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Salahaddin University New Policies. USA-Cincinnati University Kurdistan-Salahaddin University July 2011. Salahaddin University New Policies. Attendance Policy:
Salahaddin University New Policies USA-Cincinnati University Kurdistan-Salahaddin University July 2011
Salahaddin University New Policies Attendance Policy: • The students are required to attend the sessions regularly throughout the academic year (30 weeks) as per the department timetable. They need to be in class on time except when they get prior permission from the teacher. The maximum absence rate allowed for any lesson varies from a class to another depending on the number of hours per week. • A lesson of 2 hours per week: maximum absence %10 ( 4 hrs get first warning , 6 hrs get final warning , 7 hrs fail in this lesson for the whole year) • A lesson of hours per week: maximum absence %10 ( 6 hrs get first warning , 9 hrs get final warning , 10 hrs fail in this lesson for the whole year)
Salahaddin University New Policies Recommendations for change: • A student who arrives late to a particular lesson for three times will be regarded absent for an hour in that lesson. • As for emergency cases ( e.g. first degree death) and sick leaves, if a student does not attend 45 regular attendance days throughout the academic year, he/she must postpone his study for the following year. • The teacher should be responsible for informing the department of the first and final warnings concerning absence of students and the teacher himself should write a letter to the head of department for taking further procedures in case of exceeding the maximum absence rate. The head of the department should approve the teachers’ report within a week as of the date of the report and send it to the dean for issuing the official letter in this respect.
Salahaddin University New Policies Participation Policy: • As per the current grading system at SUH, %40 of the grades would be from the beginning of the year till the final exam ( % 60). • The %40 is divided as follows: • Monthly exam1 = %15 • Monthly exam 2 = %15 • Third Exam(optional) • Class participation including quizzes and assignments = %10
Salahaddin University New Policies Recommendations for Change: • More attention given to class participation , quizzes and assignments in evaluating the students’ performance throughout the academic year. • The teacher should inform the students about the grading system and how participation grades are given.
Salahaddin University New Policies Academic Integrity Policy: • Students are to abide by the code of conduct of SUH( stated in the university admission guide) which regulates their behavior with the teachers and conduct at exam . Cheating and plagiarism will lead to failure as follows: -Cheating: • 1) Cheating in monthly exams and/quizzes leads to failure in this particular lesson. (Recommended=agree with the other group) • 2) Cheating in the final exam leads to failure in the whole lessons for first and second trials.
Salahaddin University New Policies Plagiarism: • In term papers and graduation research projects, plagiarism= taking parts of others’ ideas and writings as if they were students’ own, will lead to failure in the project and the student should re-write the project for the second time.(recommended) • A maximum %10 of documented quotations is allowed; in case of exceeding this limit the student will lose grades accordingly.
Salahaddin University New Policies Special Needs Policy: • People with special needs are to be offered study opportunities like normal people provided that SUH prepares special programs to meet their needs.(as the pre-university stages have special schools for such people). Visual impairment = accepted in all humanity science departments with the exception of colleges of education (as they graduates are going to be teachers). Using the system of Braille ,they need to study all the lessons like ordinary people. Hearing impairment: accepted in all humanity science departments with the exception of colleges of education (as they graduates are going to be teachers). Physical impairment: • They need to be treated case by case depending on the degree and nature of their physical impairment.
Salahaddin University New Policies COURSE OUTLINE Salahaddin University English Department • Course Title: Linguistics • Class: 3rd year • Hrs per week: 2 hrs per week • Professor:?????? • Email:?????????
Salahaddin University New Policies Course Objectives: • The aim is to acquaint the students with some theoretical background on linguistics and then providing them with wide range opportunity to have their own view about issues related to language and linguistics. • Learn how to think critically and evaluate others opinion • To have an in-depth knowledge about language and linguistics • To reinforce their linguistic skill in analyzing issues related to language.
Salahaddin University New Policies Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course the students are expected to : • be familiar with the underlying systems of different languages • be familiar with different schools of linguistics • have an in-depth knowledge about properties and functions of language. • Be acquainted with various types of relation between language and society, thought and culture.
Salahaddin University New Policies • Unit Project • Grade: 1st Year • Subject: VocabularyBuilding / 2 hours per week • Project period: 3 hours • Group Configuration: whole class/small groups • Description: This unit needs three hours to be covered using all the procedures starting from preparation down to review and assessment.
Salahaddin University New Policies Content Objectives: • 1) Students will be able to recognize and define words for ongoing vocabulary learning. • 2)They will be able to connect their prior knowledge with the new ones. • 3)They will be able to use the new vocabularies in sentences/ utterances
Salahaddin University New Policies • Procedures: • 1-Preparation: • -how teacher prepares the component of each lesson. • -how the teacher learn the lesson plan. • Preparing the class (datashow/ realia (objects) /illustrations…etc. • Presenting the topic orally or on the white board in the form of question : e.g.: How do you usually come to college?
Salahaddin University New Policies • 2) Building Background: • - how the teacher supports his students to develop understandings through connections they make among those things they know and have experienced, and those things they are learning. • -The teachers asks the students to brainstorm( e.g.: find similar means of transportation) • -Ask them to arrange the vocabularies in lists or clusters • 3) Incomprehensible Input: • -to help students to understand teacher’s instruction that is imperative that the teacher implements techniques to improve comprehensibility. • The instructions of the teacher in English such as: • (Make groups of three or four) • (Select a group leader) • (The group leader will distribute the roles among group members)
Salahaddin University New Policies • 4) Strategies: • -to help the required teachers to learn how their students who learn English develop strategies to analyze critically and effectively ; meet cognitive strategies that learners use to make sense of new information and concepts. • Presenting the key concept(Transportation) • -Incorporate the use of higher thinking questions: • -Ask students to list what they know, what they want to know and what they have learnt
Salahaddin University New Policies • 5) Interaction: • -to help the required teachers understand that students will not become proficient speakers of the language unless they have frequent opportunities to use it. The required teachers must learn how they incorporate into their lesson plans multiple opportunities for their students to use English in writing, in reading, and in interaction with teacher and other students. • Ask the groups to read out what they have written • Other groups will either ask, discuss, comment or add new vocabularies to the list
Salahaddin University New Policies • 6-Practice: • -to help the required teachers is to understand that students are more likely to retain new information if they immediately put it in and the teacher can assess students’ learning while they are practicing and applying their new understandings opportunities for practicing and applying new learning must occur regularly within each lesson, not just at its conclusion. • -As assignment for the coming lesson , each group is required to write a short passage/dialogue using the new vocabularies. End of first Class
Salahaddin University New Policies • Second Class: • Each group will present their assignment • Other groups will either ask, discuss, comment or add new vocabularies to the list. • Drills by the teacher(blanks/ multiple choice questions/wh-questions…etc) End of second Class
Salahaddin University New Policies • 7) Lesson Delivery: • -to help the required teacher to achieve the ends of the lesson delivery component which includes, content objectives, language objectives, the engagement of the students and pacing of the lesson importunately to the students’ ability level. • Giving students homework • Oral questions • Quizzes • Groups asking each other
Salahaddin University New Policies • 8) Review and Assessment: • -To help the required teacher to learn to implement and administrate various assessments about the students’ progress. • -provides the required teachers with additional insight into how the students demonstrate their knowledge and application of vocabulary and concepts . • -provides the required teachers opportunities to give specific, focused, academic feedback to students on their out put i.e (language, content, work). • -provides the required teachers with additional insight into assessment of student comprehension and language of all lesson objectives throughout the lesson. • A quick review of the key concepts and reminding the students of certain new vocabularies learnt in this unit. • Assessment could be by directing some questions to the class or a quiz. • End of the unit
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