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The Problem of Political Choice

This book explores the extent and rationality of political ignorance, examining the shortcomings of information shortcuts and discussing the implications of foot voting vs. ballot box voting. It suggests possible strategies for increasing political knowledge and highlights the importance of informed decision-making in a democratic society.

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The Problem of Political Choice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Problem of Political Choice

  2. Summary I. Why political ignorance matters. II. The extent of ignorance. III. The rationality of ignorance. IV. Shortcomings of information shortcuts. V. Foot voting vs. ballot box voting

  3. Why Political Ignorance Matters

  4. The Extent of Political Ignorance Chapter 1 I. Ignorance about issues II. Ignorance about the structure of government III. The stability of ignorance over time IV. Ignorance around the world

  5. “I love the poorly educated.”

  6. Ignorance and Rationality Chapter 3 I. Rational ignorance. II. Rational irrationality.

  7. Sports Fans

  8. Political Fans

  9. Shortcomings of Shortcuts Chapter 4 I. Types of shortcuts. A. Retrospective voting. B. Opinion leaders. C. Knowledge from everyday life. II. Problems with shortcuts. A. Require preexisting knowledge to use. B. Don’t account for irrationality.

  10. Retrospective Voting

  11. Voting With Your Feet

  12. Foot Voting vs. Ballot Box Voting I. Informational advantages of foot voting. A. Less rational ignorance. B. Less rational irrationality. II. Implications. A. Political decentralization. B. Increasing the role of the private sector. C. Judicial review.

  13. Retrieverocracy

  14. The Sports Fan

  15. Possible Strategies for Increasing Political Knowledge Chapter 7 I. Education II. Media reform III. Paying voters to learn

  16. The Miracle of Aggregation

  17. Political Ignorance and the 2010 Election

  18. The Rule of Experts

  19. Overview of the Book I. The extent of Ignorance (chs. 2-3). II. The rationality of ignorance (ch. 4). IV. Shortcomings of information (ch. 5). V. Institutional Implications (chs. 6-7). 1. Decentralization. 2. Limited government. 3. Judicial review. VI. Proposals for increasing political knowledge (ch. 8).

  20. Democracy and Political Ignorance by Ilya Somin George Mason University School of Law Stanford University Press, forthcoming fall 2013

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