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Explore the impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in advancing Indian agriculture, including technology demonstrations, skill training programs for rural youth, and initiatives promoting innovation and value addition in agriculture. Learn about the role of KVKs in improving farm productivity, enhancing farmer-scientist interface, and promoting sustainable practices. Discover how KVKs are contributing to economic growth and rural development.
Celebrating150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma GandhiRole of KVKs Dr. A. K. Singh Deputy Director General (AE) ICAR, New Delhi
Agricultural Extension System Four major components of the Indian Agricultural Extension System Agricultural extension service with the state governments Extension education system of ICAR and Ag University system Extension programme of input industries in public and private sectors and NGOs, and Special rural development programmes of the central and state governments
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its application and capacity Development Mandate: Activities of KVKs • On-farm testing to identify the location specificity of technology under various farming systems. • Frontline demonstration to establish the production potential of improved agricultural technologies on the farmers’ fields. • Capacity building of farmers and extension personnel. • Knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technologies. • Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media on varied subjects of interest to farmers. • Production of Quality seeds, planting materials and other technology inputs.
Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI)
Uptake Pathways for Research Output FRONTLINE EXTENSION Technology generation Technology testing Technology adaptation Technology integration Technology dissemination and adoption Research System Technology Assessment & Refinement Extension System
Targets set for the year 2017-2020 and Achievements during 2017-19
KrishiKalyanAbhiyan (KKA) 117 Aspirational Districts and 25 villages from each district KKA Phase I (1st June to 15th August 2018): 2792 villages under 112 districts KKA Phase II (from 2nd October to 25th December 2018): 2924 villages under 117 districts • During phase II 462901 farmers, farm women and rural youthtrained through 9089 training programmes. • Total 2633 demonstrations on integrated cropping practices benefiting 10065 farmers • Total 2390 demonstrations on micro irrigation benefiting 9689 farmers.
Straw management through mass campaign to mitigate crop residue burning ICAR Partnering DoAC&FW Overall, about 15% and 41% reduction in burning events in 2018 compared to 2016 & 2017 • Massive campaign by 60 KVKs of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi • More than 1.0 lakh farmers have been motivated • Organized technology demonstrations on In-situ management of crop residue • KisanSammelans, Gosthis, Travel Seminars, Group Meetings with Village Panchayats; advisories on mobile; distribution of extension literature; and delivering Radio and TV talks
Major Breakthrough & Impacts Harnessing productivity of Pulses through FLDs • 549 KVKs • 3.04 lakh FLDs • Yield increased avg. 40% • 97 Seed Hubs producing 86800 q seed • Pulses production enhanced from 17.70 MT (three years average during 2013-2016) to 25.26 MT in 2017-18
Skill Training Programmes (NSQF aligned courses)
Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) • Attract and empower the youth in rural areas • Take up various agriculture, allied and service sector enterprises for sustainable income and gainful employment • 200-300 youth per district are involved. • Farm youth to establish net work groups • Take up activities like processing, value addition and marketing • Marketing network • Entrepreneurship and value chain management. • Demonstrate functional linkage with different institutions and stake holders Jack processing unit at Kannur Youth oriented: 12783 No. of training programs : 539 Enterprise established: 1022 (2497 youth) Income enhanced (%): 53.86 Av. Monthly Income : Rs 12000 • 25 KVKs (2015-17) • 97 KVKs (2018-19) • 100 KVKs (2019-24)
Farmer FIRST • Enriching knowledge: integrating technology 51 Projects in 20 states • Enhancing Farmers –Scientist interface • Technology Assemblage • Application and feedback • Partnership and Institution Building • Content Mobilization • Covering 48291 farm families and 114 villages • 24963 participatory demonstrations involving 73156 farmers/farm women • 569 extension activities involving 33818 farmers/farm women
Value Addition and Technology Incubation Centers in Agriculture (VATICA) VATICA has been initiated to minimize the post-harvest losses through development of entrepreneurship in the field of processing and value addition. • Setting up of value addition and processing units • Entrepreneurial development of rural youth • VATICA initiated at 25 KVKs
Nutri-sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovations (NARI) Women centric initiative for improving their health and nutrition being implemented in 100 districts of the country through KVK Demonstrations and capacity development to promote nutrition -sensitive agriculture and gender mainstreaming Interventions on family farming Linking agriculture to nutrition Skill development among women and youth Bio-fortification of locally available food Nutri-thali and Nutrition Smart villages Initiated as a concept in all KVKs, and in convergence mode in MP.
Towards Climate Resilient Agriculture 121 Climate Smart Villages Innovative institutional mechanisms 623 District Agriculture Contingency Plans • More than 10000 rainwater harvesting structure were constructed/renovated. • Number of drought and flood tolerant varieties were demonstrated. Yield improvement reported up to 37%. • Inter cropping systems performed better than sole crops during dry spells resulted in improving yields ranging 10 to 35% in several states. • In-situ moisture conservation and planting methodsincreased crop productivity by 15-20% at several locations. • Improve cultivars of fodder crops suitable for both Kharif and rabi seasons were demonstrated. • About 115567 farmers were trained on various climate change related issues through 4272 different courses. • Custom hiring centers established for farm machinery and equipment
Web & Mobile Advisory mkisan portal • Web-based mobile advisory to farmers • Research Institutes and Agricultural Universities support • More than 5.36 crore farmers Monitoring at the National Level and in Providing Timely Information and Advisory to the Farmers Reach out to farmers through Mobile Apps -- 117 ICAR-IMD MoU for Data-driven Agro-advisory (530 KVKs)
150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi To commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, M/o Agriculture & FW has planned interventions for promotion of sustainable agriculture practices
Activity No. 1 Activity: Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati (BPKP) Interventions : 150 farmers in each selected district to be converted to BPKP Number of Districts Covered : All 635 KVK districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Identification of farmers byATMA, Training support and Supervision by KVK INM Div. of DAC&FW-Finance States-Implementation Action Taken: INM Division issued instructions to States, nominated Nodal Officer (VandanaDiwedi, Cons., 9911998756, dwivediv@nic.in) VC held with states to select Nodal Officers.
Activity No. 2 Activity: Water Conservation Interventions : 150 farmers in each selected district to change method of irrigation from flood to drip or sprinkler Number of Districts Covered: 300 districts Key Departments involved in implementation : RFS Div. of DAC&FW-Finance States-Implementation Action Taken: RFS Division issued instruction to States, nominated Nodal Officer (Dr.Ramanand, DC, 9868240815, ramanand@gov.in), District level officers (Horticulture/Agriculture) are selecting farmers in 300 identified districts and companies are installing system of micro irrigation on the field of selected farmers.
Activity No. 3 Activity: Judicious use of fertilizers based on Soil Health Card (SHC) recommendations Interventions: 150 farmers in each selected district to reduce fertilizer use by 10% by following Soil Health Card recommendations Number of Districts Covered : All 635 KVK districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Identification of farmers, Training support, demonstration and supervision by KVK INM Div. of DAC&FW- Finance States- Implementation Action Taken: INM Divisionissued instruction to States, nominated Nodal Officer (Dr S. P. Singh, 9868921725 fertusecell@gmail.com), proposal for release of funds to ICAR (KVK) is under process.
Activity No. 4 Activity: Promotion of Oilseed Cultivation Interventions : 150 farmers in potential districts to be converted to Oilseed cultivation through demonstrations Number of Districts Covered: 350 districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) implementation, Training support and supervision by KVK Oilseeds Div. of DAC&FW- Finance Action Taken: Oilseed Division sent proposal and list of selected district to ICAR and nominated nodal officer (Mr T. P. Singh, Asst Commissioner (9557410510), tpsinghdac@gmail.com and requirement of funds is awaited from ICAR (KVK).
Activity No. 5 Activity: Promotion of less water consuming nutri-cereal crops Interventions: 1500 demonstrations at 1500 farmers’ field in 150 selected districts to be conducted on latest varieties of millets. Number of Districts Covered: 150 districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Training support, supervision, identification of farmers in coordination with ATMA by KVK Crops Div. of DAC&FW- Finance State/ATMA- Implementation Action Taken: Crop Division issued instruction to States, nominated Nodal Officer Dr. S. S. Tomar, Addln Comm, (8859245361), drtomarss@yahoo.com, 580 demo in Summer & Rabi in 58 districts and 920 demo in 92 districts during Kharif season. Proposal for release of funds to ICAR (KVK) is under process.
Activity No. 6 Activity: Promotion of beekeeping Interventions: 150 farmers in each selected district to be given training on bee keeping Number of Districts Covered: 150 districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Training support, supervision, identification of farmers in coordination with ATMA by KVK NBB of DAC&FW- Finance Action Taken: List of selected 150 districts shared with ICAR. Nodal Officer nominated (Dr. B. L. Saraswat, ED, NBB), (9868824532), bl.sarswat@nic.in, proposal for funds on training is still awaited from ICAR (KVK).
Activity No. 7 Activity: Promotion of jaivikkheti.in portal for sale of organic products Interventions: Registration of 150 farmers in each selected district on jaivikkheti.in portal. Number of Districts Covered: 300 districts Key Departments involved in implementation : National Centre for Organic Farming & its regional centres of DAC&FW- Implementation and Monitoring Action Taken : INM Division issued instructions to NCOF & RCs for compiling the task of registering PGS farmers of all the districts, nominated Nodal Officer (VandanaDiwedi, Cons. 9911998756,dwivediv@nic.in).
Activity No. 8 Activity:Uberisation of custom hiring centres Interventions : Registration of 150 farmers in each selected district on custom hiring centre app for availing its services on custom hiring basis. Number of Districts Covered : 400 districts Key Departments involved in implementation : M&T Division of DAC&FW- Implementation and Monitoring Action Taken: M&T Division issued instructions to States for registration of farmers through district level Agriculture Officers of State Deptt of Agriculture on the app and nominated Nodal Officer (Shri C. R. Lohi, Deputy Commissioner, (9584716969) cr.lohi@nic.in.
Activity No. 9 Activity: Promotion of Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) Interventions: Creation of one FPO in each selected district with at least 150 farmers. Number of Districts Covered: All 635 KVK districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Training support supervision by KVK Marketing Division/SFAC of DAC&FW- Finance, Implementation and Monitoring Action Taken : Marketing Division held meeting with NABARD, NCDC, SFAC for FPO activity, nominated Nodal Officer Mr. S. Suresh Kumar, Director (Mktg.),(9205375675), suresh.kumars@gov.in EFC on creation and promotion of 10000 FPOs circulated among concerned Ministries and Deptts and comments obtained except NITI Aayog, Approval of CCEA expected by 15th Oct 2019.
Activity No. 10 Activity: Promotion of Quality seed production Interventions: 150 villages to be covered under Seed Village Programme (10-20 farmers per village) for production of quality seed material. Number of Districts Covered: 150 districts Key Departments involved in implementation: Training support, supervision, identification of farmers in coordination with ATMA by KVK Seed Division of DAC&FW- Finance, Implementation and Monitoring Action Taken: Seed Division issued instructions to State Deptt of Agriculture and State Seed Corporation implementing Seed Village program for implementation, funds already made available to these implementing agencies & nominated Nodal Officer (Dr. Rajesh Singh, Asstt. Director, (9968308683).