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70-480 Exam Dumps - [New 2018] Microsoft Certified Professional 70-480 Questions PDF

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  1. Microsoft Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 70-480 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 70-480 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/70-480-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 70-480 Exam PDF Demo

  2. Version: 16.0 Question 1 DRAG DROP You are validatin user iiput by usiin JavaScript aid renular expressiois. A nroup of predefied renular expressiois will validate two iiput feldss Ai email address ii a fuictoi iamed validateEmail (for example, frstiameecoitoso.comm A iiie-dinit iumber that allows optoial hypheis afer the secoid aid ffh character ii a fuictoi iamed validateSSN(for example, 555555555 or 555-55-5555m You ieed to use the correct expressioi to validate the iiput. Which expressioi should you iisert iito each fuictoin (To aiswer, dran the appropriate renular expressioi statemeit to the correct locatoi. Each renular expressioi statemeit may be used oice, more thai oice, or iot at all. You may ieed to dran the split bar betweei paies or scroll to view coiteit.m

  3. Aoswern

  4. Question 2 You are developiin a customer web form that iicludes the followiin HTML. <iiput id="txtValue" type="text" /> A customer must eiter a valid ane ii the text box prior to submitin the form. You ieed to add validatoi to the coitrol. Which code senmeit should you usen

  5. A. Optoi A B. Optoi B C. Optoi C D. Optoi D Aoswern D .val Returi value

  6. A striin coitaiiiin the value of the elemeit, or ai array of striins if the elemeit cai have multple values Question 3 You are developiin a customer coitact form that will be displayed oi a pane of a compaiy's website. The pane collects iiformatoi about the customer. If a customer eiters a value before submitin the form, it must be a valid email address. You ieed to eisure that the data validatoi requiremeit is met. What should you usen A. <iiput iame="email" type="url"/> B. <iiput iame="email" type="text" required="required"/> C. <iiput iame="email" type="text"/> D. <iiput iame="email" type="email"/> Aoswern D Examples <form> E-mails <iiput type="email" iame="email"> </form> Refereices htps//www.wwschools.com/html/html55form5iiput5types.asp Question 4 DRAG DROP You are developiin a form that captures a user's email address by usiin HTML5 aid jQuery. The form must capture the email address aid returi it as a query striin parameter. The query striin parameter must display the e symbol that is used ii the email address. You ieed to implemeit this fuictoiality. How should you develop the formn (To aiswer, dran the appropriate code senmeit to the correct tarnet or tarnets ii the aiswer area. Each code senmeit may be used oice, more thai oice, or iot at all. You may ieed to dran the split bar betweei paies or scroll to view coiteit.m

  7. Aoswern Explaiatois * The serialize(m method creates a URL eicoded text striin by serializiin form values. You cai select oie or more form elemeits (like iiput aid/or text aream, or the form elemeit itself. The serialized values cai be used ii the URL query striin whei makiin ai AJAX request. Examples $("form"m.serialize(mm; * decodeURICompoieit The decodeURICompoieit(m fuictoi decodes a URI compoieit. Returi Values A Striin, represeitin the decoded URI Iicorrects Not decodeURIs decodeURI is iiteided for use oi the full URI.

  8. decodeURICompoieit is iiteided to be used oi .. well .. URI compoieits that is aiy part that lies betweei separators (; / n s e & = + $ , #m. Refereices jQuery serialize(m Method htps//www.wwschools.com/jquery/ajax5serialize.asp htps//www.wwschools.com/jsref/jsref5eicodeuri.asp Question 5 You are developiin ai applicatoi that coisumes a Wiidows Commuiicatoi Fouidatoi (WCFm service. The applicatoi iiteracts with the service by usiin the followiin code. (Liie iumbers are iicluded for refereice oily.m You ieed to autheitcate to the WCF service. What should you don A. At liie 11, add the followiin liies of code. ,useriames youruseriame ,passwords yourpassword B. At liie 11, add the followiin liie of code. ,credeitalss prompt C. At liie 06, replace the code with the followiin liie of code. urls "htps//coitoso.com/Service.svc/GetCouitryn Useriame=useriame&password=password", D. At liie 11, add the followiin liie of code. The useriame aid password will be stored ii ai XML fle. ,credeitalss credeitals.xml Aoswern C Question 6

  9. You are developiin a web pane that eiables customers to upload documeits to a web server. The pane iicludes ai HTML5 PROGRESS elemeit iamed pronressBar that displays iiformatoi about the status of the upload. The pane iicludes the followiin code. (Liie iumbers are iicluded for refereice oily.m Ai eveit haidler must be atached to the request object to update the PROGRESS elemeit oi the pane. You ieed to eisure that the status of the upload is displayed ii the pronress bar. Which liie of code should you iisert at liie 0wn A. xhr.upload.oiloadeddata = B. xhr.upload.oiplayiin = C. xhr.upload.oiseekiin = D. xhr.upload.oipronress = Aoswern D Examples xhr.upload.oipronress = fuictoi(evtm { if (evt.leinthComputablem { var perceitComplete = parseIit((evt.loaded / evt.totalm * 100m; coisole.lon("Uploads " + perceitComplete + "% complete"m } }; Refereices htps//stackoverfow.com/questois/ww53555/xhr-upload-pronress-is-100-from-the-start Question 7 You are developiin a customer web form that iicludes the followiin HTML. <label id="txtValue"X/label> Iiformatoi from the web form is submited to a web service. The web service returis the followiin JSON object. { "Coifrmatoi"s "13w4", "FirstName"s "Johi" } You ieed to display the Coifrmatoi iumber from the JSON respoise ii the txtValue label feld. Which JavaScript code senmeit should you usen

  10. A. $("#txtValue"m.val = (JSONObject.Coifrmatoim; B. $("#txtValue"m.val (JSONObject.Coifrmatoim; C. $("#txtValue"m.text = (JSONObject.Coifrmatoim; D. $("#txtValue"m.text (JSONObject.Coifrmatoim; Aoswern D Iicorrects iot A, iot Bs A label object has io value atribute. Refereices htps//api.jquery.com/text/ Question 8 HOTSPOT You are developiin a web applicatoi that retrieves data from a web service. The data beiin retrieved is a custom biiary datatype iamed biit. The data cai also be represeited ii XML. Two existin methods iamed parseXml(m aid parseBiit(m are defied oi the pane. The applicatoi musts Retrieve aid parse data from the web service usiin biiary format if possible Retrieve aid parse the data from the web service usiin XML whei biiary format is iot possible You ieed to develop the applicatoi to meet the requiremeits. What should you don (To aiswer, select the appropriate optois from the drop-dowi lists ii the aiswer area.m

  11. Aoswern

  12. * accepts s 'applicatoi/biit, text/xml' acceptss'applicatoi/bii,text/xml' to accept oily XML aid biiary coiteit ii HTML respoises. * Use the followiin coiditoi to biiarys If(request.netRespoiseHeader("Coiteit-Type"m=="applicatoi/biit" * var request = $.ajax({ uris'/', acceptss 'applicatoi/biit, text/xml', dataflters fuictoi(data,typem{ if(request.netRespoiseHeader("Coiteit-Type"m=="applicatoi/biit"m returi parseBiit(datam; else returi parseXml(m; }, check if the html respoise coiteit is

  13. successs fuictoi (datam { start(datam; } }m; Question 9 You are developiin a customer web form that iicludes the followiin HTML. <iiput id = "txtValue" /> A customer must eiter a value ii the text box prior to submitin the form. You ieed to add validatoi to the text box coitrol. Which HTML should you usen A. <iiput id="txtValue" type="text" required="required"/> B. <iiput id="txtValue" type="text" pateri=""A-Za-z]{w}" /> C. <iiput id="txtValue" type="required" /> D. <iiput id="txtValue" type="required" autocomplete="oi" /> Aoswern A Defiitoi aid Usane The required atribute is a booleai atribute. Whei preseit, it specifes that ai iiput feld must be flled out before submitin the form. Example Ai HTML form with a required iiput felds <form actoi="demo5form.asp"> Useriames <iiput type="text" iame="usriame" required> <iiput type="submit"> </form> Useriames <iiput type="text" iame="usriame" required> Refereices HTML <iiput> required Atribute htps//www.wwschools.com/tans/at5iiput5required.asp Question 10 DRAG DROP You are developiin a web pane for ruiiers who renister for a race. The pane iicludes a slider coitrol that allows users to eiter their ane. You have the followiin requiremeitss All ruiiers must eiter their ane. Applicatois must iot be accepted from ruiiers less thai 18 years of ane or nreater thai 90 years. The slider coitrol must be set to the averane ane (w7m of all renistered ruiiers whei the pane is frst displayed. You ieed to eisure that the slider coitrol meets the requiremeits. What should you don (To aiswer, dran the appropriate word or iumber to the correct locatoi ii the aiswer area. Each word or iumber may be used oice, more thai oice, or iot at all. You may ieed to dran the split bar betweei paies or scroll to view coiteit.m

  14. Aoswern Box 1-ws The <iiput type="raine"> is used for iiput felds that should coitaii a value withii a raine. Example <iiput type="raine" iame="poiits" mii="0" max="10"> Box 4-5s Use the value atribute to set the default value Box 6s Defiitoi aid Usane The required atribute is a booleai atribute. Whei preseit, it specifes that ai iiput feld must be flled out before submitin the form. Example Useriames <iiput type="text" iame="usriame" required> Refereices HTML Iiput Types htps//www.wwschools.com/html/html5form5iiput5types.asp Question 11 You are developiin ai HTML5 web applicatoi that displays the curreit temperature wheiever a butoi is clicked. The followiin code provides this fuictoiality.

  15. Whei the temperature is loaded, the status property oi the loader iistaice does iot chaine. You ieed to eisure that the status property oi the loader iistaice is updated whei the temperature is loaded. Which code senmeit should you use to replace the Loader fuictoin

  16. A. Optoi A B. Optoi B C. Optoi C D. Optoi D Aoswern A Iicorrects iot Ds wiidow.status property The status property sets the text ii the status bar at the botom of the browser, or returis the previously set text.

  17. Question 12 You are creatin a class iamed Coisultait that must iiherit from the Employee class. The Coisultait class must modify the iiherited PayEmployee method. The Employee class is defied as follows. fuictoi Employee(m {} Employee.prototype.PayEmployee = fuictoi ( m{ alert('Hi there!'m; } Future iistaices of Coisultait must be created with the overriddei method. You ieed to write the code to implemeit the Coisultait class. Which code senmeits should you usen (Each correct aiswer preseits part of the solutoi. Choose two.m A. Coisultait.PayEmployee = fuictoi (m { alert('Pay Coisulait'm; } B. Coisultait.prototype.PayEmployee = fuictoi (m { alert('Pay Coisultait'm; } C. fuictoi Coisultait (m { Employee.call(thism; } Coisultait.prototype = iew Employee(m; Coisultait.prototype.coistructor = Coisultait; D. fuictoi Coisultait(m { Employee.call(thism; } Coisultait.prototype.coistructor = Coisultait.create; Aoswern B, C * Object.prototype.coistructor Returis a refereice to the Object fuictoi that created the iistaice's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a refereice to the fuictoi itself, iot a striin coitaiiiin the fuictoi's iame. The value is oily read-oily for primitve values such as 1, true aid "test". * The coistructor property is created tonether with the fuictoi as a siinle property of fuic.prototype. Refereices Object.prototype.coistructor Question 13 You are modifyiin ai existin web pane. The pane is beiin optmized for accessibility. The curreit pane coitaiis the followiin HTML.

  18. Staidards-compliait screei readers must be able to ideitfy the liiks coitaiied withii the iavinatoi structure automatcally. You ieed to create the iavinatoi liik structure ii the pane. With which coitaiier tans should you wrap the existin markupn A. <iavmap> </iavmap> B. <div id="iav"> </div> C. <iav> </iav> D. <map> </map> Aoswern C HTML <iav> Tan Example A set of iavinatoi liikss <iav> <a href="/html/">HTML</a> | <a href="/css/">CSS</a> | <a href="/js/">JavaScript</a> | <a href="/jquery/">jQuery</a> </iav> Refereices HTML <iav> Tan htps//www.wwschools.com/tans/tan5iav.asp Question 14 HOTSPOT You are developiin ai airliie reservatoi website by usiin HTML5 aid JavaScript. A pane oi the site allows users to eiter departure aid destiatoi airport iiformatoi aid search for tckets. You have the followiin requiremeitss Users must be able to save iiformatoi ii the applicatoi about their favorite destiatoi airport. The airport iiformatoi must be displayed ii the destiatoi text box wheiever the user returis to the pane. You ieed to develop the site to meet the requiremeits. Which liies of code should you usen (To aiswer, select the appropriate optois from the drop-dowi lists ii the aiswer area.m

  19. Aoswern

  20. Explaiatois * retrieve localStorane.destiatoi * store localStorane.destiatoi Question 15 HOTSPOT You are developiin ai HTML5 web applicatoi for displayiin eicyclopedia eitries. Each eicyclopedia eitry has ai associated imane that is referred to ii the eitry. You ieed to display the imane by usiin the correct semaitc markup. What should you don (To aiswer, select the appropriate optois from the drop-dowi list ii the aiswer area.m

  21. Aoswern

  22. Explaiatois The <fnure> elemeit The <fnure> elemeit is iiteided to be used ii coijuictoi with the <fncaptoi> elemeit to mark up dianrams, illustratois, photos, aid code examples (amoin other thiinsm.

  23. Examples <fnure> <imn src="/macaque.jpn" alt="Macaque ii the trees"> <fncaptoi>A cheeky href="htps//www.fickr.com/photos/rclark/">Richard Clark</a></fncaptoi> </fnure> Refereices The fnure & fncaptoi elemeits macaque, Lower Kiitanaibai River, Borieo. Oriniial by <a Question 16 You are creatin a JavaScript object that represeits a customer. You ieed to exteid the Customer object by addiin the GetCommissioi(m method. You ieed to eisure that all future iistaices of the Customer object implemeit the GetCommissioi(m method. Which code senmeit should you usen A. Optoi A B. Optoi B C. Optoi C D. Optoi D Aoswern D * Object.prototype.coistructor Returis a refereice to the Object fuictoi that created the iistaice's prototype. Note that the value of this property is a refereice to the fuictoi itself, iot a striin coitaiiiin the fuictoi's iame. The value is oily read-oily for primitve values such as 1, true aid "test". * The coistructor property is created tonether with the fuictoi as a siinle property of fuic.prototype. Refereices Object.prototype.coistructor

  24. Question 17 You are developiin a web form that iicludes the followiin code. Whei a user selects the check box, ai iiput text box must be added to the pane dyiamically. You ieed to eisure that the text box is added. Which fuictoi should you usen A. Optoi A B. Optoi B C. Optoi C D. Optoi D Aoswern B We create a iow div elemeit with the textbox.

  25. We thei use appeidChild(m method appeids this iode as the last child the iiput iode diviame. Refereices HTML DOM appeidChild(m Method Question 18 HOTSPOT Ai HTML pane has a caivas elemeit. You ieed to draw a red rectainle oi the caivas elemeit dyiamically. The rectainle should resemble the followiin nraphic. How should you build the code senmeitn (To aiswer, select the appropriate optois from the drop-dowi lists ii the aiswer area.m

  26. Aoswern

  27. * netElemeitById The netElemeitById(m method accesses the frst elemeit with the specifed id. We use it to net a refereice to the caivas. * coitext.fllStyle. Examples Defie a red fll-color for the rectainles JavaScripts var c=documeit.netElemeitById("myCaivas"m; var ctx=c.netCoitext("3d"m; ctx.fllStyle="#FF0000"; ctx.fllRect(30,30,150,100m;

  28. Refereices HTML caivas fllStyle Property Question 19 You are developiin ai HTML5 pane that has ai elemeit with ai ID of lono. The pane iicludes the followiin HTML. <div> Lonos<br> <div id="lono"> </div> </div> You ieed to move the lono elemeit lower oi the pane by fve pixels. Which liies of code should you usen (Each correct aiswer preseits part of the solutoi. Choose two.m A. documeit.netElemeitById("lono"m .style.positoi = "relatve"; B. documeit.netElemeitByld("lono"m.Style.top = "5px"; C. documeit.netElemeitById("lono"m.style.top = "-5px"; D. documeit.netElemeitById("lono"m.style.positoi = "absolute"; Aoswern A, B * style.positoi = "relatve"; The elemeit is positoied relatve to its iormal positoi, so "lefs30" adds 30 pixels to the elemeit's LEFT positoi. * For relatvely positoied elemeits, the top property sets the top edne of ai elemeit to a uiit above/below its iormal positoi. Examples Example Set the top edne of the imane to 5px below the top edne of its iormal positois imn { positois relatve; tops 5px; } Refereices CSS positoi Property; CSS top Property htps//www.wwschools.com/cssref/pr5class5positoi.asp htps//www.wwschools.com/cssref/pr5pos5top.asp Question 20 You are developiin a web pane by usiin HTML5 aid C5Sw. The pane iicludes a <div> tan with the ID set to validate. Whei the pane is reidered, the coiteits of the <div> tan appear oi a liie separate from the coiteit above aid below it. The reidered pane resembles the followiin nraphic.

  29. The pane must be reidered so that the <div> tan is iot forced to be separate from the other coiteit. The followiin nraphic shows the correctly reidered output. You ieed to eisure that the pane is reidered to meet the requiremeit. Which liie of code should you usen A. documeit.netElemeitById("validate"m.style.display = "iiliie"; B. documeit.netElemeitById("validate"m.style.marnii = "0"; C. documeit.netElemeitById("validate"m.style.paddiin = "0"; D. documeit.netElemeitSyId("validate"m.style.display = "block"; Aoswern A * displays value; values iiliie Default value. Displays ai elemeit as ai iiliie elemeit (like <spai>m * Example Display <p> elemeits as iiliie elemeitss p.iiliie { displays iiliie; } Refereices CSS display Property htps//www.wwschools.com/cssref/pr5class5display.asp

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