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Although Stéphane Malhomme grew up in Carpentras, France, he is truly a "man of the world," having been bitten by the travel bug throughout his life. He has lived on virtually every continent, for extended periods of time. Some of the places he's lived in or visited include Montréal and Toronto, Canada, Dubai, Tokyo, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Paris, France, Conakry, the Republic of Guinea, London, UK, and Monteux, Lyons, and Reims, France.
What is the Facebook? • “Facebook now worth US$800 million (2009 est.) • Facebook has more than 600 million active users • Founded in February 2004 • Founders: • Mark Zuckerberg • Eduardo Saverin • Dustin Moskovitz • Chris Hughes • All were students at Harvard College at the time
Tips Improve your profile. Add your best photo shot from your digital camera on Facebook. Update your status every day and better yet, every few hours. If nothing exciting happened to you, just add a witty status about something. Add a photo gallery, of you, your friends, and family members, or even vacation places. Participate in many opportunities. Join as many interesting groups as you can. Add as many applications as are interesting and useful. Become fans as many things that you like, that is a great way to show your friends what you like. You don't want a bunch of profile junk. Take cool quizzes. Join a network including your school or college network. You can then meet people through your network.
Search for as many friends as you can and add them. Add friends of friends. Add family members. Socialize! Write on peoples wall. Send them virtual drinks and gifts. Poke some of them. Throw stuff like elephants, water bombs, or coconut at your friends. Send kisses to friends. Comment on peoples photos. Add information to your profile. Write your (IM) name on your profile. Write your e-mail address on your profile. If you want you can write your cell phone number on your profile, it' too dangerous to put your land line number on there. Put your school or college on your profile. If you have declared your major or your program, just put your major on there. Put you place of employment and previous place of employment. Facebook is somewhat of a resume so try to make it professional as possible because employers and teachers do look at your profile.
Link to your Facebook page. Wherever you have a web presence, link to your Facebook page, e.g. blog, email, website, online forums. External links will easily bring you visitors; this is a great way to add more followers to your fan page. You can also add RSS feeds like news and blog contents directly to your Facebook page that you want to share with your fans. Add pictures, and lots of. Visual element naturally draws eye attention, and good photos will get you many views. Remember to fill in the caption box to briefly describe your image. If you love, and are comfortable doing videos, add them, too. Know that pictures and videos are more personal than just plain text. Be creative and show your talent, we all like to be entertained.
Add unique content, try being funny and interesting. "If you build it, they will come."; express what's on your mind, including weird (strange) thought/idea you had. People like to be fascinated and it will attract more people like you that make your every sentence gold. You should add content regularly to keep people coming. Thank fans/visitors for posting comments. A personal "thank you" is appreciated more than anything else. Be yourself and don't try too hard imitating other popular members on Facebook. Start your own group, or join a group that interests you. Joining groups is a good way to meet people, polish skills and learn new things. Create topic for discussions, ask questions, and listen. Keep in mind though, don't let it eat up your time.
Do not spam people or post irrelevant comments. Why would you allow people post ads or rude comments on your page? Consider that you are not the only one who find this irritating, think of others as well. Also, stop mass invitation that you know your friends are not interested in. Friends will eventually defriend you being a bad Facebook citizen.
Spice up your profile. There are lots of Apps out there to express your individuality. Try to put the apps in the boxes because you don't want to junk up your info. • Try to add as many people in your network as possible (the more friends) the more popular you will look! • Look good in your photos. • Like they say: "If you want to have a friend, you have to be one." People never write on your wall? Ask an old friend how it's going, or ask that girl on your soccer team if practice is cancelled, and hopefully you'll get a conversation going, giving both yours and their wall some action.
Warnings • Some friends you may try to add, will deny (reject) the request. • Do not put too much personal information on there. • Be careful who you add, try not to add strangers. • Do not harass people. • It is possible to seem too eager and that would make you unpopular.