Mission Goal Proposed FWS Long Term Goals Energy Non- Energy Forage Forest Water Power Promote Best Management Practices for Resource Use Trade Impacts Technical Assistance Consultations

  4. Resource Use – FWS Long-Term Goals Trade Impacts Technical Assistance Consultations Increase by X the number of species whose populations are not impacted by trade Increase by X , the number of technical assistance in a timely manner Increase by X, the Number of acres/miles consulted on:- energy- transportation- restoration- water supply

  5. RECREATION Recreation DOI Mission Component DOI Strategic Goal Proposed FWS Mission Goal Proposed FWS Long Term Goals Ensure a Quality Experience & Access Fish & Wildlife Related Recreation Opportunities for Public Uses (1 goal) Opportunities for Interpretation & Education (1goal) Visitor Satisfaction (1 goal)

  6. RecreationFWS Proposed Long-Term Goals Opportunities for Public Uses (1 goal) Opportunities for Interpretation & Education (1goal) Visitor Satisfaction (1 goal) Increase the number of Opportunities for fish and wildlife related public uses on Service lands Increase by X the number of opportunities/increase by X the number of participants in interpretation and education programs on- and off-Service Lands Increase visitor satisfaction by X% on Service facilities

  7. SERVING COMMUNITIES Serving Communities DOI Mission Component DOI Strategic Goal Proposed FWS Mission Goal Proposed FWS Long Term Goals Protect Lives and Property Knowledge through Scientific Leadership Fulfill Indian Trust Responsibilities 14% Serving Communities Facilities (1 goal) Wildland Fire (2 goals) Safety (1 goal)

  8. Serving CommunitiesFWS Long-Term Goals Facilities (1 goal) Wildland Fire (2 goals) Safety (1 goal) Increase by X% of the number of service facilities (buildings and service) meeting "fair" or "good" condition as measured by FCI # of acres treated that are in WUI Reduce by X the number of incidents caused by illegal activity against people, property, and natural resources on Service Lands or Service Facilities Maintain at 95% the number of unplanned and unwanted wildland fires controlled during initial attack

  9. FWS Operational Plan Components Assure conservation of natural resources through technical assistance to lead agencies, tribes and the public(Resource Use) Conserve Fish & Wildlife and their Habitats (Resource Protection) • Habitat Conservation • For Landscapes and Watersheds • For Species • Fish, Wildlife and Plant Populations • Trade Impacts • Technical Assistance • Consultations Fish & Wildlife Related Recreation Serving Communities • Facilities • Wildland Fires • Safety • 4 goals • Opportunities for Public Uses • Opportunities for Interpretation and Education • Visitor Satisfaction

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