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Teaching the Holocaust in Hungary

Explore the National Core Curriculum and Framework Curricula for teaching the Holocaust in Hungary, emphasizing historical empathy, critical thinking, and social awareness.

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Teaching the Holocaust in Hungary

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  1. Teaching the Holocaust in Hungary dr. Kaposi József General Director Budapest 8th June, 2015

  2. The System of Content Regulation NATIONAL CORE CURRICULUM (NCC) generalgoals, tasks – subjectareas GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS NATIONAL FRAMEWORK CURRICULA detailedrequirements – subjects and grades TEXTBOOKS LOCAL CURRICULA local characteristics – schoolspecificfeatures

  3. Developmentfields/ keycompetences

  4. The Structure of NCC Subject Areas • Principles and goals (related examples): • to get to know and accept other cultures, in particular, peoples and religions of the Carpathian Basin; • discussing the characteristics of totalitarian dictatorships and learning about the crimes they committed. • Development tasks (related examples): • critical thinking – practising the recognition of the connection between human (historical) acts and their consequences. • General competences: • Grades 1-4; • Grades 5-8; • Grades 9-12.

  5. The Theme of the Holocaust in NCC 1 • The subject area of Man and society – History • General competences:

  6. The Theme of the Holocaust in NCC 2 • The subject area of Hungarian language and literature • Development tasks: The development of judgement and the sense of ethics, aesthetics and history (grades 9-12) : „Observing art as a culture-creating factor. The drive of getting to know other cultures. Discussing the unacceptable political and moral views of authors.”

  7. The Structure of the Framework Curricula • objectives, tasks; • educational and development goals; • development requirements; • topics; • concepts; • expected outcomes of development.

  8. The Holocaust in the History Framework Curriculum • The topic of the Holocaust appearsprimarilyintheHistory, social and civiceducation curriculum. • The curriculum alsopresentsthestepsleadingtotheHolocaust: • strengtheningextremism (Europe and Hungary); • thespread and takeover of National Socialism (Germany); • lawsjustifyingdiscrimination and exclusion (Germanyand Hungary). • The followingexamplesfocusonthedirectappearanceof thetopicofthe Holocaust (inthethematic unit of World War II).

  9. Objectives, tasks (Grades 9-12) „To improve historical empathy and critical thinking it is important to discuss the themes of 20th century genocides (e.g. the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Yugoslav Wars) and mass tragedies as well as the individual fates behind them. It is important to learn about different ways of individual and organised opposition during genocides, wars and dictatorships and to form opinions on personal attitudes towards them. ”

  10. Educational and development goals (Grades 5-8) • Pupils recognise different forms of social exclusion, aware of its consequences they reject racism. • Pupils realise the causes leading to destructive wars, parts of which are the holocaust and genocides. • To learn about the topic pupils rely on resources available in public collections (possibly also on materials of the Holocaust Memorial Centre).

  11. Educational and development goals (Grades 9-12) • Students reject discrimination and racismwith all its consequencies (deprivation of civil rights, exclusion, deportation, extermination). • Students know how much loss of life, destruction the Second World War brought about and that the Holocaust is the tragedy of the humanity and the whole Hungarian nation. • Students realize that the Jewish artists, scientists, inventors forced into exile (e.g. Neumann, Teller, Szilárd, Rejtő, Radnóti, Szerb) should be interpreted as a loss for the country. • Students understand that 20th century genocides based on exclusion could not have taken place without the active or passive support of the social majority and their apathy. This is verified – in particular – in the case of the Holocaust.

  12. Development requirements • Learning, acquiringknowledge (grades 5-8 and 9-12): Gainingknowledgebyusingcollections, online databasesonthehistory of the Holocaust (e.g. visittothe Holocaust Memorial Centre oranotherimportantmemorial site of the Holocaust in Hungary; tour of theAuschwitz-BirkenauMemorial and Museum). • Criticalthinking • Grades 5-8: Examining and clarifyingtherole of politicalanti-Semitismintheprocessleadinguptothe Holocaust. • Grades9-12: Recognisingchangesinanti-Jewishlegislation, identifyingreasons.

  13. Themes • Grades 5-8: • Sufferingsonthehome front. GenocideintheSecondWorld War, the Holocaust. • The German occupation of Hungary. The Holocaust in Hungary. The terror of Szálasi and the Arrow Cross Party. • Grades9-12: • The features of the Second World War. The Holocaust. • War casualties. The social and ideological background of the persecution of the Jews, theHolocaust in Hungary.

  14. Concepts

  15. Expected outcomes of development(Grades 7-8) • Pupils realize that the Holocaust had hundreds of thousands of Hungarian victims and understand the national and international historical, political antecedents, conditions and the moral consequencies of this.

  16. The Holocaust in the Hungarian Language and Literature Framework Curriculum • Tasks (grades 5-8 and 9-12): • „To develop an attitude of acceptance and mutual respect of different cultures it is essential to realize how much cultural loss was brought about by ethnic persecution and deportation such as the persecution of Jews, the deportation of the German population and other events of the type .” • Educational and development goals (grades 9-12): • „Understanding the cultural loss caused by the persecution of Jews.” (through the poetry of Radnóti Miklós) • „The discussion of the novel Fateless by Kertész Imre.” • (at the topic of contemporary Hungarian literature)

  17. The Theme of the Holocaust in the Graduation Requirements

  18. Tasks at the Maturity Exam • 2005: Nazi propaganda (test) / JewishLaws (test) • 2006: Politicalanti-Semitismin Hungary (essay) • 2007: The Holocaust in Hungary (test) • 2008: The HungarianHolocaust (essay) • 2009: The HungarianJews (test) • 2010: The HungarianJews and anti-Semitism (essay) • 2011: The Holocaust (test) • 2013: The ArrowPartyMovement (test) / anti-Semitism (essay) • 2014: The Holocaust in Hungary (test)

  19. Task examples 1 • May 2014 – ordinary level – test • Using proper historical terminology name the anti-Jewish measures illustrated by the pictures. • Pictures for the task:

  20. Task examples 2 • May 2013 – advanced level – essay • Using the sources provided and your knowledge of the topic describe the arguments of anti-Semitism in Hungary in the 1920s and 1930s. Your answer should include references to anti-Semitism in legislation. • Extract from the source provided (a speech by Gömbös Gyula): • „1. the number of Jewish inhabitants in the territory of the Central Powers is relatively great; • 2. countries whose frontlines were disturbed from behind and which were forced to peace by revolutions had the greatest Jewish population on average; • 3. countries where authorities took the strictest measures against defeatism and troublemakers have the smallest proportion of Jewish population. ”

  21. Task examples 3/a • May 2011 – ordinarylevel– test • Whatfeatures of Nazigenocideduring World War II arehighlightedbythetermsinthetable? Match thedefitions and theterms. • Descriptions: • The intentiontoeliminatetheJews and the Roma as a community. (The term is usedtorefertootherethnicgroupstoo.) • CatastrophebywhichmainlyJews and Roma wereaffected, itwasprimarilytheirtragedy. • The term – knownworlwideand usedtodescribethetragedy – referstoburningthevictimsincrematoria. • The intendedextermination of JewsbytheNazi – consideredasthefinalsolutionof „theJewishproblem”.

  22. Task examples 3/b • Table

  23. The Theme of the Holocaust in Textbooks • Today in Hungary, no textbook can be accredited which is not based on the framework curricula, which does not contribute to meeting the output requirements. • As a result, the topic of the Holocaust is not only unavoidable in the law, but is also directly in the curriculum and the textbooks . • Let us see some examples.

  24. Extracts from textbooks(world history) • „Racism has been part of Naziideologyfromthebeginning[…].” • „On top of violatingrights […] pogromsappeared […]. And duringthewarthemethodicalelimination of thewholeJewishpopulation of Europe started.” • „The program of theexterminationoftheJews, the „finalsolution” (Endlösung) wasdevelopedinJanuray 1942 (theWannseeProgram).” • „PeoplecategorizedasJewswereforcedintoghettoesby local authorities, thentheyweredeportedtoconcentrationcampsincattlewagons.” • „In a fewyearsmore thanhalf of Europe’sJewishpopulation, almost 6 millionpeoplewerekilled .” • „Anotheraim of theNaziswastoexterminatethe Roma population of Europe: nearly 200 000 Roma wereputtodeathinthegaschambers.” • Text from: Miklós Száray & József Kaposi: History IV. Textbook (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2006), p. 128-129.

  25. Map in a textbook Questions: Which countries had the greatest number of victims? Where were the death camps built? What might explain the fact that mass murders were committed outside the borders of Germany? Image from: Peter Borhegyi ed.: History 7. Textbook (Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development, Budapest 2015), p. 173.

  26. Extracts from textbooks(Hungarian history) • „FurthermeasuresagainsttheJewsfollowed: theywereobligedtowearyellowstars, thentheywereforcedintoghettoes. The deportation of Jewsinthecountrysidestarted (mid-May 1944).” • „Duetointernationalprotest and newsabouttheopening of thesecond front Horthy stoppeddeportationsinthesummer, butonlyJewsin Budapest weresavedas a result of themeasure.” • „[…] theArrowCrossPartywasputintopowerbytheNazis. […] and theyimmediatelystartedtheextermination of theJewishpopulationof Budapest.” • „Hungary […] lost almost onemillionpeopleinthewar. Half of thepeoplekilledwereJews – deported and executed.” • Text from: Miklós Száray & József Kaposi: History IV. Textbook (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2006), p. 143

  27. Map in a textbook • The location of Jewish communities in Hungary and the deportation. • Image from: Miklós Száray & József Kaposi: History IV. Textbook (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2006), p. 145.

  28. A workbook task • Complete the diagram. Write examples of the measures. • Prepare an explanation to the diagram in 1-2 sentences. • Task from: József Kaposi & Miklós Száray: History IV. Skills development workbook (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2006), p. 107. discrimination deprivation of civil rights segregation Holocaust Jewishpopulation deportation extermination

  29. Other Areas in the System of Public Education • Holocaust Memorial Day (16th April)- commemoratedinallsecondaryschools of Hungary from 2001 following a ParliamentaryDecree of 2000. • TeachertraininginJad Vashem Institute- basedon an inter-governmentalagreement, forteachersselectedthroughanapplicationprocess • Research on Holocaust Education in Hungary - as part of TÁMOP 3.1.5 project. • The development of in-serviceteachertrainingprogrammes- as part of TÁMOP 3.1.5 project. • The inclusion of thethemeofthe Holocaust ininitialteachertraining- accordingtothenewlyintroducedinternalregulations of Pázmány Péter CatholicUniversity a one-termseminaronthetheme of the Holocaust is mandatoryforallteachertrainees

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