N40H Magnetic Characteristics Br (Residual Br (Residual Hcb Hcb Bhmax Bhmax Hcj (Intrinsic Hcj (Intrinsic Induction) Induction) (Coercive (Coercive (Maximum (Maximum Coercive Coercive Force) Force) Product Product Force) Force) Energy) Energy) mT KGs 12.6-12.9 KA/m 923 KOe 11.6 KJ/m³ 302-327 MGOe 38-41 KOe 17 KA/m 1353 1.26-1.29 Thermal Characteristics Max Operating Temp Curie Temp Reversible Temp Coeff Rev Temp Coeff °C 120 %/°C 310 Br (TC a(Br) %/°C) -0.120 Hcj (Tc a(Hcj) %/°C) -0.605 Mechanical/Physical Characteristics https://www.albmagnets.com/ ALB Materials Inc E-mail: sales@albmagnets.com Page 1 of 2
Density g/cm3 7.5-7.8 Demagnetisation Curves https://www.albmagnets.com/ ALB Materials Inc E-mail: sales@albmagnets.com Page 2 of 2