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ttH(120), H bb. U. of Maryland Shuichi Kunori 15-June-2001 CMS Note 2001/xxx D.Green, K.Maeshima, R.Vidal, W.Wu, S.Kunori. SM Higgs. production. decay. gg fusion. WW/ZZ fusion. associated. associated WH, ZH. 1 iso. lepton (PT>10GeV) 6 jets ( 4 b tag ) (ET>20GeV)
ttH(120), H bb U. of Maryland Shuichi Kunori 15-June-2001 CMS Note 2001/xxx D.Green, K.Maeshima, R.Vidal, W.Wu, S.Kunori
SM Higgs production decay gg fusion WW/ZZ fusion associated associated WH, ZH
1 iso. lepton (PT>10GeV) 6 jets (4 b tag) (ET>20GeV) -> max. likelihood (b likeliness, W mass, top mass …) Bg: ttbb, ttjj, ttZ0 bb e (%) MH=115 GeV 5 Mass(jj) 30fb-1 Dm/m=3.8% (stat) mistagging probability (%) MH (V.Drollinger)
1 iso. lepton (e,m) (PT>20GeV) only 2 jets (b-tag) (ET>30GeV) MT(W) -> events in higgs mass window Bg: Wjj, tt, tb bb MH=115 GeV 5 300fb-1
ttH CompHEP V41.10 CMGEN CompHEP-PYTHIA interface V46 PYTHIA 6.157 b-tag simulator for pre-selection CMSIM 120 Analysis cone jet finder Final state: t Wb lnb t Wb jjb H bb 1 isolated lepton MET 6 jets (ET>20GeV) - 4 b-tags
# of Jets (ET>20GeV) ttH ttH w/o em cluster ttbb ttbb w/o em cluster Minimum 5 jets 4 b-tagged
Leading Jets & lepton 100GeV L1 Trigger: 1 lepton + ET(jet)>100GeV HLT b-tag ttH ttbb Offline: only one loosely isolated lepton, i.e. (ETcone-ETlep)/ETcone<0.5 PT>20GeV in |h|<2.5 ttZ 0 200 400 GeV
Mass in ttH sample qq (W) qqb (top) lnb (W) bb (H)
Kinematics VariablesttH (solid) ttbb (dash) M(tbb) q(t-bb) Dy(t-bb) DRy(t-bb) Q*(b-bb) At bb rest system DRh(t-bb)
Mass(bb)for ttH + ttbb + ttZ Particle level No Dy cut |Dy|<1.0 No Dy cut |Dy|<1.0 CMSIM S/B1/2 ~11.8 (S/B ~1/1) Need good b-tagging !