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A Lost Ark, You Say?. Molly Hoff. Table of Contents. Plot development Plot transitions Transition 1 Transition 2 Transition 3 What is a dangling cause? Put it into practice: dangling causes SNAKES Bottoms Up Burns Like a Medallion. Can you say, motif? Motif patterns
A Lost Ark, You Say? Molly Hoff
Table of Contents Plot development Plot transitions Transition 1 Transition 2 Transition 3 What is a dangling cause? Put it into practice: dangling causes SNAKES Bottoms Up Burns Like a Medallion • Can you say, motif? • Motif patterns • Indiana Jones • Red • The Lost Ark • Marion • What all did I just say? • Works Cited
Producing a Plot: Here are the Steps • 1) Set up and character introduction • 2) Complicating action: here comes a new angle of direction. • 3) Development: goals are set, but one will sit there saying, “well, that’s a problem.” (creates action and delay) • 4) Climax/Resolution: have the goals been met and have the problems been solved?
Transition 1 • The movie goes from set- up to complicating action as Marion finishes drinking. • While watching the set-up, one can see the character traits of Marion (a tough girl/ damsel in distress) and Indy (the brave hero)
Transition 2 • All the action and introduction of a double goal (saving Marion) occur when Indy finds where the ark is hidden before Belloq.
Transition 3 • The last transition is when the Nazis capture Marion and Indy; they are tied together to a pole. Marion and Indy are still left while the Nazis are killed by the ark’s doing. The fact that Marion and Indy are still standing portrays to the audience that Indy achieved the double goal of saving the ark and getting the girl.
I’ll Give You a Dangling Cause • A dangling cause is sort of like the foreshadowing of film. • The filmmaker will place a line, an object, or actions that are planted to foreshadow that it will be reintroduced. • One will notice that such dangling causes will obviously reappear later in the film.
SNAKES!? When Indy is riding in the cockpit at the beginning of the movie, he encounters a snake and he says “I hate snakes.” Later, when he finds the Ark’s location, it turns out that it is surrounded by snakes that he must battle.
Bottoms Up • Another dangling cause is when we learn that Marion is a straight shooter when it comes to drinking contests. When she out drinks the man at the beginning of the movie it becomes vital later on. As the movie plays on her drinking helps her to escape the confinement of Dr. Belloq.
Burn Like a Medallion • The audience finds out at the beginning of the movie that one of the Nazis has burnt his hand on the medallion. This introduces the fact that the Nazis only have half of the information (the staff, which is not long enough) to find the ark.
Most Likely a Motif • If it keeps showing up, you aren’t crazy- it’s called a motif. • Motif: a reoccurring object, theme, idea, etc.
“Da DaDaDaaa, Da DaDaaa” Indy has his own theme song and the audience can automatically tell when Indy is doing something heroic, is traveling, or is just being smart because the theme will be played.
Is it Inspi{red}? • The color red is displayed in the brown and tan color scheme of the movie for multiple reasons. It symbolizes blood and death, a main point, and even love.
Miss Marion • Marion has a theme song too. Anytime Marion is even mentioned or thought about, that song will sound. When she is in trouble, when she is gone, even when her and Indy have “a moment.”
Can You Hear That- the Lost Ark is Near. • The ark… has a theme… shocker. Whenever this theme is heard, one can infer that something about the ark is being eluded to. For example, when the Nazis find the digging site, inside the crates, or when Indy discovers it too.
What’s the Point- Conclusion • In addition to being a classic piece of film, “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark” is a perfect demonstration of motifs, dangling causes, and plot development. • For more information, on characters or plot, one can visit http://imbd.com.
Works Cited • Spiiellberrg ,, Stteven,, diirr.. IIndiiaanaaJJooneessaandttheeRaaiideerrssooffttheeLoossttArrkk.. Wrriitt.. LawrrencceKassdan,,GeorrgeLuccass,, and Phiilliip Kauffman.. 1981.. Fiillm.. • "Throwback Thursday: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! | Geek Mountain State." Geek Mountain State | Geeking out in Vermont. Web. 27 Jan. 2012. <http://geekmountainstate.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/throwback-thursday-indiana-jones-and-the-raiders-of-the-lost-ark/>. • Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.