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The Evaluation of an Embedded System for First Responders

The Evaluation of an Embedded System for First Responders. Nicholas Brabson The University of Tennessee David Hill Computational Sciences and Engineering Division August 2009. Overview. Project background Methodology Results Conclusion Acknowledgments. Typical emergency responder case.

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The Evaluation of an Embedded System for First Responders

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  1. The Evaluation of an Embedded System for First Responders Nicholas Brabson The University of Tennessee David Hill Computational Sciences and Engineering Division August 2009

  2. Overview • Project background • Methodology • Results • Conclusion • Acknowledgments

  3. Typical emergency responder case

  4. First Responder needs • Ways to identify hazardous materials during an emergency • Ability to enable responders to make key decisions during fire, hazard, and rescue control • Efficient ways to communicate relative data • Ability to ensure safety of firefighters and first responders handling hazardous chemicals

  5. What is SNIFFER? • SNIFFER – SensorNet for Fire and First Responders • Device that can autonomously detect and report harmful chemicals • Vehicle mounted and portable • Designed to output data to a plume visual model • All system components are housed in rugged casing

  6. What is SNIFFER? • Targeted Chemicals • Hydrogen cyanide • Chlorine • Ammonia • Arsine • Sulfur dioxide • Hydrochloric acid • Phosgene • Ethylene oxide • Bromomethane

  7. Hardware topology

  8. SNIFFER components

  9. Project goals • Identify and characterize power supply options for the system • Test lifetime of battery in changing environments • Construct PC-104s with each individual module desired

  10. Batteries selected to compare

  11. Power supply analysis

  12. Power supply analysis

  13. Power supply analysis

  14. Power supply analysis

  15. Battery selection Battery comparison Li-Ion

  16. Hardware configuration • Low power processor • Shock and vibration protection • Integrated data acquisition • First element on stack Athena II • 50 Watt total output power • Provides two additional serial ports • Second element on stack Jupiter-MM-SIO

  17. Hardware configuration • GSM/GPRS and CDMA capability • 1 Mbps data rate • Third element on stack Janus-MM • Connected by cable • Houses flash card for memory • Final element on stack ACC-CFEXT card

  18. Final stack construction Partially constructed stack Final constructed stack with covering

  19. Conclusions • Power supplies were successfully compared and the lithium ion battery type was chosen • Athena II computer was assembled with additional interface cards attached for desired functions • Both the power supply and PC-104 were included in the SNIFFER prototype • LabView code was reviewed and learned for future use

  20. Future of SNIFFER • Develop a standard that all devices similar to SNIFFER could use to improve prototype • Train officials on how to effectively use the device • Continue testing and improving product in conjunction with various emergency organizations

  21. Acknowledgments • The Research Alliance in Math and Science program is sponsored by the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, U.S. Department of Energy. • The work was performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. De-AC05-00OR22725. This work has been authored by a contractor of the U.S. Government, accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. • Special thanks to David Hill, Debbie McCoy, and Rashida Askia

  22. Questions

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