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Explore the journey of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative from its inception in the 1960s to the current SES performance scheme. Learn about the regulatory packages, EUROCONTROL conventions, and the impact on European airlines. Gain insights from an airline executive, Kay Kratky, highlighting the importance of SES for improving competitiveness. Discover the key areas for improvement to ensure the success of SES and the benefits for airlines, consumers, and the environment.
Performance Scheme – are we on the right track? Single European Sky and Performance Schemefrom an European airline's point of view Kay Kratky Member of the Lufthansa German Airlines Board Frankfurt & Flight Operations Lufthansa German Airlines
Are we on the right track?Decades of initiatives for an integrated sky in Europe 2004 SES I regulatory package 2009 SES II regulatory package 1999start of SES process COM (1999) 614 2013: SES II+ ? 2020+ 1960 1999 2004 2010 2012 2014 SESAR Definition Phase (2005-2008) SESAR Development Phase (2008 – 2016+) SESAR Deployment Phase (2013/14 - 2020+) 13 December 1960EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation is signed by the 6 founding States. „The original aim of EUROCONTROL was to achieve the complete integration of air traffic services in Europe.” (EC) No 219/2007 establishing SESAR Joint Undertaking for private public partnership (EC) No 549/2004 Framework Regulation for the creation of the single European Sky (EC) No 691/2010 Performance scheme Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 Service provision Regulation (EC)No 1794/2009 Charging scheme Regulation (EC) No 176/2011 FAB information Regulation (EC) No 1070/2009 amending (EC) 549/2004 SES II Source : Eurocontrol webpage Examples; not all applicable SES regulation shown. Complete list “Report on the SES Legislation Implementation, Ch. 1.3, EUROCONTROL June 2012
SES Performance State of play • Consumers and airlines pay the bill: • Delayed flights • Longer flight time • Higher fares Source: IATA, Eurocontrol data
Net profits of European airlines are under pressure Europe North America AsiaPacific Source: ICAO revised data 2009-11. IATA estimates for regions in 2011. IATA forecasts for 2012 and 2013. September 2012
Benchmarking of the European ATM performance. US versus Europe: Significant room for improvement in Europe Lack of efficiency of the European ATM system ATM inefficiency in Europe primarily affects European carriers Source: EUROCONTROL & FAA Study March 2012, figures 2010
ATM performance has major impact on the airline cost structure. Example Lufthansa Share of external costs - European traffic Fuel Free Routing Civil / Military cooperationFlexible use of airspace 40 % Arrival / Departure Management Significant influence in case of SES implementation other 5% ATC charges 12 % 43 % Airport throughput Departure delays Optimised use of infrastructure Airport charges Impact estimation. Source costs:: Externally driven total costs Lufthansa Passage Kont traffic, Sep 2011 – Aug 2012. About 50% of total costs externally driven, about 50 % internally driven (staff, aircraft finance, maintenance, catering, sales & distribution etc).
Are we on the right track? Interim assessment of performance achievements from airline perspective Performance Scheme • Significant differences between the individual efforts made by Member States in RP1 - poor performance in RP1 to be considered for RP2. • ATC charges in Europe remain very high despite Performance Scheme. • Ambitious targets for RP2 required. • High level goals of SES must be maintained by all means. • Few quick wins so far – encouraging singular projects but massive delay. • SJU dominated by manufacturers and ANSPs. • Governance and funding for SESAR Deploymentnot clarified yet. Network Manager • Mandate assigned to EUROCONTROL. • Significant contributions of Network Manager to SES target achievements expected. • Efficiency impact to be proven. FunctionalAirspace Blocks (FABs) • FABs will by no means optimise airspace, technical and human resources by end 2012. • Member States must reinvent FAB governance. • EU Commission must take the necessary action and enforce compliance with legal FAB requirements.
SES has not delivered yet SES is most important for improving competitiveness of European carriers and economy. Airlines cannot transmit benefit of SES to European consumers and environment so far. European airlines are willing to contribute to the success of SES.
“Single European Sky: the time for action” ConferenceWe need: 1 Streamline and consolidate ATM operations Europe wide. More competition and liberalisation of the market. SES II+ regulatory framework 2 Rethinking SES governance. Strong political guidance and more top-down approach. 3 Accelarate SESAR Deployment. Timely synchronised deployment air and ground. Greater influence for the airspace users. 4 Enforceable goals for the Performance Scheme (RP1 + RP2) and FABs, Network Manager, SESAR Deployment. Appropriate sanction mechanism. 5
SES II + and Performance Scheme Get on the right track. NOW! FAST! Thank you for your attention