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Peter Drucker once said, “what gets measured, gets managed.” <br><br>You might think it seems like a lot of extra work to worry about accountability and interacting with others as you work on goals. <br><br>But the primary benefit of accountability is you will achieve (or stick with) a goal when you receive constant feedback from others. <br><br>Beyond that, there are many other reasons why accountability has such a positive impact on personal development. In this deck, I’ll go over seven primary benefits. <br><br>Want to start building your accountability habit? Check out "The Accountability Manifesto" ==> http://www.developgoodhabits.com/accountability-intl
@ @habitsguy habitsguy Benefits Benefits of the ACCOUNTABILITY STRATEGY of the
“What gets measured, gets managed.” Peter Drucker Peter Drucker
I It t seems like a lot seems like a lot of extra work to of extra work to worry about worry about accountability and interacting with interacting with others as you others as you work on goals. work on goals. and
But the But the primary benefit of accountability is you will achieve accountability is you will achieve or stick with a goal when you receive constant feedback from others. constant feedback from others. of or when you receive
Beyond that, here are Beyond that, here are seven seven primary benefits of accountability. of accountability.
1 1 You perform better under observation. People make People make better choices and perform at a higher and perform at a higher level when they know they level when they know they are being are being watched by others..
When you are held When you are held accountable for your actions, accountable for your actions, you will you will work harder. .
You You need that external need that external accountability to keep you accountability to keep you on track..
2 2 You get honest feedback from others. Asking questions is one of the best ways one of the best ways to get feedback on a to get feedback on a specific goal. specific goal. is
It’s easy to get It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the steps of the steps required to achieve required to achieve a new goal. a new goal. by all
Surround yourself with people Surround yourself with people who are who are knowledgeable enough to provide honest advice about to provide honest advice about what you need to do. what you need to do. enough
3 3 Accountability forces you follow through on commitments. It’s easy to make It’s easy to make mistakes. . You usually get sidetracked by You usually get sidetracked by “life” and quickly forget about “life” and quickly forget about continuing with your goal. continuing with your goal.
How many times have you set a How many times have you set a goal, started to work on it and then goal, started to work on it and then quit a few days later? a few days later?
Increase the likelihood of Increase the likelihood of following through your goals by having accountability partners. having accountability partners. your goals by
Want to learn more about the Want to learn more about the ACCOUNTABILITY HABIT? ?
Check out … Check out … The ACCOUNTABILITY MANIFESTO
Check out … Check out … The ACCOUNTABILITY MANIFESTO Click to Click to learn more. learn more.
4 4 Accountability creates firm deadlines for important tasks. One essential component of One essential component of planning is setting firm (and planning is setting firm (and public) public) deadlines. .
Sharing your goals keep your feet to the fire and forces you feet to the fire and forces you to finish projects by specific to finish projects by specific deadlines. deadlines. keep your
Making Making commitments with commitments with a a public completion date has been date has been shown to have shown to have significant significant advantages. advantages.
5 5 Accountability keeps you grounded in reality. It’s important to It’s important to believe in yourself— — even when nobody else even when nobody else does. does.
But there is a danger to having But there is a danger to having too much optimism. If all you do is focus on your dream, then it’s is focus on your dream, then it’s easy to forget about taking action. easy to forget about taking action. . If all you do
A good network of people A good network of people will keep you will keep you focused on what’s what’s important. on important.
6 6 Learn from the successes and failures of others. It’s not fun to make It’s not fun to make mistakes, but when you mistakes, but when you learn hard lessons, you learn hard lessons, you make better decisions down the road. down the road.
With an accountability group, With an accountability group, learn learn important lessons important lessons without going through the painful process going through the painful process of making your own mistakes. of making your own mistakes.
Accountability also makes it Accountability also makes it easier to easier to identify challenges that you might not have that you might not have initially considered. initially considered.
7 7 Accountability prevents little problems from turning into big ones. Little problems almost Little problems almost always grow into big ones always grow into big ones unless they’re unless they’re immediately addressed. .
Accountability partners often act Accountability partners often act as a second (even third or fourth) as a second (even third or fourth) pair of eyes on your pair of eyes on your challenges. .
Conversely, an Conversely, an accountability accountability group can group can encourage you to encourage you to not “sweat the small stuff.”
Do you Do you struggle with completing projects or completing projects or specific specific tasks (with or without (with or without accountability with tasks ? ? accountability) )
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