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State of Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Air Division

Learn about the development of a new, shared emissions inventory system enabling data submission and CROMERR-compliant reporting. Get insights on consortium members, demonstration, and next steps. Join the webinar for a detailed SLEIS demo.

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State of Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Air Division

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State of Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)Air Division • State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) 2012 Exchange Network Conference • Thursday, May 31st, 2012 David Lyon (Arkansas DEQ) Bret Smith (Windsor Solutions, Inc.)

  2. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Agenda • Background • Solution • Consortium Members • Demonstration • Next Steps • Questions

  3. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Background • 2008 Emissions Inventory Conference - a group of agencies agree on their shared need to migrate from i-STEPS to a new system that is compliant with the new EPA EIS • The agencies formed a consortium and agree to develop a new, shared point source emissions inventory system: • Web-based interface for both public and agency users • CROMERR-compliant electronic reporting from the regulated community • Generate and submit CERS XML files to EPA’s EIS • Arkansas DEQ awarded FY09 Exchange Network Grant to develop the system • Windsor selected to develop the new State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS)

  4. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Solution • SLEIS: • Enables the regulated community to submit point source emissions inventory data, and related meta-data, to state and local agencies using an intuitive and streamlined Web application. • Provides a secure, CROMERR-compliant reporting mechanism. • Supports multiple reporting years of emissions inventory data, both current and historical (migrated from i-STEPS). • Highly customizable, allowing each agency to configure the system to meet their own unique needs. • Manages the generation and submission of CERS format XML files to EPA’s EIS using a built in Node client.

  5. 2012 Exchange Network Conference SLEIS Consortium • Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality • Arizona Department of Environmental Quality • Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control • New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services • West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection • Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee

  6. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Demonstration

  7. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Next Steps • SLEIS is available now! • The initial SLEIS implementation is now within a six month warranty period, ending August 31, 2012. • Windsor will address any critical defects during the warranty period. • Windsor is also addressing any CROMERR related issues and assisting agencies with their CROMERR applications. • Webinar scheduled for Wednesday, June 13th, from 10AM-12PM PST to provide a detailed SLEIS demonstration and answer questions. • For additional information, to register for the SLEIS Webinar, or for current SLEIS related news, please visit the SLEIS website at sleis.windsorsolutions.com

  8. 2012 Exchange Network Conference Questions?

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