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Delve into Part Fifteen of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in this comprehensive study. Explore the interlude between the Sixth and Seventh Seals, uncovering the divine purpose of God through symbolic visions and profound messages. Through careful examination of scriptures, unlock the mysteries and prophecies awaiting revelation.

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  1. STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF! Have the attitude of the Bereans… … take what you are taught and search the Scriptures each day to see if what was taught is what the Word of God says [Acts 17:11]!

  2. UNCOVERING the uncovered A Study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ

  3. Part Fifteen: [Revelation 10:1-11] AnInterlude!

  4. Between the Sixthand SeventhSEALS ! • The WINDS of the EARTH were SETLOOSE upon the earth! • The FAITHFUL of God were SEALED to Him!

  5. The REDEEMEDMULTITUDE of VICTORIOUSSAINTS who worship before the Throne of God! • These visions SHOULDASSURE the SaintsSTILLLIVING that GodhasNotFORGOTTEN His CHURCH… • … even in times of TRIBUALTION! Between the Sixthand SeventhSEALS !

  6. Revelation 10:1 • And I SAW ANOTHER STRONG ANGEL coming down out from the heaven, • clothed in a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire; • SIMILARITY Does Not Prove IDENTITY!!!

  7. This description symbolizes this angel: • was COMMISSIONED with a DIVINEMISSION in relation to JUDGMENT! • is Christ’s MESSENGER – • NOTChrist Himself! Revelation 10:1

  8. Revelation 10:2 • and he had in his hand a LITTLEBOOK • which was OPEN. • And he placed his right foot UPON the SEAand his left UPON the LAND;

  9. Revelation 10:3-4 • [3] and he cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roars; • and when he had cried out, the SEVENTHUNDERSUTTERED their VOICES. • [4] And when the SEVENTHUNDERShadSPOKEN…

  10. [4] … I WAS ABOUT to WRITE; • and I HEARD a VOICE out from heaven saying, • “ SEALthe things which the SEVENTHUNDERSSPOKE, • and DO NOT WRITEthem.” • [Remember 1:11,19] Revelation 10:3-4

  11. Revelation 10:5-7 • [5] Andthe angel whom I saw having taken his stand UPON the SEA and UPON the LAND • LIFTED his RIGHT HAND TOWARD the HEAVEN,

  12. [6] andSWORE by the ONE LIVING into the ages of the ages… • Jesus said, “do not swear at all” [Mt 5:34-37; 23:16-22; also see Jam 5:12] • God did swear [Lk 1:73f; Acts 7:17; Heb 3:11,18; 4:3; 6:13f] Revelation 10:5-7

  13. [6] andSWORE by the ONE LIVING into the ages of the ages, • Who created heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, • thatDELAY** SHALL BE NO LONGER, • ** [a period of time (G5055)] Revelation 10:5-7

  14. [7] YETin the DAYS of the SOUNDING of the SEVENTH ANGEL, when he is about to TRUMPET… • ASK yourself, does the SEVENTHTRUMPET… Revelation 10:5-7

  15. USHERin the END of TIME as we know it? • OR IS ITDEALING with theENDofDELAY fortheFULFILLMENT ofthe DIVINEPURPOSEof GOD? • REMEMBER – the SEVENTHTRUMPET also USHERS in the THIRDWOE! Revelation 10:5-7

  16. The DIVINEPURPOSEof GOD • is theFULFILLMENT of the GOOD NEWS of SALVATION through Jesus Christ, • andthe PLAN for Christ’s CHURCH? Revelation 10:5-7

  17. [7] … ALSO WOULD BE COMPLETED [G5055] the MYSTERY of God, • even as He PROCLAIMED the GOODNEWS to His SLAVES the PROPHETS. Revelation 10:5-7

  18. Romans 16:25-26 • [25] Now to the ONEBEINGABLE to ESTABLISHYOU according to the GOODNEWS out from me and the preaching of Jesus Christ, • according to the REVELATION of the MYSTERY which has been kept secret for LONG AGES PAST, Revelation 10:7


  20. The MYSTERY of God’s PLAN: • was CONCEIVED in God’s mind after the COUNSEL of His WILL [Eph 1:9-11; 3:8-11]! • was REVEALED by the HOLYSPIRIT [Eph 3:1-5; 1 Cor 2:6-13; 1 Pet 1:12]! Revelation 10:7

  21. The MYSTERY of God’s PLAN: • was MADEKNOWN to the NATIONS [Col 1:25f; 2:2]! • was PROCLAIMED by the APOSTLES to ALLPEOPLE [Eph 6:18-20; Col 4:2; 1 Pet 1:12] Revelation 10:7

  22. Revelation 10:8 • [8] And the voice which I heard out from heaven, again was speaking with me, and saying, • “GO, TAKEtheBOOK having been opened in the hand of the angel who has taken his stand UPON the SEA and UPONtheLAND.”

  23. Lessons from Revelation 10:8 • “UPON the SEA and UPONtheLAND.” • The MISSION of the OPENBOOK (and John) was to PROCLAIM the GOODNEWS of Jesus Christ! • [vss 2, 9-11]

  24. “UPON the SEA and UPONtheLAND.” • REACHING as FAR as the ENTIREWORLD [vss 2, 9-11; Acts 1:8; Mt 28:19; Mk 16:15; Ro 10:18]! • And to bring JUDGMENT to those who REFUSE to REPENT! Lessons from Revelation 10:8

  25. Revelation 10:9-11 • [9] And I went to the angel, telling him to give me the LITTLE BOOK. • And he said to me, “TAKE it, and EAT it; and it will make your STOMACHBITTER, • butin your mouth it will be SWEET as HONEY.” and it will make your STOMACHBITTER,

  26. Ezekiel 2:8-10 – 3:1-3 • [2:] • [8] “Now you, son of man, listen to what I am speaking to you; DO NOT BE REBELLIOUS like that rebellious house. • OPEN your MOUTH and EAT what I am giving you.”

  27. [2:] • [9] Then I looked, behold, a hand was extended to me; and lo, A SCROLL was in it. • [10] When He spread it out before me, it was written on the front and back; and written on it were lamentations, mourning and woe. Ezekiel 2:8-10 – 3:1-3

  28. [3:] • [1] Then He said to me, “Son of man, EAT WHAT YOU FIND; • EAT THIS SCROLL, • and GO, SPEAK to the house of Israel.” • [2] So I opened my mouth, and He fed me this scroll. Ezekiel 2:8-10 – 3:1-3

  29. [3:] • [3] And He said to me, “Son of man, FEEDYOURSTOMACH, • and FILL YOUR BODY WITH THIS SCROLL which I am giving you.” • Then I ATE IT, and it was SWEET as HONEY in my MOUTH. Ezekiel 2:8-10 – 3:1-3

  30. Jeremiah 15:16 • THYWORDSWEREFOUND and I ATE THEM, • And THYWORDSBECAME for me a JOY and the DELIGHT of my HEART; • ForI HAVE BEEN CALLED by THYNAME, O LORD God of hosts.

  31. [10] And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, • andit was in my mouth as SWEETHONEY; • and when I had eaten it, • my STOMACH was made BITTER. Revelation 10:9-11

  32. A Quote from Homer Hailey[Revelation p. 247] • “The RECEPTION and COMPREHENSION of God’s WORDISSWEET, • But FRAUGHT with BITTERNESS of spirit in the CONDEMNATION of SINNERS…”

  33. “…and the PROCLAIMATION of SCRIPTURES JUDGMENTS against men and nations, • DECLARING the CONSEQUENCES of DISOBEDIENCE, the WICKEDNESS of SIN, • and the TERROR and FINALITY of JUDGMENT.” A Quote from Homer Hailey [Revelation p. 247]

  34. [11] And they were saying to me, • “It IS NECESSARY for you to PROPHESYAGAINoverpeoples and nations and tongues and manykings.” Revelation 10:9-11

  35. Revelation 5:9b • … for Thou were slain and with Thy blood purchased for God those from every TRIBE and TONGUE and PEOPLE and NATION.

  36. Here is YOUR INVITATION to HEAR the Angel’s SOUNDING the ALARM of IMMINENTJUDGMENT … … to those who DO NOT REPENT andWASH their ROBES in the BLOOD of the LAMB!

  37. Since our Lord said, “... freely you received, freely give” [Matthew 10:8], • and since our God has freely given us many blessings, we FREELY provide without cost copies of this study material in the following formats: • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on CD • PowerPoint Show on CD • MP3 audio and study guide on CD • Contact us at: LwrLts@outlook.com together with

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