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Join the Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) for a presentation on the forecasting of summertime lightning in Oregon and Washington. Guest speaker John Saltenberger, Meteorologist from US Fish and Wildlife Service, will share insights and strategies. Don't miss this informative event!
The Oregon Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Presents:“Summertime Lightning Forecasting in Oregon and Washington”Guest Speaker: John Saltenberger, MeteorologistUS Fish and Wildlife ServiceTuesday, February 28th 2012KPTV Ch 12 Studios - Beaverton, Oregon
The 2011/12 Oregon AMS Executive Council has seven (7) talented and diverse members this year. If you are here today, please stand when called: Steve Pierce - President Bobby Corser - Vice President Mark Nelsen - Secretary John Rinier - Treasurer & Web Master Councilors -Tyree Wilde, Charlie Feris & George Miller
Oregon AMS UpdatesAMS yearly membership dues for 2011/12 are now overdue. Due are only $7 per year (about 2 gallons of gas). Please see AMS Treasurer John Rinier to sign up or renew your dues tonight. The AMS is continually seeking new members who want to join. Yes, you can pay for multiple years (ahead in time) if desired! So, who is a member and who is a guest here tonight?Oregon AMS 2012-2013 Election UpdateWe are on Twitter @OregonAMS and we are also on Facebook at: facebook.com/oregonams. You can also find our web site online. Just Google search “Oregon AMS”
Oregon AMS UpdatesThe Oregon AMS is working hard to bring you the following GREAT meetings this spring:Tuesday, March 13th 7-9pm“Winter Weather Recap / TV Weather Careers”Hosted by: Meteorologist Bruce Sussman @ KOIN-TV222 SW Columbia, PortlandTuesday, April 10th 6-9pm (tentative time & date)“Global Warming – The Anthropogenic Viewpoint”Dr. Phil Mote, Oregon State Climatologist and OSU Associate Professor Andreas Schmittner. Location = TBD
Oregon AMS UpdatesSaturday, May 12th 10 am - 12 noon“The Future of NW Weather Prediction” Dr. Cliff Mass, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Author from the University of Washington. Location = OMSI (tentative)June 2012“What’s new with the Oregon Climate Service in Corvallis?”Kathie Dello, Deputy Director, Oregon Climate Service (OCS)Location: Old Spaghetti Factory, ClackamasRSVP’s will be required – dinner meeting
Oregon AMS Mission Statement“The purpose of this society shall be to advance professional ideals in the scienceof meteorology and to promote the development, exchange and application of meteorological knowledge.”
So, how about the snow that was forecast today by some folks?
February 28th 2012 Sounding Forecast = “NO” Portland Snow!
A new 1.33km WRF-GFS view of the entire Columbia River Gorge including Portland! Thank you U of W!
Let’s get on with the show!It’s time for John Saltenberger!