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Elementary Graph Algorithms. Peter Schröder. Representations. For graphs G=(V,E) adjacency list for every vertex v list Adj[v] better for sparse graphs: size of O(max(E,V)) adjacency matrix A: a ij =1 if (v i ,v j ) in E single bit entry for each edge in |V|x|V| matrix
Elementary Graph Algorithms Peter Schröder
Representations • For graphs G=(V,E) • adjacency list • for every vertex v list Adj[v] • better for sparse graphs: size of O(max(E,V)) • adjacency matrix A: aij=1 if (vi,vj) in E • single bit entry for each edge in |V|x|V| matrix • better for dense graphs: size is O(|V|2) • meaning of A2?
Breadth First Search • Given a graph G=(V,E) and a distinguished vertex s in V • discover every vertex reachable from s • find shortest path from s • the name reflects the fact that all vertices at distance k-1 are discovered before any at distance k are discovered • 3 colors • white: undiscovered; gray: discovered; black: all neighbors have been discovered
Breadth First Tree • Incremental buildup of a tree with a predecessor relationship BFS(G,s) for( u in V[G]-{s} ) color[u] = white; d[u] = infinity; p[u] = nil; color[s] = gray; d[s] = 0; p[s] = nil; Q = {s} while( Q != {} ) u = head[Q] for( v in Adj[u] ) if( color[v] == white ) color[v] = gray; d[v] = d[u]+1; p[v] = u; Enqueue(Q,v) Dequeue(Q) color[u] = black
Analysis • Running time? • Shortest paths • Lemma 1: Let G=(V,E) be (un-)directed, s in V arbitrary. Then for any (u,v) in E: ∂(s,v)≤ ∂(s,u)+1 • Lemma 2: Let G=(V,E) be (un-)directed, suppose BFS(G,s) is run. Then upon termination d[v]≥ ∂(s,v) for all v in V
Analysis • Shortest paths • Lemma 3: Suppose during execution of BFS(G,s) Q contains (v1,v2,…vr). Then d[vr] ≤d[v1]+1 and d[vi] ≤d[vi+1] for i=1,2,…r-1 • Theorem: Correctness of BFS. Suppose BFS(G,s) is run then every v in V reachable from s is discovered and d[v]= ∂(s,v) upon termination. One of the shortest paths from s to v is given by the shortest path from s to p[v] and the edge (p[v],v)
Breadth First Trees • BFS builds a breadth first tree in the p[] field • predecessor subgraph of G=(V,E) • Gp(Vp,Ep) where Vp contains all v in V with non-nil p[] field plus {s} and Ep contains all predecessor edges for all v in Vp • this is a tree. Why? • Lemma 5: BFS(G,s) produces a predecessor subgraph which is a breadth first tree
Depth First Search • Different strategy • always go as deep as possible before going on • not just a single tree, but a forest results • Gp=(V,Ep) where Ep consists of all edges (p[v],v) for any v in V with predecessor field not empty • contrast with BFS tree: Gp(Vp,Ep), where Ep depends on Vp not V! • there will be no distinguished start vertex
Depth First Search DFS(G) for( u in V[G] ) color[u] = white; p[u] = nil; time = 0 for( u in V[G] ) if( color[u] == white ) DFS-visit(u) DFS-visit(u) color[u] = gray; d[u] = time = time+1; for( v in adj[u] ) if( color[v] == white ) p[v] = u; DFS-visit(v); color[u] = black; f[u] = time = time + 1;
Analysis • Running time • Correctness • Theorem 6: (Parenthesis theorem) In any DFS of a (un-)directed graph G=(V,E) for any pair u,v one of the following holds • [d[u],f[u]] and [d[v],f[v]] are entirely disjoint • [d[u],f[u]] is contained in [d[v],f[v]] and u is a descencent of v • vice versa • Corollary 7: descendent intervals are nested
Analysis • Correctness • Theorem 8: (White path theorem) In a DFF of a (un-)directed G=(V,E) vertex v is a descendent of u iff at the time d[u] v can be reached from u along a path of white vertices
Classification • DFS admits classification of edges • Tree edges: members of DFF of Gp. (u,v) is a tree edge if v was discovered exploring u • Back edges: edges (u,v) connecting a vertex u to an ancestor v (self loops are back edges) • Forward edges: non-tree edges (u,v) connecting u to a descendent v • Cross edges: all others (c0uld be same tree, could be different trees)
Edge Types • Undirected graphs • Theorem 9: in a DFS of an undirected graph G=(V,E) every edge of G is either a tree edge or a back edge
Topological Sort • For a directed acyclic graph (DAG) • a topological sort is a linear ordering of all its vertices such that if G contains (u,v) then u appears before v in the ordering Topological-Sort(G) call DFS(G) to compute finish times enter vertices onto front of list according to their finish times return linked list of vertices
Analysis • Running time • Correctness • Lemma 10: a directed graph is acyclic iff DFS(G) yields no back edges • Theorem 11: Topological-Sort(G) produces a topological sort of a DAG G
A Classic Problem • Strongly connected components • a strongly connected component of a directed graph G=(V,E) is a maximal subset U of V such that for any u,v in U there is a path from u to v and a path from v to u • form the transpose GT (runtime?) • u is reachable from v in G iff v is reachable from u in GT
Algorithm Strongly-Connected-Components(G) call DFS(G) to compute finish times compute GT call DFS(GT) and consider vertices decreasing finish time order output vertices of each tree in DFS(GT) as separate strongly connected component
Analysis • Running time • Correctness • Lemma 12: if two vertices are in the same SCC then no path between them ever leaves the SCC • Theorem 13: in any DFS all vertices in the same SCC are placed in the same DFT
Analysis • Correctness • Theorem 14: in a directed graph G=(V,E) the forefather phi(u) of any u in V in any DFS of G is an ancestor of u • Corollary 15: in any DFS of a directed graph G=(V,E) vertices u and phi(u) for all u in V lie in the same SCC • Theorem 16: in a directed graph G=(V,E) two vertices u,v in V lies in the same SCC iff they have the same forefather in DFS(G)