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This presentation discusses the disability questions raised in the last census in St. Lucia. It covers the identification, origin, type, age of onset, diagnosis, impact on daily activities, and use of aids for individuals with disabilities.
Question 42 • Does……suffer from any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? 1 Yes 2 No • This first question is the filter, it pulls out the disabled from the rest of the population.
Question 43 • What was the origin of the disability? 1 Illness 2 From Birth 3 Accident 4 Other • policy to prevent or reduce future occurrence of disability
Question 44 • At what age did this disability begin?
Question 45 • What type of disability or impairment does ….have? (more than one oval may be filled) 1 Sight (Even with glasses if worn) 2 Hearing (even with hearing aid if used) 3 Speech (talking) 4 Upper Limb (arm) 5 Lower Limb (leg) 6 Neck and spine 7 Slowness at learning or understanding 8 Behavioural (mental retardation) 9 Other (please specify)…………………… 10 Not Stated
Question 45 continued • In question 45 we seek to identify the area in which the respondent has been impaired. The categories include three senses (sight, hearing and speech) For mental retardation the enumerator isn’t expected to distinguish between those named – he/she is to accept the response as given
Question 46 • Was …..disability/major impairment ever diagnosed by a medical doctor? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not Stated
Question 46 continued • This question seeks to distinguish perception from reality. Diagnosis by a medical doctor proves that without any doubt the respondent is affected by a particular disability.
Question 47 • Because of a physical, mental or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, does this person have any difficulty in doing any of the following activities. • a. Learning, remembering, or concentrating? 1 Yes 2 No • b. Dressing, bathing, or getting around inside the home? 1 Yes 2 No • c. Going outside the home alone to sop or visit a doctor’s office? 1 Yes 2 No • d. (Answer if person is 15 years old or over) Working at a job or business? 1 Yes 2 No
Question 47 continued • We recognize that it is quite possible for someone to suffer from a long-standing illness (e.g. arthritis, diabetes) without experiencing any limitation in his/her activities. What this question seeks to establish is whether in spite of the disability stated in question 45 and which may have been diagnosed in question 46 the respondent has also lost the ability to perform basic tasks, which persons normally perform for themselves.
Question 48 • Are you required to use any of the following aids? (more than one oval may be filled) 1Wheelchair 6 Cane 2 Walker 7 Prosthesis/artificial body part 3 Crutches 8 Orthopedic shoes 4 Brailler 9 Other specify…… 5 Adapted Car 10 None
End of Presentation • These questions when cross-tabulated with other questions on the questionnaire can produce a wealth of information on the disabled.