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H630 主,我要回家 LORD, I'M COMING HOME (1/6). 我正流蕩遠離天父,現在要回家; I've wandered far away from God, Now I'm coming home; 走過好長罪惡道路,主,我要回家。 The paths of sin too long I've trod, Lord, I'm coming home. H630 ( 節 1/6, 頁 2/2 副 ) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam;
H630主,我要回家 LORD, I'M COMING HOME (1/6) 我正流蕩遠離天父,現在要回家; I've wandered far away from God, Now I'm coming home; 走過好長罪惡道路,主,我要回家。 The paths of sin too long I've trod, Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節1/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節2/6, 頁1/2) 多年浪費寶貴歲月,現在要回家; I've wasted many precious years, Now I'm coming home; 今天懊悔流淚悲切,主,我要回家。 I now repent with bitter tears; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節2/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節3/6, 頁1/2) 流蕩犯罪我已疲乏,現在要回家; I'm tired of sin and straying, Lord, Now I'm coming home; 投靠祢愛,相信祢話,主,我要回家。 I'll trust Thy love, believe Thy word; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節3/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節4/6, 頁1/2) 我魂衰殘,我心悲傷,現在要回家; My soul is sick, my heart is sore, Now I'm coming home; 加我力量,復我盼望,主,我要回家。 My strength renew, my hope restore; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節4/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節5/6, 頁1/2) 惟祢是我所求所望,現在要回家; My only hope, my only plea, Now I'm coming home; 因祢替我血流命喪,我今要回家。 That Jesus died, and died for me; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節5/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節6/6, 頁1/2) 我心切需洗罪寶血,現在要回家; I need His cleansing blood, I know, Now I'm coming home; 洗我罪污潔白如雪,我今要回家。 O wash me whiter than the snow; Lord, I'm coming home.
H630 (節1/6, 頁2/2副) 回家罷!回家罷!不要再流蕩! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; 慈愛膀臂向我伸張,主,我要回家。 Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord, I'm coming home.