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Teaching Grammar to Young Learners

Teaching Grammar to Young Learners. Principle and Technique. The 10th Group. Annisa Pratiwi (15220117) Bagus Maulana Hakim (15220244) Yeni Dwi Jayanti (15220194). Regular/A2/2015 English Education Study Program Language Educaion Faculty. Outline. 01.

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Teaching Grammar to Young Learners

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teaching Grammar to Young Learners Principle and Technique

  2. The 10th Group Annisa Pratiwi (15220117) Bagus Maulana Hakim (15220244) Yeni Dwi Jayanti (15220194) Regular/A2/2015 English Education Study Program Language Educaion Faculty

  3. Outline 01 Material Suggestions for Grammar Teaching in Elementary School The Role of Grammar in Teaching YL Ways of Teaching Grammar to YL Teaching Grammar to YL Grammar Definition Stages in Teaching Grammar to YL 02 Technique in Teaching Grammr to YL . . . . . . 03 04 05 06 07

  4. GrammarDefinition

  5. Grammar Definition “ Grammar may be roughly defined as the way a language manipulates and combines words (or bits of words) in order to form longer units of meaning. “ Penny Ur

  6. The Role of Grammar in Teaching YL

  7. The Role of Grammar in Teaching YL Children can use grammatical structures very well, they can speak language clearly, but theyare not able to say why they use particular structure. “ “ As Pinter (2006)

  8. Material Suggestions for Grammar Teaching in Elementary School

  9. Several Material Suggestions for Grammar Teaching in Elementary School

  10. Example drilling : • Drill for ‘it is a . . .’ pattern : It is a + singular noun It is a book bag banana car • Drill for ‘I have . . .’ pattern : I have + singular pattern I have a cat bike dictionary

  11. Teaching Grammar to YL

  12. Teaching Grammar

  13. Teaching Grammar

  14. Teaching Grammar

  15. Stages in Teaching Grammar to YL

  16. Stages in Teaching Grammar to EYL

  17. Ways of Teaching Grammar to YL

  18. Ways of Teaching Grammar

  19. Technique in Teaching Grammar to YL

  20. Technique in Teaching Grammar

  21. Grammar activities for older children Grammar activities for older children include puzzles where students are encouraged to discover grammar rules for themselves in games, such as describing differences between two pictures, which can be used to practice preposition.




  25. Thank you Is there any question?

  26. Credits This presentation template created by GoogleSlidesppt.com Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learner. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Sitorus, D. (2012). Teaching Grammar to Young Learners a Chapter Report. Retrieved 11 21, 2018, from www.academia.edu: https://www.academia.edu/7694429/TEACHING_GRAMMAR_TO_YOUNG_LEARNERS_A_Chapter_Report Suyanto, K. (2007). English forYoung Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Ur, P. (1988). Grammar Practice Activities: a Practical Guide for Teacher. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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