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IHSCDEA Driver Education Teacher Endorsement Program (TEP) Dr. Tom Baba Director

IHSCDEA Driver Education Teacher Endorsement Program (TEP) Dr. Tom Baba Director. Presentation July 21, 2019 ADTSEA Conference drtombaba@ihscdea.org 847-533-8385. Brief Introduction Driver Education in Illinois Statement of the Problem Research Results From Fall Workshops

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IHSCDEA Driver Education Teacher Endorsement Program (TEP) Dr. Tom Baba Director

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  1. IHSCDEA Driver Education Teacher Endorsement Program (TEP)Dr. Tom BabaDirector Presentation July 21, 2019 ADTSEA Conference drtombaba@ihscdea.org 847-533-8385

  2. Brief Introduction • Driver Education in Illinois • Statement of the Problem • Research Results From Fall Workshops • IHSCDEA TEP Components • Program Vision and Design • Student Recruitment and Marketing • Goals, Summary and Questions

  3. Dr. Tom Baba • 1973 Illinois State University BS in Education Phys Ed Safety/Driver Ed • 1980 Roosevelt University MA in Education Administration • 1998 Roosevelt University Ed.D. Administrative Leadership • 1973-2006 Illinois Teacher, Coach, Dean of Students, Department Chair, Assistant Principal, Principal, Assistant Superintendent • 2007-2010 Wisconsin Principal

  4. Dr. Tom Baba con’t. • Consultant to Municipalities, Park Districts Leadership and Organization • Consultant to Chicago Police Department Leadership Academy • 2016 Driver Education Teacher Requirements in Illinois • 2017-present Director Driver Education Teacher Endorsement Program Illinois High School and College Driver Education Association

  5. Some Facts and Statistics About Driver Education in Illinois • Since 2006 there has been approximately 175,000 sophomores (Driver Education eligible) enrolled in Public High Schools In Illinois • Driver Education is a public school mandated subject. Schools must offer one class during the school day and one BTW either during the school day or outside the school day or both. • 64% of students of 175,000 (112,000) take Driver Education in our public high schools. We feel PHSDE serves a large need in Illinois. • Commercial schools are predominant in the suburban areas surrounding Chicago. • Our Association believed that there were not enough qualified Driver Education teachers being endorsed/certified.

  6. Statement of the Problem in Illinois • Lack of affordable and accessible endorsement programs for professional educators and undergraduates. • Reduction of programs offering endorsementsat State Universities • High Schools not able to fill driver education positions (especially rural high schools). • School districts needing to be more efficient with funds and tightening budgets. School districts in Illinois receive approximately $190 of reimbursement to cover DE costs. Districts can also charge a laboratory fee of up to $250 without filing for a waiver.

  7. Programs in Illinois prior to IHSCDEA TEP Illinois State Universities that no longer offered Driver Education Majors, Minors, Endorsements (from the 80’s): EIU, NIU, SIU, ISU, WIU, NEIU, U of I Active Programs offering endorsement courses: • Olivet Nazarene Univ. • Chicago State Univ. • Millikin Univ. • Greenville College

  8. What Led to Our Research? What Experiences Did Our Membership Have? Analysis (538 IHSCDEA members were surveyed from ten regional fall workshops in 2016) Questions we asked our members: • How Long Have you Taught? • What Endorsement Program did you go through? • Why did you choose that program? • Did your endorsement program prepare you for teaching BTW?

  9. Survey Results (73% IHSCDEA Members) Experience Level 1-5 = 23% 6-10= 22% 11-15= 17% 16-20= 15% 21+= 23%

  10. Survey Results (73% IHSCDEA Members) Where did you receive your endorsement? CSU= 21% GC= 17% EIU= 15% NIU= 13% MU= 12% SIU= 6% ONU= 4% WIU= <3% ISU= < 1% Other= <1%

  11. Survey Results (73% IHSCDEA Members) Why did you choose your endorsement program? Geographic= 40% Degree seeking= 22% (experienced members) Cost= 21% Online available= 8% Ride sharing= 2% Other= 6%

  12. Survey Results (73% IHSCDEA Members) Were you prepared to teach BTW after completion of the program? Yes= 66% No= 34%

  13. Free Response comments from Members • More hands-on instruction • More lab experiences with students • More help with instructional methods and technology • Less Expensive Programs • Accessible throughout the state • Help with Administration of programs (ISOS, IWAS, ISBE) • Use of ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum and NTDETAS 2017 (National Standards)

  14. Our Vision based on Our Analysis of Research Created a Vision for a Program that: • Accessible statewide • Affordable • Meaningful Additional Considerations: • Cost effective • Utilizing current best practices in teaching • Utilizing personnel assets throughout the state of Illinois • Afford more money to instruction and less to administration • Partner with a university for accreditation.

  15. USF/IHSCDEA Program • University of St. Francis, Joliet IL • The Staffing • Curriculum Development • The Marketing Plan • The Students • The Evaluation of the Program

  16. Accrediting Institution University of St. Francis Joliet, Illinois College of Education REAL Program (Regional Educational Academy for Leadership)

  17. University of St. Francis Endorsement Programs • Bilingual Education • Director of Special Education • Driver Education • ESL • Health Education • Middle School • Physical Education • Reading • Special Education LBSI • Technology Specialist

  18. University of St. Francis Endorsement Concentrations Leading to MS in Education Driver Education (18 sem. hours) + Teaching & Learning Major (12 sem. hours) Hours • MSED 608 Cultural Awareness 1 • MSED 609 Service Learning 1 • MSED 610 Methods of Educational Research 3 • MSED 620 Data Driven Dec. Making 3 • MSED 650 Designing Eff.Instruction 3 • MSED 693 Using Domains to Frame Instruction 1

  19. The Program Staffing • Director: responsible for all phases of the Teacher Endorsement Program. • Asst. Director: assists in all aspects of the program as well as working with Association Treasurer. • Adjunct Professors: for each class are chosen having significant experience (Masters Degree) in Driver Education with an expertise in given area. Employed by Univ. of St. Francis. • Cooperating Teachers: selected having experience in Driver Education with a passion to assist new candidates at their home districts. Mentors receive ISBE CPDUs

  20. IHSCDEA/Univ. of St. Francis Adjunct Staff • Todd Fenchel: MS Ed, Zion Benton HS. • Injury Prevention and Safety • Steve Scott MS Traffic Safety, U.W.Whitewater, Lakes Comm. HS. (Retired) • Driver Task Analysis • Dan Kleinfeldt MS Ed, Oak Park-River Forest HS. • Classroom Methods in Driver Education • Brent Johnston: MS Ed, Hinsdale Central HS (Retired) • BTW Methods in Driver Education • Dr. Tom Baba: Ed.D. Roosevelt Univ., Highland Park HS (Retired) • Methods of Simulation and Range Instruction

  21. The Curriculum and Program Structure Courses offered in 8 week blocks called Modules Tuition set at $1,000.00 per course. Instruction online shall be asynchronous (CANVAS) Outcomes aligned with assessments through Quality Matters Meetings as needed: • In person • Phone • Text • Email • ZOOM (like Skype)

  22. Driver Education Endorsement Curriculum Four Required classes (12 credit hours) • Injury Prevention and Safety • Driver Task Analysis ( Intro and Pre-requisite ) • Classroom Methods of Instruction in Driver Education • Behind the Wheel Methods of Instruction

  23. Required Program Course Sequence EEND 615 Injury Prevention and Safety | 3 credit hours (Online) Principles of Accident Prevention exams the history, philosophy, and procedures of safety and accident prevention with emphasis on areas related to physical activity, athletics, household, industrial, workplace, school and traffic safety. This course will be taught online. EEND 616 Driver Task Analysis (Introduction to Driver Education) | 3 credit hours (Online) Driver Task Analysis forms the backbone of the curriculum, administration, legal, organizational, financial and procedural aspects of Driver Education. This course will prepare prospective Driver Education teachers to develop, maintain and evaluate existing as well as new program designs. EEND 617 Methods of Teaching Driver Education: Classroom | 3 credit hours (Online and on site observation and teaching with coop teacher.) This course contains two major objectives: one, concentration of the clinical aspects and methods of teaching Driver Education in the classroom, secondly, the development of strategies, content and materials, using a variety of instructional methods. EEND 618 Methods of Teaching Driver Education: Behind the Wheel | 3 credit hours (Online and on site observation and teaching with coop teacher.) This course examines methods for delivering a sequential in-vehicle phase of a Driver Education program. Includes program organization, route and lesson design, instructional delivery methods, verbal cues, and assessment of behind-the-wheel lessons in a dual controlled vehicle. Additionally, this course will also require the Teacher Endorsement candidate to be present for in-car observation and hands-on experience.

  24. Elective Course Choices (12 credit hours in 4 areas) (6 credit hours in 2 areas effective 9-2019) • Advanced Driver Education (Simulation, Range, Evasive and Emergency Instruction) • First Aid • Psychology of Adolescent /Young adults. • Health and Wellness • Care and Prevention of Injuries (Athletic) • Issues Related to Alcohol and Other Drug Use • Teaching Driver Education to Special Needs Students • Any Other Safety Related Class

  25. Elective Course Offering EEND 619 Methods of Teaching Driver Education: Simulation and Range | 3 credit hours This course examines the methods for delivering the Simulation and Range phase of Driver Education. Includes Simulation and Range program organization, development, design, scheduling and teaching strategies and techniques. This course will also require the Teacher Endorsement candidate to be present for field experience at a high school that provides these phases of instruction.

  26. Student Recruitment and Marketing the Program • Marketing: • Specific advertising in the Illinois Journal of IAPHERD ( twice a year) • IAPHERD State Conference Program • Presentations and Booths at IHSCDEA, IAHPERD and DuPage Conferences • Presentation at 2018, 2019 ADTSEA Conference • Association’s IDEA Journal • IHSCDEA Promotional Flyer • College of Education (all subject areas) at teacher education institutions in Illinois (58) • IEA/IFT • All Association Members • Website (ihscdea.org), Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) • Assistance from Partner University

  27. Assistance from Univ. of St. Francis in Marketing • Fliers • brochures • website registration • https://www.stfrancis.edu/real/courses/

  28. Program Enrollment Cohort Averages • Cohort 1 26 • Cohort 2 20 • Cohort 3 19 • Cohort 4 14 • Cohort 5 19 • Cohort 6 24 (As of today. Starts Aug.19th)

  29. Cohort One Enrollment = 26

  30. Cohort 2 Enrollment = 21

  31. 2019-2020 New TEP initiatives • Create a mentorship to add Adjunct Staff • Create a “Grant” Program for outstanding programming or initiatives in Driver Education • Become a National Source for educating and preparing Driver Education Teachers

  32. Program Goals for 2019-2020 • Continue communication and relationship with University of St. Francis • Create additional University partnerships • Review, evaluate Adjunct Staff • Review, revise and improve present curriculum through Quality Matters. • Review budget

  33. Fall 2019 Potential Candidates = 162 • National Interest • Tennessee • Delaware • Vermont • Colorado • Washington DC • Florida (enrolled) • Mississippi (enrolled) • Virginia

  34. Time Commitment of Directors • 7 days a week • Phone calls, emails, texts with candidates • Regular ZOOM meeting with Cohorts • Recruiting • Communication with USF • Curriculum • Finances

  35. Evaluation of the Program The Following Methods of Evaluation will be used: • Student evaluation of staff, course content and program through CANVAS, Quality Matters and USF. • Director evaluates Assistant Director, staff, entire program and submits an executive summary to the Association Executive Committee at State Conference. (May) • Association Exec. Comm. evaluate Director and Program

  36. Questions ?? www.ihscdea.org

  37. IHSCDEA/USF Teacher Endorsement Program Dr. Tom Baba Ed.D Director TEP • Mr. Steve Scott MS • Asst. Director TEP • drtombaba@ihscdea.org sscott@ihscdea.org • 847-533-8385 847-476-3684

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