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Debenture holders Investor Grievance Report Q1 FY 2019 20 (PDF)-Sterlite power<br><br>https://www.sterlitepower.com/downloads
}r;: titr; c H To Whomsoever It May Concern Date:06,01.2020 Unit: Sterlite Power Transmission Limited ISIN: INE110V07012 This is to certify that there are no pending Investor Grievance of the Debenture holders for the quarter ended 31.f2.2019. The details of which are as follows:- t! il f$o. {rf Complaints Nc, ot complarnts pendlng a5 on l- uctoDerT li-r19 ; t\ c, of Complaints pending as 1tn october, 2il19 Nit No. of complaints received during the Qua*er (From l'r October,2019 to 3l't December, 2019) Nit : Nii No, of Complaints resolved during the Quarter (From x."t October, 2019 to 31" December, 2019) :Nil No. of Complaints remaining unresolved as on 31th December. 2019. Thanking You Yours faithfully For KFin Technologies Private Limited Nf @\ ^,.h\*{H@ KFin Technologies Private Limited Registcred & Corporah Ofli€e ll&lT Gd.rbrd rr:i.n 0.1 rl rr,: iikr.,rJ|iia,SL-r .!anpa !, iira(.'.lr.d 500032, ':. r!t.r .. i!11! ilrvr i(r ,lril ,'r' alN r,zr0irla2al.rrl'Cl:/6.19 ''5.. u Tor.rB,Prirl. rr _Lrl,1! br !.2212 rt,r1
ilLlil\Tich To Whomsoever It May Concern Date:06.01.2020 Unit: Sterlite power Transmission Lirnited ISIN:INE110V01015. This is to certify that there are no pending Investor Grievance of the Equity holders for the quarter ended 31.12.2019. The details of which are as follows:_ No. of Complaints Nit No. of Complaints pending as on lth October, 2019 Nit No,_of Com-plaints received during the euarter (From tst october, 1019 to si" ou.i;b"i, zorg) ruit No. of Complaints resolved durinq the Ouarter (From 1't October, 20t9 to ff-', o.cimUei, zOfSl Nit No. of Complaints remaining unresolved as on Nit 31rh December, 2019. Thanking you Yours faithfully For KFin Technolo ies Private Limited $ig nato ry. KFin Technologies Private Limited Registered & Corporrte Offic. F,rnrj i L1st.r i,,,]dkra!Lt!r.5e, ldnErry, Hya.ralrad !00032, P. :191 4461\6))D, i32l 1000 | ww'! kifte.n co r CIN U72t00TG20tlpTCt17649 !,,.,,nTo!!. U PoLN! ll&l7,ca.rr!.i