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NetShield: Matching a Large Vulnerability Signature Ruleset for High Performance Network Defense

Yan Chen Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Northwestern University Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) http://list.cs.northwestern.edu. NetShield: Matching a Large Vulnerability Signature Ruleset for High Performance Network Defense. Signature DB.

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NetShield: Matching a Large Vulnerability Signature Ruleset for High Performance Network Defense

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  1. Yan Chen Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Northwestern University Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) http://list.cs.northwestern.edu NetShield: Matching a Large Vulnerability Signature Ruleset for High Performance Network Defense

  2. Signature DB Background NIDS/NIPS (Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention System) operation NIDS/NIPS Packets • Accuracy • Speed • Attack Coverage Security alerts

  3. IDS/IPS Overview

  4. State Of The Art Regular expression (regex) based approaches Pros • Can efficiently match multiple sigs simultaneously, through DFA • Can describe the syntactic context Used by: Cisco IPS, Juniper IPS, open source Snort Example: .*Abc.*\x90+de[^\r\n]{30} Cons • Limited expressive power • Cannot describe the semantic context • Inaccurate Cannot combat Conficker!

  5. Vulnerability: design flaws enable the bad inputs lead the program to a bad state Good state Bad input Bad state Vulnerability Signature State Of The Art Vulnerability Signature [Wang et al. 04] Blaster Worm (WINRPC) Example: BIND: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && context[0].abstract_syntax.uuid=UUID_RemoteActivation BIND-ACK: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 CALL: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minors==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && stub.RemoteActivationBody.actual_length>=40 && matchRE( stub.buffer, /^\x5c\x00\x5c\x00/) Pros • Directly describe semantic context • Very expressive, can express the vulnerability condition exactly • Accurate Cons • Slow! • Existing approaches all use sequential matching • Require protocol parsing

  6. Motivation of NetShield 6

  7. Motivation Desired Features for Signature-based NIDS/NIPS Accuracy (especially for IPS) Speed Coverage: Large ruleset Focus of this work Cannot capture vulnerability condition well! Shield [sigcomm’04] 7

  8. Vulnerability Signature Studies Use protocol semantics to express vulnerabilities Defined on a sequence of PDUs & one predicate for each PDU Example: ver==1 && method==“put” && len(buf)>300 Data representations For all the vulnerability signatures we studied, we only need numbers and strings number operators: ==, >, <, >=, <= String operators: ==, match_re(.,.), len(.). Blaster Worm (WINRPC) Example: BIND: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && context[0].abstract_syntax.uuid=UUID_RemoteActivation BIND-ACK: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 CALL: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minors==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && stub.RemoteActivationBody.actual_length>=40 && matchRE( stub.buffer, /^\x5c\x00\x5c\x00/) 8

  9. Research Challenges Matching thousands of vulnerability signatures simultaneously Regex rules can be merged to a single DFA, but vulnerability signature rules cannot be easily combined Sequential matching match multiple sigs. simultaneously Need high speed protocol parsing 9

  10. Outline Motivation and NetShield Overview High Speed Matching for Large Rulesets High Speed Parsing Evaluation Research Contributions 10

  11. NetShield Overview

  12. Matching Problem Formulation Suppose we have n signatures, defined on k matching dimensions (matchers) A matcher is a two-tuple (field, operation) or a four-tuple for the associative array elements Translate the n signatures to a n by k table This translation unlocks the potential of matching multiple signatures simultaneously Rule 4: URI.Filename=“fp40reg.dll” && len(Headers[“host”])>300

  13. Matching Problem Formulation Challenges for Single PDU matching problem (SPM) Large number of signatures n Large number of matchers k Large number of “don’t cares” Cannot reorder matchers arbitrarily -- buffering constraint Field dependency Arrays, associative arrays Mutually exclusive fields. 13

  14. Matching Algorithms Candidate Selection Algorithm Pre-computation decides the rule order and matcher order Decomposition. Match each matcher separately and iteratively combine the results efficiently • Integer range checking  balanced binary search tree • String exact matching  Trie • Regex  DFA (XFA) 14

  15. Step 1: Pre-Computation Optimize the matcher order based on buffering constraint & field arrival order Rule reorder: 1 Require Matcher 1 Require Matcher 1 Require Matcher 2 Don’t care Matcher 1 Don’t care Matcher 1 & 2 n

  16. Step 2: Iterative Matching S1 A2 Don’t care matcher i+1 S3=S2 A3+B3 ={4} {4}+{}={4}+{}={4} Si require matcher i+1 In Ai+1 PDU={Method=POST, Filename=fp40reg.dll, Header: name=“host”, len(value)=450} S1={2} Candidates after match Column 1 (method==) S2= +B2 ={2} {}+{4}={}+{4}={4} R1 R2 R3 16

  17. Complexity Analysis Three HTTP traces: avg(|Si|)<0.04 Two WINRPC traces: avg(|Si|)<1.5 • Merging complexity • Need k-1 merging iterations • For each iteration • Merge complexity O(n) the worst case, since Si can have O(n) candidates in the worst case rulesets • For real-world rulesets, # of candidates is a small constant. Therefore, O(1) • For real-world rulesets: O(k) which is the optimal we can get

  18. Refinement and Extension SPM improvement Allow negative conditions Handle array cases Handle associative array cases Handle mutual exclusive cases Extend to Multiple PDU Matching (MPM) Allow checkpoints. 18

  19. Outline Motivation High Speed Matching for Large Rulesets. High Speed Parsing Evaluation Research Contribution 19

  20. Observations • PDU  parse tree • Leaf nodes are numbers or strings PDU array • Observation 1: Only need to parse the fields related to signatures (mostly leaf nodes) • Observation 2: Traditional recursive descent parsers which need one function call per node are too expensive 20

  21. Efficient Parsing with State Machines Studied eight protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, eMule, BitTorrent, WINRPC, SNMP and DNS as well as their vulnerability signatures Common relationship among leaf nodes Pre-construct parsing state machines based on parse trees and vulnerability signatures Design UltraPAC, an automated fast parser generator 21

  22. Example for WINRPC Rectangles are states Parsing variables: R0 .. R4 0.61 instruction/byte for BIND PDU 22

  23. Outline Motivation High Speed Matching for Large Rulesets. High Speed Parsing Evaluation Research Contributions 23

  24. Evaluation Methodology Fully implemented prototype • 12,000 lines of C++ and 3,000 lines of Python • Can run on both Linux and Windows Deployed at a university DC with up to 106Mbps 26GB+ Traces from Tsinghua Univ. (TH), Northwestern (NU) and DARPA Run on a P4 3.8Ghz single core PC w/ 4GB memory After TCP reassembly and preload the PDUs in memory For HTTP we have 794 vulnerability signatures which cover 973 Snort rules. For WINRPC we have 45 vulnerability signatures which cover 3,519 Snort rules 24

  25. Parsing Results 25

  26. Matching Results 26

  27. Scalability and Accuracy Results Rule scaling results Accuracy • Create two polymorphic WINRPC exploits which bypass the original Snort rules but detect accurately by our scheme. • For 10-minute “clean” HTTP trace, Snort reported 42 alerts, NetShield reported 0 alerts. Manually verify the 42 alerts are false positives Performance decrease gracefully

  28. Research Contribution Make vulnerability signature a practical solution for NIDS/NIPS • Multiple sig. matching candidate selection algorithm • Parsing parsing state machine • Achieves high speed with much better accuracy Build a better Snort alternative! 28

  29. Q & A Thanks!

  30. Comparing With Regex • Memory for 973 Snort rules: DFA 5.29GB (XFA 863 rules1.08MB), NetShield 2.3MB • Per flow memory: XFA 36 bytes, NetShield 20 bytes. • Throughput: XFA 756Mbps, NetShield 1.9+Gbps (*XFA [SIGCOMM08][Oakland08])

  31. Measure Snort Rules Semi-manually classify the rules. Group by CVE-ID Manually look at each vulnerability Results 86.7% of rules can be improved by protocol semantic vulnerability signatures. Most of remaining rules (9.9%) are web DHTML and scripts related which are not suitable for signature based approach. On average 4.5 Snort rules are reduced to one vulnerability signature. For binary protocol the reduction ratio is much higher than that of text based ones. For netbios.rules the ratio is 67.6. 31

  32. Matcher order Reduce Si+1 Enlarge Si+1 Merging Overhead |Si| (use hash table to calculate in Ai+1, O(1)) fixed, put the matcher later, reduce Bi+1

  33. Matcher order optimization • Worth buffering only if estmaxB(Mj)<=MaxB • For Mi in AllMatchers • Try to clear all the Mj in the buffer which estmaxB(Mj)<=MaxB • Buffer Mi if (estmaxB(Mi)>MaxB) • When len(Buf)>Buflen, remove the Mj with minimum estmaxB(Mj)

  34. Backup Slides

  35. Experiences • Working in process • In collaboration with MSR, apply the semantic rich analysis for cloud Web service profiling. To understand why slow and how to improve. • Interdisciplinary research • Student mentoring (three undergraduates, six junior graduates)

  36. Future Work • Near term • Web security (browser security, web server security) • Data center security • High speed network intrusion prevention system with hardware support • Long term research interests • Combating professional profit-driven attackers will be a continuous arm race • Online applications (including Web 2.0 applications) become more complex and vulnerable. • Network speed keeps increasing, which demands highly scalable approaches.

  37. Research Contributions Demonstrate vulnerability signatures can be applied to NIDS/NIPS, which can significantly improve the accuracy of current NIDS/NIPS Propose the candidate selection algorithm for matching a large number of vulnerability signatures efficiently Propose parsing state machine for fast protocol parsing Implement the NetShield 38

  38. Motivation • Network security has been recognized as the single most important attribute of their networks, according to survey to 395 senior executives conducted by AT&T • Many new emerging threats make the situation even worse

  39. Candidate merge operation Don’t care matcher i+1 Si require matcher i+1 In Ai+1 40

  40. A Vulnerability Signature Example Data representations For all the vulnerability signatures we studied, we only need numbers and strings number operators: ==, >, <, >=, <= String operators: ==, match_re(.,.), len(.). Example signature for Blaster worm Example: BIND: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && context[0].abstract_syntax.uuid=UUID_RemoteActivation BIND-ACK: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minor==1 CALL: rpc_vers==5 && rpc_vers_minors==1 && packed_drep==\x10\x00\x00\x00 && stub.RemoteActivationBody.actual_length>=40 && matchRE( stub.buffer, /^\x5c\x00\x5c\x00/) 41

  41. System Framework Scalability Scalability Scalability Scalability Accuracy & Scalability & Coverage Accuracy & Scalability & Coverage Accuracy & Scalability & Coverage Accuracy & Scalability & Coverage Accuracy & adapt fast Accuracy & adapt fast Accuracy & adapt fast Accuracy & adapt fast Accuracy & adapt fast

  42. Example of Vulnerability Signatures • At least 75% vulnerabilities are due to buffer overflow Sample vulnerability signature • Field length corresponding to vulnerable buffer > certain threshold • Intrinsic to buffer overflow vulnerability and hard to evade Overflow! Protocol message Vulnerable buffer

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