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Integrated Approach to Obesity: Promoting Youth's Healthy Weight (JOGG)

This presentation discusses strategies to address obesity trends in OECD countries, focusing on promoting healthy eating habits and increased physical activity among children.

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Integrated Approach to Obesity: Promoting Youth's Healthy Weight (JOGG)

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  1. Youth on a Healthy Weight (JOGG); integrated approach towards obesity. Jacob C. Seidell VU University June 3rd 2015, Belfast

  2. Obesity trends in oecd countries

  3. Strategies --to help children eat more fruits and vegetables, --decrease sweetened beverage consumption, --reduce consumption of high energy-dense foods, --help children to be more active and lesssedentary

  4. Fruit & Vegetable intake European children

  5. Pieter Breughel de Oude, Luilekkerland, Cocagne, 1567, Alte Pinakothek München

  6. Huang TT et al, CDC, 2009

  7. WHO • Encourage industry ‘health-for-all principles’ • Facilitatie universal access to drugs and health services • Accelerate R and D • Acquire knowledge and expertise from the commercial sector

  8. How to change food environment ? • Food composition • Marketing • Prices • Availability

  9. Strategies • Regulation and litigation • Publiek-private engagement • Grass-roots civil movement

  10. PPP (PPE): in public health • Donations, funding, sponsoring • salesagreement • Licence or franchise • Fusion or take-over • PPS: Alliance model: • Complex projects • Equal relations; governance (triple helix etc) • Joint plan andpartnerselection. • PPP: Concession model - Well-ordered clear project - Public party develops policy and looks for partners for execution/implementation - Public party is directing is and is mandator

  11. Pro’s andCon’s of PPE (gebaseerd op Van Huijstee, Francken, & Leroy 2007)

  12. MODERATORS Ethnicity, socio-cultural factors, gender, age, SES Δ Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions etc INDIVIDUAL MEDIATORS INPUTS OUTCOMES Intervention Dose1 Δ Community capacity2 Δ Behaviours Δ Anthropometry4 POPULATION MEDIATORS Δ Environments3 Δ QoL Δ Policy Δ QALYs gained 1 Intervention dose is either 1 or 0 (intervention, control) or $$ (economic input – all schools) 2 Capacity is leadership, skills/knowledge, structures, resources 3 Relevant environments are schools, homes, neighbourhoods, churches 4 Weight, BMI, BMI-z, waist, waist:height, %fat, prevalence of o/w+obesity = Measured = Modelled Logic model for interventions

  13. JOGG Model – based on the EPODE model (Van Koperen, 2013)


  15. Urban agriculture, schoolgardens, farm-education influence food choice & preferences

  16. Changes in food systems and community efforts

  17. Summary: • Health related behavior largely determined by physical, social-cultural and economic factors. • Changing the food environment is a crucial step in effective obesity prevention • PPE is an important but risky tool. Careful planning and management is needed.

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