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One Move

One Move.

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One Move

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  1. One Move

  2. “The thought that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, not because of any merit on our part, but as a free gift from God, is a precious thought. The enemy of God and man is not willing that this truth should be clearly presented; for he knows that if the people received it fully, his power will be broken.” GW 161 “…One interest will prevail, one subject will swallow up every other--- Christ our Righteousness” SD 259

  3. “there is only one move we can make that will fulfill God’s purpose for us as a people. We must move the King himself, all bloodied and dying on the cross with unparalleled love, to the position of preeminence in all our preaching, teaching, and evangelism. We must exalt Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the one immense pillar of truth that gives all other truths their significance and power. We must move decidedly, authentically and passionately into the theology and experience of “ Christ our Righteousness.” Ty Gibson 2012

  4. “Behold the days are coming… a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” Jeremiah 23: 6

  5. Resolutions

  6. "Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.“ Matthew 5:48

  7. Steps to Christ • “The condition of eternal life is now just what it always has been,-- perfect obedience to the law of God, perfect righteousness."

  8. Steps to Christ • "it was possible for Adam, before the fall, to form a righteous character by obedience to God's law. But he failed to to this, and because of his sin our natures are fallen and we cannot make ourselves righteous. Since we are sinful, unholy, we cannot perfectly obey the holy law. We have no righteousness of our own with which to meet the claims of the law of God. But Christ has made a way of escape for us….

  9. He lived on earth amid trials and temptations such as we have to meet. He lived a sinless life. He died for us, and now He offers to take our sins and give us His righteousness. If you give your self to Him, and accept Him as your Savior, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christ's character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned.“ SC 62

  10. “for as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous.” Romans 5:19

  11. “All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him." Isaiah 53:6 • “he shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities.”v11

  12. Christ ourRighteousness • “Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His.” • DA 25

  13. Christ ourRighteousness “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.“ 2 Corinthians 5:21

  14. Through faith in His blood, all may be made perfect in Christ Jesus. Thank God that we are not dealing with impossibilities. We may claim sanctification. We may enjoy the favor of God. We are not to be anxious about what Christ and God think of us, but about what God thinks of Christ, our Substitute.”—Selected Messages 2:32, 33.

  15. 1888

  16. We must learn in the school of Christ. Nothing but his righteousness can entitle us to the blessings of the covenant of grace. • We have long desired and tried to obtain these blessings, but have not received them, because we have cherished the idea that we could do something to make ourselves worthy of them. We have not looked away from ourselves, believing that Jesus is a living Saviour.

  17. We must not think that our own grace and merits will save us; the grace of Christ is our only hope of salvation. • We look to self, as though we had power to save ourselves; but Jesus died for us because we are helpless to do this. In him is our hope, our justification, our righteousness

  18. There are conscientious souls that trust partly to God, and partly to themselves. They do not look to God, to be kept by his power, but depend upon watchfulness against temptation, and the performance of certain duties for acceptance with Him. There are no victories in this kind of faith. • . We can do nothing, absolutely nothing, to commend ourselves to divine favor.

  19. Come with humble hearts, not thinking that you must do some good thing to merit the favour of God, or that you must make yourself better before you can come to Christ. You are powerless to do good, and cannot better your condition. Apart from Christ, we have no merit, nor righteousness. Our sinfulness, our weakness, our human imperfections, make it impossible that we should appear before God unless we are clothed in Christ’s spotless righteousness. We are to be found in Him, not having our own righteousness, but the righteousness which is in Christ. Bible Echo April 15,1893

  20. “There is not a point that needs to be dwelt upon more earnestly, repeated more frequently, or established more firmly in the minds of all, then the impossibility of falling man meriting anything by his own best good works. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.” FW 19

  21. In Isaiah 14 :12 we read about the fall of Lucifer "how you have fallen from heaven oh Lucifer, for you have said in your heart: • I will ascend into heaven • I will exalt my throne above the stars of God • I will sit on the mount of the congregation. • I will ascend above the heights of the clouds • I will be like the most high." • Satan says I will do it myself………. That is his way.

  22. Contrast that with Christ's way • I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you • I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh • I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them • you shall be my people and I will be your God • I will deliver you from all your uncleanliness • I will cleanse you from all your iniquities • I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it. … Ezekiel 36:26

  23. As we move into faith that Christ is our righteousness,God imparts obedience into us. This obedience is not our achievement or performance, but a consequence of letting God work in us. Power to overcome evil and live in harmony with his commandments, comes from a source outside of us. Only the spirit of God can transform hearts . What God requires He also provides.

  24. “Commandment keeping is the result of righteousness by faith—not the path to it.” • We may enjoy the favor of God. We are not to be anxious about what Christ and God think of us, but about what God thinks of Christ, our substitute.” SM2 pp33

  25. Steps to Christ • A knowledge of God • “The Bible tells of Christ. • We are reading of his works and listening to his voice.”

  26. Study the holy Scriptures • Dwell upon the character of Christ • Meditate upon the mission of Him who came to save his people from their sins • Contemplate heavenly themes • Meditate upon the perfection of the Savior • Study the word of God for ourselves

  27. One Move • one great central truth • “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.“1 Corinthians 2:2

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