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ITALY. This is a map of Italy. Italy is located in Mediterranean sea on the underside of Europe. Italy is a peninsula shaped like a boot with a couple of islands. FOOD. Pizza is a popular Italian food (bottom). Noodles is another popular Italian food (top left).
ITALY • This is a map of Italy. • Italy is located in Mediterranean sea on the underside of Europe. • Italy is a peninsula shaped like a boot with a couple of islands.
FOOD • Pizza is a popular Italian food (bottom). • Noodles is another popular Italian food (top left). • Cheese is a popular Italian food (top right). • Italy is also fomous for its desserts (middle right). • They are famous for olive oil.
CITIES • Venice (top left) is famous for its waterways and how they use them for transportation. • Rome (bottom) is Italy's capital. • Milan is a very large city(top right).
RURAL ITALY • Top left is a rural cottage for rent. • Bottom is a scene of the southern coast of Italy. • Top right is a rural Italian village.
MOUNTAINS • Top left is the Dolomite mountains in northern Italy. • Top right is the Italian Alps. • Middle left is an Italian Alps mountain lake. • Bottom is Italian alps.
COAST • Top is a coastal town. • Bottom right is a coastal city. • Middle left is an Italian beach. • Bottom left is the Italian coastline.
VATICAN CITY • Vatican City is an independent state from the rest of Italy. • It is headed by the Pope. • It is also the smallest country in the world. • It is home of the Catholics • These images are all of Vatican city
THE ROMANS • Top left is the Roman colosseum which is desighned for veiwing. • Even modern sports stadiums still have the same basic structure and desighn as this one. • The roman empire controlled the entire area around the mediteranian sea, including Italy, from 27 BCE-14 CE.(map bottom) • The roman forum is top right.
RENASSANCE • The Renassance was an outburst of artwork, science, and culture starting in Italy and spreading through europe. • It went from the 14th century to the 17th century. • It is Italian for “rebirth” • Two famous renassance artists were michaleangelo and leonardo da vinci (top left and right). • On the bottom is the vitruvian man by leonardo da vinci, just one example of the many breakthroughs in this time period.
WORLD WAR 1 • World War 1 was a huge war with France, Russia, Italy, the UK, and the US, on one side, and Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire on the other. • It happened between 1914 and 1918. • France, Italy, Russia, the US, and the UK won. • These are all images of world war 1.
WORLD WAR 2 • World war 2 occoured from 1939 to 1945. • It was germany, Italy, and Japan,(the Axis powers), against China, Britan, France, US, and the Soviet Union(the Allied nations). • The Allies won. • Italies Facist leader, Mussolini, was overthrown by the Allies in 1943 • These are all images of World War 2 in Italy.
ART • Top is a painting by Micaelangelo for the Sistine chapel • Bottom left is a painting by leonardo da Vinci called the “Mona Lisa”. • Bottom right is a sculpture by Aguste Rodin.
MUSIC • Bottom is Adriano Celentano, who dod everything from rock and roll to rap, and sold over 70 million records. • Top left is Lady Gaga, who is probably the most popular Italian artist today. • Top right is a famous Italian opera by Gioachino Rossini called The Barber of Seville.
ECONOMY • Bottom is Italys currency, the euro. • Top is Italys GDP composition. • Italy used to have one of the weakest economies in europe, but in 2008, it had the 7th largest in the world mostly because of the growing tourism.
TOURISM • Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Italian economy. • Italy is the 5th biggest tourist destination and the 4th highest tourist earner in the world. • The Duomo is a large tourist attraction in Milan.(top) • Bottom is the the tower of Pisa. Famous for how it leans.
POMPEII • Pompeii was a ruined Roman city near present day Naples. • It was ruined when mt. Vesuvius (top) erupted, covering it with ash. • Middle is an image of Pompeii • (bottom) when Vesuvius erupted, it coverd the city so well that the bodies were preserved as they died.
SPORTS • This is the Italian soccer team. • Soccer is the most popular italian sport. • Soccer is a very old sport with many origins
RELIGION • Italys main religion is Roman Catholic. • Top right is a roman Catholic church. • Top left is a Roman Catholic priest. • Bottom is a Roman Catholic congregation.
ITALIAN BRANDS • Diadora is a popular sporting brand.(bottom right) • Maserati is a high quality Italian sport car brand.(top) • Barilla is a popular Italian pasta brand.(bottom left)
BIBLIOGRAPHY • http://www.hotel-discount.it/lodging-europe/italy/italia-italy-map-regions-cities.gif • http://www.watchmojo.com/blogs/images/pizza.jpg • http://www.noodles.com/image.ashx?file=5765296c-c701-4fe6-8946-a5005377792b.png&width=300&mimetype=image/jpeg&bgcolor=FFFFFF • http://www.european-city-parks.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/venice_city4_01.JPG • http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/Rome.jpg • http://images.jungleboffin.com/image.php?h=300&src=/images/hillside/8.jpg • http://www.treehugger.com/southern-italy-coast.jpg • http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/7785722/2/istockphoto_7785722-italian-village-of-alatri.jpg • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3220/3129850776_ba14ccbc52.jpg?v=0 • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Italian_Alps-Mountain_Lake.jpg • http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/10175807.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=20052D8979D544DBE2AB36CA8B825A3AE30A760B0D811297 • http://www.agriturismo.it/extra/immagini/cinque-terre-1.jpg • http://www.susa.org/eufc2007/izola1.jpg • http://www.photofest.org/2006/generalpix/vitali2.jpg • http://media.nowpublic.net/images//fd/d/fdd5a611aeba0e93f8de09120d873efa.jpg • http://frjessie.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/022_st-peters-square-vatican-city.jpg • http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Everyone%20Else/images/st-peters-basilica-vatican-city.jpg • http://www.joelamenaart.com/images/photography/vatican-city.jpg45c25bf4bbace.jpg • http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/images/montasio.jpg • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ccXEgHWER28/Rze8DxufiLI/AAAAAAAABNw/i6a_TEkcp8Y/s400/IMG_3325.jpg
http://cache.virtualtourist.com/1864051-Milan_from_the_Cathedral_Roof-Milan.jpghttp://cache.virtualtourist.com/1864051-Milan_from_the_Cathedral_Roof-Milan.jpg http://shantan.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/71.jpg http://imagecache5.art.com/p/LRG/20/2097/OFP2D00Z/christopher-groenhout-roman-forum-ruins--rome-lazio-italy.jpg http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/Spring04/Tyler/Images/RomanEmpire.gif http://neuronarrative.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/sk03davinci.jpg http://suffonsifisms.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/da-vinci.jpg http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/michelangelo-biography-2.jpg http://schuylkillcountymilitaryhistory.blogspot.com/2008/08/schuylkill-county-world-war-two-soldier.html http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/02455/World%20War%20I/wwI.html http://z.about.com/d/militaryhistory/1/0/5/3/-/-/USTroopsSicily.jpg http://www.qmmuseum.lee.army.mil/images/subsistence/cook_44italy.jpg http://www.world-war-2-planes.com/images/MC-205-italian-airplane.jpg