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Master in Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems - English Specialization

The AGH-UST Faculty of Electrical Engineering introduces a new English-based specialization in Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems (CEES). This article provides details on the objectives, methods, and regulations of the program, aimed at preparing students for practical informatics and control of electrical processes.

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Master in Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems - English Specialization

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  1. Antoni Cieśla, Zbigniew Hanzelka, Jacek Nalepa, Tadeusz Orzechowski, Jan RusekMaster-degree specialization in Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems, carried in English at the AGH-UST International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE 2005, The Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, July 25 - 29, 2005. http://icee2005.polsl.pl The AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST), Krakow, Poland, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Electronics (EAIE), launches the master-degree studies in the area of Electrical Engineering, carried entirely in the English language. For this end a new, as if inter-modular, specialization has been proposed, called Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems (CEES). The specialization is a new one, though very close to one of the specializations carried in the Polish language, within the "modulus C" of the unified, master-degree studies. The duration of the studies within the specialization is four semesters, whereby the fourth semester is devoted for preparation of the diploma work. The project starts in the autumn-to-winter semester of the academic year 2005-to-2006. The project has been successfully put into the whole acceptance procedures, both at the EAIE Faculty and AGH-UST senate levels. After gathering of all the indispensable acceptances, it was possible to arrange a meeting with potential candidates for the studies within the proposed specialization, to be carried in the English language. The meeting (held on February 25th, 2005) has gathered about 18 students. First they have been exposed to short presentation of objectives, courses and regulations. Thereafter the questions of the audience have been answered by prof. Antoni Cieśla (lecturer and pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering), prof. Zbigniew Hanzelka (lecturer) and prof. Jan Rusek (lecturer). From the atmosphere of the one and half hour lasting meeting, it can justifiably be concluded that about 12 students will volunteer for the proposed specialization. Those involved in preparation of the project are deeply convinced, that the existence of a group with English as an exclusive language of lectures and tutorials will prepare the EAIE Faculty to meet the growing challenge of being able to propose studies not only for the Polish but also for the foreign candidates. At the same time, carrying lectures and tutorials in the English language will promote the knowledge of the technical vocabulary among the whole academic community of the AGH-UST. ______________________________ An article would present some details of the new venture, including objectives, methods and regulations, all prepared for the new specialization to be carried in the English language.

  2. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Objectives and methods: • The student will be exposed to advanced knowledge of computer science within softwer and hardware, to the knowledge of modern methods of control, electrical circuits analysis and modelling, signal aquisition and processing, etc. • The student will also gain the knowledge about basic electric and electronic equipment (machines, drives, power electronics) as well as about technological processes such as thermal processes, generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, control systems, etc. • Based on the above targets, the graduate of the CEES specuialization will be an engineer of broad knowledge of proctical informatics, which he will be able to apply to control the know-to-him objects, systems and electrical processes.

  3. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • SEMESTER 7: Five obligatory courses plus one elective

  4. CEES Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems • SEMESTER 8: Four obligatory courses plus two electives

  5. CEES Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems • SEMESTER 9: Three obligatory courses plus three electives

  6. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems CEES Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems • SEMESTER 10: Problem oriented laboratory plus diploma work * Five momothematic lectures (3h each) elected by the students from those proposed by the lecturers of the EAIE Faculty (based on the number of votes).

  7. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST), • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Electronics (EAIE), • Al. Mickiewicza 30, • 30-059 Krakow,Poland • Regulations for the foreign language specialization of Computer Engineering in Electrical Systems (CEES) • General information • The studies in the English language within the specialization of CEES last 4 semesters and are carried: • 1. Within the unified studies (SJ) of Electrical Engineering, in successive 7th ,8th, 9th and 10th semesters. • 2. Within the master-degree complementary studies (SUM), in successive 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th semesters. • Remark: the CEES specialization within the SJ and SUM studies are carried along the same plane and program of the studies, whereby semester 7th within the SJ studies coincide with the semester 1st of the SUM studies.

  8. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • 3. For the CEES specialization, carried within the SJ studies mentioned in paragraph 1, the following candidates can be qualified: • Polish nationals who have completed the engineering (i.e. bachelor-degree) studies of Electrical Engineering and are in possession of the diploma testifying completion of these studies, • Polish nationals who have completed the engineering (i.e. bachelor-degree) studies of other specialization or line of studies, close to Electrical Engineering, what can be concluded from the diploma and relevant certificate e.g. in the form of diploma supplement (see also paragraph 8). • students studding Electrical Engineering, at the EAIE Faculty of the AGH University of Science and Technology, after completion of the 6th semester, • students of other lines of studies, carried in the form of unified studies SJ at the EAIE Faculty of AGH-UST (see also paragraph 8), • foreigners, being in possession of appropriate diploma of completion of the 1st-degree (bachelor-degree) studies of Electrical Engineering, • foreigners, who are studying Electrical Engineering and wish to continue their studies at the AGH-UST, and have thus far gathered at least 180 ETCS points of basic and specializing courses defined in the educational standards for Electrical Engineering.

  9. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Language requirements • 4. The candidate for the studies within the CEES specialization should be in possession of advanced command of the English language, both in writing and speaking, so as to be able to understand lectures, actively take part in tutorial, laboratory and seminar exercises, prepare writing reports of exercises, pass writing exams as well as answer questions both during exercises and examination procedure. • The application form of the candidate should be attached by the declaration of the language knowledge of the following form: • I declare that my command of the English language fulfills the demands defined in the Regulations for the CEES specialization. • All the consequences of not fulfilling the above criteria, up to excluding from the CEES specialization, fall exclusively on the student.

  10. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Particular requirements • 5. Application form for the specialization of CEES should be handed in to the pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering, not later than on 15th May of each calendar year. • 6. Students of Electrical Engineering and other lines of studies carried as unified studies at the EAIE Faculty of the AGH-UST, hand in the application form during the 6th semester, not later than on 15th May of each calendar year. • 7. The decision about qualification of the student is taken by the pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering, not later than on 15th June of each calendar year. • 8. With respect to the candidates mentioned in paragraphs 3b and 3d, the pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering may find some program differences and may specify the making up conditions.

  11. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Diploma work, completion of studies • 9. The diploma work should be prepared in the English language. Presentation of the work, its defense and diploma examination are carried in the English language. • Completion of the CEES specialization is certified by the diploma of receiving the title (grade) of master engineer in Electrical Engineering. The fact of studying in the English language as well as the subject scope of completed studies remains notified in the diploma supplement.

  12. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Finansing • 10. The level of gratifying the employees for teaching in the English language is determined by the dean in compliance with the rules issued by the ministry of National Education. • 11. The costs of attending the courses resulting from program differences are covered by the student. The level of the payment contributed by the student is defined by the pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering, in compliance with the quotas established by the rector.

  13. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems • Others • 12. In particular cases, the decision about qualifying for the CEES specialization is taken by the pro-dean catering for Electrical Engineering or by the dean, in an individual manner.

  14. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems

  15. CEESComputer Engineering in Electrical Systems

  16. Electrical Machines and Micromachines • ·         Single phase and three phase transformers: equivalent circuits, steady-state equations, phasor diagrams. • ·         Three phase synchronous machines: Park’s transform and equivalent circuits, steady-state equations, phasor diagrams, synchronization, reactive power control. • ·         Induction machines: squirrel cage and slip ring rotor, torque-speed characteristics, starting up, speed control, • ·         Two-phase servo induction motors. • ·         Single-phase capacitor motors. • ·         Commutator machines: shunt-connected DC machines, series-connected DC machines, ac-commutator machines, dc-brushless micromachines. • ·         Stepper motors: permanent-magnet, variable-reluctance and hybrid steppers, unipolar and bipolar supply, damping of commutation overvoltages, full-step and half-step operation, • ·         DC and AC tachometers. • ·         Resolvers. • ·         Selsyns, including transformer link. • ·         Static converters for driving systems: power electronics elements, controlled rectifiers, inverters, cycloconverters. • Laboratory: • ·         Calculations of transformers’ parameters and characteristics. • ·         Calculations of torque, currents power and reactive power of synchronous machines. • ·         Calculations of torque and currents of induction machines. • ·         Calculations of torque and currents of dc and ac commutator machines.

  17. Engineering programming in Visual C++ • ·         Visual C++ environment: AppWizard, AppStudio, ClassWizard. Creating applications. • ·         Functions, strings, pointers, references, tables, function name overloading. • ·         Memory allocation: operators new and delete. • ·         Classes: member variables and functions. Constructor and destructor. • ·         Loops: for, do and do-while. Condition instruction if and the switch. • ·         Inheritance. Public, private and protected variables. Directive #include. • ·         Logical and bit-wise “and” and “or’. Defining single-argument operators. • ·         Creating SDI applications: classes CmyApp, CMainFrame, CmyDoc and CmyView. • ·         Adding own classes and communication between various classes. • ·         Function OnDraw. Drawing rectangles ellipses and inscriptions. Color adjustment. • ·         Initializing of classes in OnInitialUpdate. • ·         Buttons and Create function. Creating bitmap resources and covering buttons. • ·         Use of class CPtrArray for storing data in CmyDoc. • ·         Use of CFileDialog and CFile to read from or write to external files. • ·         Adding and editing icons for Toolbar. Writing to title bar. • ·         Serving COMMAND and UPDATE_COMAND_UI commands. • ·         Massage maps. Class CArchive and serialization. • ·         Serving keyboard and mouse. Functions Capture, ReleaseCapture and ClipCursor. • ·         Printing and PrintPreview. Print engine. Logical and device coordinates. • ·         Resizing, mapping and translating window’s and viewport’s origins. • ·         Device Context, compatible DeviceContext and compatible Bitmap. • ·         Use of functions BitBlt and StretchBlt. • ·         Adding new menu and new menu items. Serving notification messages. • ·         Dialog boxes, Tab controls. Selecting graphical objects . • ·         Passing text and bitmaps to clipboard. Reading text or bitmap form clipboard. • ·         Registering with Windows user’s clipboard format. • ·         Storing graphics in enhanced metafile format. • ·         Application SDI with two views in split window: drawing pane and edit pane.

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