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Environment Control Fibrecount: Asbestos Risk Reduction & Soil Contamination Assessment

Learn about reducing asbestos risks, measuring asbestos fiber concentration, and assessing soil contamination risks due to industrial activities. Discover the behavior and factors affecting human asbestos exposure.

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Environment Control Fibrecount: Asbestos Risk Reduction & Soil Contamination Assessment

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  1. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount ASBESTOS RISK REDUCTION & MEASUREMENT OF ASBESTOS FIBRE CONCENTRATIONKrakow Poland, September 28-29, 2006 ASSESSING RISKS OF SOIL CONTAMINATED WITH ASBESTOS B. Hermans

  2. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar el: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Soil contamination is often a result of industial activities of the past Asbestos mining Crocidolite mine in South Africa Chrysotile mine on Cyprus

  3. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Asbestos cement industry and uncarefull demolition of buildings

  4. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Asbestos in soil as a result of a fire

  5. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Asbestos in soil : two main categories Loosely bound asbestos • sprayed asbestos • asbestos insulation boards (Pical) • cords • paper • ….. Firmly bound asbestos • asbestos cement • asbesos in polymeric materials (floor tiles) !!! Weathering can make asbetos cement product very friable !!!

  6. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Behaviour of asbestos in soil • Only physical transport of asbestos in soil is of importance • The nature of soil plays an important role • Clay will immobilize asbstos much more than sand For particles from 0,1 to 2 µm, the speed of migration is from 1 to 10 cm in 3000 to 40 000 years ! -Animals such as rabbits, rats and moles contribute only to small extent to bring asbestos to the surface! Only human activities are of importance in moving asbestos in soil

  7. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Human exposure to asbestos particles from soil Background concentration in asbestos fibres : about 70/m³ in US (Alewife Study Group – 1995) Primary emission (directly from source) • short-term acute emission by disturbing ACM • long-term diffuse emission by natural erosion factors (wind) Secondary emission (from settled dust)

  8. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Factors affecting the human exposition Properties of ACM • Bounding grade of material • Kind of asbestos • Fraction of respirable fibres F.A. Swartjes and al. from RIVM rapport 711701034/2003

  9. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Factors affecting the human exposition Characteritics of soil Activities on site • Kind of soil (clay vs sand) • Local relief • Humidity • Vegetation • ….. • Kind of activity • Duration of activities Extent of pollution Weather factors • Concentration of asbestos • Volume or surface of polluted area • Depth of pollution • Distance to source of asbestos • ….. • Humidity of air • Rain • Frost • Wind • …..

  10. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Acceptable fibres concentration Risk increase for mesothelioma and lung cancer Negligible risk : 10 -6 bylifetime (10 -8)/year Acceptable risk : 10 -4 bylifetime (10 -6)/year But different values are associated with different kinds of asbestos Notion of fibre equivalent 1 fibre Chrysotile = 1 fibre equivalent 1 fibre Amphibol = 10 fibres equivalent

  11. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Acceptable fibres concentration

  12. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Airborne asbestos concentration as a function of Asbestos concentration in soil Bound asbestos F.A. Swartjes and al. from RIVM rapport 711701034/2003

  13. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Airborne asbestos concentration as a function of Asbestos concentration in soil Loosely bound asbestos F.A. Swartjes and al. from RIVM rapport 711701034/2003

  14. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Determination of a limit value for asbestos in soil Airborne asbestos concentration fibres/m³ Concentrationof asbestos in soil mg/kg F.A. Swartjes and al. from RIVM rapport 711701034/2003

  15. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Determination of a limit value for asbestos in soil

  16. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount NEN 5707 – Soil –Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil and soil stockpiles Structure of the norm • Phasing of the survey • Preliminary investigation • Exploring investigation • Detailed investigation • Analysis

  17. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount NEN 5707 – Soil –Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil and soil stockpiles Preliminary investigation : Collection of data about former and present use of the soil and the direct environment of it, possible causes of pollution (from documents and visit on site). Exploring investigation : Investigation conducted with relatively limitated efforts to confirm the suspicion of pollution.

  18. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount NEN 5707 – Soil –Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil and soil stockpiles Detailed investigation : Investigation of the contamination with the aim of -determination of the concentration of asbestos per surface unit based on visual inspection and random sampling -if needed , the determination of the limits of the pollution based systematic sampling

  19. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount NEN 5707 – Soil –Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil and soil stockpiles Analysis of samples : On site collection and preparation of samples On site analysis of the coarse fraction Preparation of samples (drying, sieving) Analysis of fraction >4 mm

  20. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be PLM SEM Fibrecount NEN 5707 – Soil –Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil and soil stockpiles Analysis of samples : Not bound Asbestos ? Analysis of the fractions 2-4 mm, 1-2 mm and 0,5-1mm Analysis of the fractions 2-4 mm, 1-2 mm and 0,5-1mm Qualitative analysis of the fraction <0,5mm Analysis of the fine fraction

  21. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Commonwealth of Massachussets Asbestos in soil streamlining regulation and management Aim : adress the assesment and clean-up of three situations -asbestos in buildings components that have been buried -asbestos in debris improperly disposed in or on the ground -unconsolidated asbestos fibres found in soil

  22. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Problem : need for a cheap and performant analytical method ! The superfund method for the determination of releasable asbestos in soil and bulk material (EPA 540-R-97-028)

  23. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Tedious and quite expensive method !

  24. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount MassDEP has developed a cheaper PLM method based on sieved fractions

  25. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount

  26. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount A pilote project in Flanders Waste of asbestos cement pipe production has been used under lanes and path. The percels where asbestos has been used haven recently been identified in a big survey conducted for OVAM (public Flemish Environmental authority). A clean-up test has been conducted in March 2005 by excavation of contaminated soil. Airborne asbestos measurement (PCM) where never above 0,010 f/ml

  27. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Conclusion Pollution of soil by asbestos can cause elevated concentration in airborne asbestos (in particular by high activity grade on site). Protection of workers involved in clean-up process PCM is adequate Diffuse pollution can also occur and could be of significance by adverse meteorological conditions. Effects of very low concentration of asbestos fibres is up to now relatively wide unknown. Only electronical analysis is adequate

  28. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount A few pictures of our laboratory in Rotterdam Inside the depressurized part Dry-sieving machine Wet-sieving machine

  29. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount

  30. Environmental control Fibrecount NV Boomsesteenweg 56 / 1 B-2630 Aartselaar tel: 03/312 95 90  fax: 03/312 95 99 URL: www.fibrecount.come-mail: info@fibrecount.be Fibrecount Many thanks for your kind attention ! Never again without adequate protection !!!

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