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Welcome to Reception ‘Meet the Teacher’. The Reception Team. Franklin Class: EYFS Phase Leader, Teacher Ms A Dymond Nursery Nurse Sarah McMahon teaching support Ms V Webster Jackson Class – Teacher/Spanish Lead Mrs V Mepani-Madhaparia Nursery Nurse Mary Griffin
Welcome to Reception ‘Meet the Teacher’
The Reception Team Franklin Class: EYFS Phase Leader, Teacher Ms ADymond Nursery Nurse Sarah McMahon teaching support Ms V Webster Jackson Class – Teacher/Spanish Lead Mrs V Mepani-Madhaparia Nursery Nurse Mary Griffin Lennon class –Teacher/Art Lead Ms K Fernando Nursery Nurse Dawn Fitzgerald
Our school Day School gates open at 8.40am 8.45amChildren come into class 9.05End of registration (Marked as late after this time) Lunch: 11.30am – 12.30pm Home time: 3.25pm Children are collected from their classrooms Please inform the class staff or phone the school office if someone we do not know is picking up your child.
School uniform Please clearly label all items of clothing and other belongings. Reception children may wear navy blue jogging bottoms- no leggings please. Grey skirt/trousers, grey tights (no leggings), red or white shirt, blue jumper/cardigan and black shoes (no trainers). A set of spare clothes in a named carrier bag. Book bags should be brought in every day Ensure that children have their coats and jumpers with them so that they are appropriately clothed for the weather. Children need a labelled water bottle with a sports top in school everyday.
PE Lessons Reception Classes have PE on a Friday morning. Children will need their PE kits after October half term. Please bring in your child’s PE kit in a drawstring bag. P.E Kit: White t-shirt, navy shorts, grey tracksuit and Velcro trainers. Please make sure everything is clearly labelled with your child's name. Children get changed at school and wear their PE kit home. Stud ear-rings only for school/PE.
Teaching and Learning In Reception children have daily whole class English lessons. Every child has a weekly small group writing session recorded in their English books. Maths is also taught in daily whole class lessons. Every child has a weekly small group maths session with their learning recorded in their maths books. Phonics is taught daily in ability groups. English and maths skills and knowledge are consolidated through the planned independent activities which are on offer to the children both inside the classroom and in our outdoor provision.
Learning Journeys • An Online learning journal system. • Staff record children's progress and activities using tablet devices and PCs. • Parents can view their child’s journal on mobile devices and on their home computers, and can make observations of their own using a secure login system. What Is Tapestry?
Learning Journeys • Photos, videos and observations are uploaded to Tapestry. • It is accessed via the Android/iOS app or the Tapestry website. • It enables you to comment on observations or add your own, so you can show us what your child is doing outside the school day – weekend trips, exciting learning opportunities, trip to the shops etc. • Email notifications can be sent to inform parents of new observations and comments. How Does It Work?
Learning Journeys What does it look like?
Reception Topics In Reception we provide a wide and varied curriculum for our children.
Reception Assemblies • There are two Reception performances in the school year; • Christmas Nativity • Reception Graduation Assembly
Home Learning Reception children take home a READ TO ME book once a week. This is a picture book for you and your family to read to your child. Read to me books are changed on WEDNESDAY. Later in this term children will have a home reading book and a reading record book. These are levelled books that your child will read to you. Please read daily with your child, record the name of the book in the reading record and add any comments about your child’s reading. Home readers are changed on MONDAY and FRIDAY.
Celebrating Birthday’s At Marlborough we are a ‘nut free school.’ We kindly ask if it is your child’s birthday and your child’s wants to share something with their class, we ask for healthy options or small toys only to share with the other children. Please do not bring in cakes or chocolates as they may contain nuts and we will not be handing them out due to allergies across Reception as well as the rest of the school. This might include cereal bars and fruit or small party bag toys such as mini pencils, bouncy balls etc.
Outdoor area At the beginning of the day before school and at the end of the day after school the children are not allowed on the outdoor equipment.
Workshops this term Learning journal workshop- Monday 30th September 9:00-10:00am Phonics workshop- Tuesday 1st October- 9:00-10:00am (45 spaces) Maths workshop- Wednesday 9th October – 9:00-10:00am (45 spaces) Book trust morning- Thursday 17th October 9:00-10:00am
Trips this term Seaside trip- 26th September Church trip- Date to be confirmed Pantomime to see Aladdin- 17th December Local walks will take place once a term. We will let you know when they will be.