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Warm up this season with some favourite holiday cocktails from around the world!
IN NORTH AMERICA, OUR ANNUAL AVERAGE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IS NEARLY 2.8B THIS NUMBER IS EQUIVALENT TO OLYMPIC-SIZED SWIMMING POOLS LITERS Cosumptio reaches a peak aond the winte hoidays 27 BOTTLES OF BEER 1.2 BOTTLES OF SPIRITS 2.6 BOTTLES OF WINE $85 CAN BUY YOU AVERAGE SPEND ON ALCOHOL IN THE MONTH OF DECEMBER THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, WHY NOT TRY THESE INTERNATIONAL FAVORITES? ICELAND 8oz BROWN ALE 8oz ORANGE FIZZY DRINK In a pint glass, create the mixture by pouring the orange fizzy drink prior to the brown ale to minimalize foaming. PUERTO RICO 3 oz COCONUT CREAM 1.5 oz CONDENSED MILK 1.5 oz EVAPORATED MILK Jólabland 1.5 oz WHITE RUM 1 Dash VANILLA EXTRACT To Taste GROUND CINNAMON AND NUTMEG Blend all ingredients on high until smooth and serve cold. CHILE Eggless Coquito 4.5 oz MILK 1.5 oz AGUARDIENTE 4 tsp SUGAR 2 tsp INSTANT COFFEE To Taste GROUND CINNAMON 1 Dash VANILLA EXTRACT In a small saucepan, gently heat milk, sugar, cinnamon and instant coffee until combined. Place mixture in fridge until cold and serve with aguardiente. Coa de Moo TURKEY 6 oz WHOLE MILK 1.5 oz WHISKEY 1 tsp SUGAR 1/2 tsp SALEP POWDER To Taste GROUND CINNAMON In a small saucepan, combine salep powder, sugar and milk over medium heat, whisking constantly until it simmers. Turn off element and keep whisking until thickened. Add whiskey and cinnamon before drinking. Spiked Salep SCOTLAND 6 oz HOT WATER 1.5 oz BRANDY OR WHISKEY 2 Tbsp LEMON JUICE 1 Star STAR ANISE 1 Tbsp HONEY 1 Stick CINNAMON This is the perfect remedy for a cold. Stir together all ingredients in a heatproof mug until combined and enjoy. Hot Toddy BRITAIN 8 oz APPLE CIDER 1.5 oz BOURBON OR WHISKEY 1 oz ORANGE JUICE 1 Tbsp LEMON JUICE 1 tsp SUGAR 1 Stick CINNAMON 1 Pinch ALLSPICE 1 Star STAR ANISE In a small saucepan, bring all the ingredients to a low boil, except for the alcohol. Then simmer for at least 30 minutes. Add bourbon or whiskey before drinking. Wassail http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-wassail-punch-133422 http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Hot-Toddy-Healthy-Low-Calorie-Cocktail-12709673 http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/global_alcohol_report/msb_gsr_2014_3.pdf https://thairecipeswithcoconutmilk.wordpress.com/2006/11/27/icelandic-christmas-cocktail-jolabland/ http://www.food.com/recipe/sahlep-salep-sahlab-448064 http://www.food.com/recipe/cola-de-mono-tail-of-the-monkey-50828 http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/demo10a-eng.htm https://newsroom.bmo.com/press-releases/bmo-holiday-spirits-report-wine-beer-liquor-s-tsx-bmo-201212070840157001 http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=PEP_2014_PEPAGESEX&prodType=table https://snapguide.com/guides/make-coquito-puerto-rican-eggnog-with-no-eggs/