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Gay / LGBT rights

Gay / LGBT rights. www.zlinskedumy.cz. Basic terms. Match the definitions with the expressions in the box. LGBT rights heterosexual homosexual bisexual transexual. a person who is attracted to the opposite sex a person who is equally attracted to both sexes

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Gay / LGBT rights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gay / LGBT rights www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Basic terms Matchthedefinitionswiththeexpressions in the box. LGBT rightsheterosexualhomosexualbisexualtransexual a person whoisattracted to theopposite sex a person whoisequallyattracted to bothsexes rightsoflesbian, gay, bisexualandtransgenderpeople a person who has undergone a sex changeoperation a person whoisattracted to thesame sex heterosexual bisexual LGBT rights transexual homosexual

  3. Word formation Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewords in thebrackets. Gayshavestruggled to achieve ___________ (equal) beforethelawforseveraldecades. In many countriesgays are not allowed to serve in the __________ (army) forces. Englishlanguage has a lot of ___________ (offence) wordsforgaysandlesbians. Prejudice-motivated ___________ (violent) isstilloneofthe most commoncrimes. Even in liberalcountriesgayshave to fight ___________ (hate) andaversion in thegeneral public. equality armed offensive violence hatred

  4. Sentence completion - questions Completethequestionswiththewordsfromthe box andanswerthem. declarebringupsamerightsfamilyregisteredpartnershiphomophobia Shouldgaysbegrantedthe ______________ as heterosexuals? Do youthinkthat ____________ isstillwidespread in our society? Shouldpeople ___________ their sexuality whentheyapplyfor a job? Isitbetterwhenchildrengrowupwithin a traditional ___________ context? Do youthinkthatsame-sex couplesshouldbeallowed to _____________ children? Is ____________________ legallyrecognized in our country? What do youthinkaboutit? samerights homophobia declare family bringup registeredpartnership

  5. Gay rightsquiz Start here

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