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Discover the implications of specifying parametric structures in income distributions for welfare assessment. Dive into Gibrat's Law, Kalecki's modification, and recent models like Pareto distributions. Learn about tests, poverty rates, and inequality measures under different laws.
Background • Up until now our examination of welfare has been essentially non-parametric in a statistical sense, we have not specified or estimated the parametric structure of the size distributions of income rather we have compared distributions via the empirical distributions functions directly. • When we know the parametric structure of distributions some welfare implications can be inferred directly. (e.g. x~N(10,10), y~N(10+ε,10) → y FOD x and x~N(10,10), y~N(10,10-ε) → y SOD x). (There also exist explicit formulae for many of the inequality indices). • There is an old and more recent literature which considers specifying and estimating size distributions of income and making such comparisons.
[A] Processes that Generate Log Normal Y under CLT arguments. • Letting Y=ln(y=Income) yields what is called the Law of Proportionate Effects. Used most frequently in a time series context from the notion that yt=yt-1(1+et) where et is considered i.i.d. and E(et) = growth rate with V(et) small relative to 1. • Gibrats Law (Gibrat (1930),(1931)): Yti = μi + Yt-1i + Uti implies for process of life length T, Y ~ N(μT,σ2T) i.e. y is non-stationary • Kalecki’s modification (Kalecki(1945)): Yti = μi + βiYt-1i + Uti where |βi| < 1; a stationary version of Gibrat’s Law. Y ~ N(μ/(1-β),σ2/(1-β2)).
Models of the Size Distribution of Income (Y=ln(per capita income) • [B] Processes that generate “Pareto” type distributions under CLT arguments (Pareto (1897)) • Gabaix (1999); Y(i,t)= μ(i) + Y(i,t-1) + u(i,t) (with Y(i,t) bounded from below) • Champernowne (1953) Markov Chain Process where f(yt)=Mf(yt-1) with M a lower triangular transition matrix • Double Pareto (Reed(2001)) Y(i,t)= μ(i) + Y(i,t) + u(i,t) (“t” governed by an exponential process)
Models of the Size Distribution of Income (Y=ln(per capita income) • [C] Ad Hoc Parametric Generalizations Mandelbrot(1960) Singh and Maddala (1976) McDonald (1984) Houthakker (2002)
Tests for verifying the model specification. • Pearson’s Goodness of Fit Test. Partition the range of x into K mutually exclusive and exhaustive intervals then for a sample of size n let Ei be the number of observations expected in the i’th interval and let Oi be the number of observations actually observed in the i’th interval i=1,..,K then ΣKi=1(Oi-Ei)2/Ei ~ χ2(K-1-h) where h is the number of estimated parameters needed to calculate the Ei. • Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test (see previous lecture) • Hall Yatchew Expected Squared Difference Test.(see previous lecture).
Poverty rates under Gibrat’s Law • For an absolute poverty line x* • limT->∞ Φ([(ln(x*/x0)-T(μ+0.5σ2))/(σ√T)]) • Growth exceeding -0.5σ2 implies a poverty rate of 0 in the limit, for growth less than -0.5σ2 the poverty rate would be 1. • For a relative poverty line (0.6 of median income) the poverty rate would be Φ([ln(0.6)/(σ√T)]) which increases with time reaching .5 at infinity.
Poverty and Inequality Under Pareto’s Law • Poverty and inequality measures would be constant over time • The Gini for a Pareto distribution is 1/(2θ-1) which is 1 when the shape coefficient is one because in this case the Pareto distribution has no moments or an infinite mean. • If the poverty frontier is a real lower boundary below which no-one is allowed to fall, the income distribution would end up as Pareto – hence a very strong test of the efficacy of such a frontier.
The Gini under Gibrat’s Law • Gini may be written as: 2F(exp(ln(x0)+T(μ+0.5σ2))| exp(ln(x0)+T(μ+0.5σ2)),Tσ2 ) – 1 where F(z | θ, γ ) is the log normal distribution function with mean and variance θ, γ respectively • This will tend to zero as T => ∞ when μ < -0.5σ2 and will tend to 1 otherwise, note particularly for zero growth Gini will tend to 1.
Polarization and Mixtures • If we think of societal income distributions as mixtures then we can analyze the progress of rich and poor groups as distinct entities. • Use the Trapezoidal Index as a measure of relative poverty. • 0.5(wpfp(xmp)+(1-wp)fr(xmr))(xmr-xmp)
Parametric Approaches to Mixture Distributions. • To facilitate modeling one can fit distributions to the data and track the fitted sub distributions. • To illustrate these issues data on per capita GDP for 47 African countries together with their populations were drawn from the World Bank African Development Indicators CD-ROM for the years 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 were used
Comments • Growth rate in the mean and variance greater in the un-weighted sample than in the weighted sample • Much more evidence for Log normality than for Pareto.