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PDCA and beyond. Quality development in day-to-day (school) life. Jos Van Thienen Teach Learn Quality Costa da Caparica - Lisbon Coast (Portugal) May-June 2012. Quality development in many schools ( enterprises ): life as it is.
PDCA and beyond Qualitydevelopment in day-to-day (school) life Jos Van Thienen Teach Learn Quality Costa da Caparica - Lisbon Coast (Portugal) May-June 2012
Qualitydevelopment in many schools (enterprises): life as it is • Rapidprocesses (instead of rapidcycleprocesses) • Jump to actions (action-driven) • Jump to solutions: fight the fireevery time • Don’tmeasureif the solution is a success • Forgetabout the intendedactions • The teachers are isolated in stand-aloneclassrooms (professional isolation of the teachers)
Fathers of the qualityrevolution 30s: Walter A. Shewhart 50s: W. Edward Deming
Two of a kind IMAR Soft Human Strategy focus PDCA Hard Instrumental Strategy
PDCA and beyondPart One PDCA forcontinuousdevelopment
They are alwayswatching, whattheysee is whatyou’llget PDCA as a scaffoldfortoday’ssession
Learningobjective: learnaboutqualitycyclemethodology Plan • Understand the basic principles of quality cycles, i.e. the what and the why, the how and the when. • Learnhow to implement a rapidcycleor PDCA improvementprocess. • Exchange experiences (learn from and with each other)
Initialsituation and learningneeds Plan I. Are youfamiliarwith PDCA already? II. Ifyou are: • Where or when did you apply PDCA in your professional life recently? (Didyou do itsuccessfully? Was itintended to be a PDCA cycle? Didyoumakeitexplicit?) • Orcanyouthink of a recent situation in whichyoucould have appliedit? III. Ifyou are not: canyouthink of possibleapplicationsalready?
PDCA as a way of monitoringquality (1) A simpletool, particularlysuited forday-to-dayusage on different levels and for different purposes. (2) As a learningcycleit fits perfectlywell in the frame of Demings TQMP. (3) It puts intopractice the generalprinciples of qualitydevelopment.
Demings TQM or Total Quality Management Philosophy • Improveconstantlyeveryprocess • Drive out fear • Adopt and instituteleadership • Break down barriersbetweenstaff areas • Institute a program of education and self-improvementforeveryone
Qualityassurance: generalprinciples • Contextual • Cyclical • Loop thatensuresthatprocesses are frequentlyrevisited • Systematic • Phasedprocess (4 welldefinedphases) • Basically a system to analyze (measure, identify) and to takecorrective (butplanned) action. • Goal directed • Preventsusfrom jumping straight to solution mode, to fight the firesevery time • Goal (what) and purpose (why) • Timebound • System forcontinuous (long-term) improvement
2 P d c A : s t e p s
Example: Meet Ms Y • Y stands forYou • As Ms y you are veryegocentric and orientedtowardsyourself. • Makesure: • Youget the very best out of the processyour team is going to design.
PLAN • Define the problem (turn itinto a challenge) and set goals • Collect data and analyse them • Come up withalternativesolutions and select them • Plan the project milestones and incorporateactions in a plan of action
Selectingalternatives • Generatealternativesolutions • Judge the alternativesonstrengths and weaknesses. • Eachalternativeshouldbeconsideredifit is relevant to the problem and notoutside the scope of reasonablepossibility. • Findcreative and usefulsolutions. Anideathatmaynot look ideal at first place, maylead to anidealsolution at a later time.
(4) Planning the project milestones and incorporatingactions in a plan of action Project milestones and time schedulebymeans of WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE
DO • Do changes to solve the problems. • Do themon a smallorexperimentalscale. • Youcan test whethertheyworkornot, and easilyadjustcourse. • Youdon’tdisruptday-to-day routine activities. • Youdon’tworrypeople (fearforchange!). • Communicatewhatyou are doing (and why).
CHECK • Check creates a momentum. It is the core moment in qualitydevelopment. • Demingrenamedthis step: study. • Studywhatworkedorwhatdidnotwork? • What do I learnfromthisexperience? • Report yourresults and communicatethem (makeit a ‘common’ project)
Noteverythingthatcounts canbecounted Noteverythingthatcanbecounted counts (Einstein)
Observation Daily teacher dipstick Interview Discussion Ranking Diary Presentation Drawing Sticker discussion Quiz Pictures Tests Buddying Communication Inquiry Study, assess, control, measure: methods
ACT • You have nowarrived at ‘problemsolved’ or at least ‘problemtackled’. • Plan correctiveactions and prepare a new turn of the wheel. • Standardize the results (makethem a routine part of youractivity). • Act to involveotherpersonsaffectedby the changes. • Findopportunitiesforfurtherimprovements • Provide safeguards to prevent relapseinto the previous stage
PDCA and beyondPart two Empowerment
Summing up and gettingahead • Frame 1: instrumental • Qualitydevelopmentshouldbe a routine part of yourorganization (cloud) • Itcanbebuild in through PDCA • Frame 2: human • PDCA canonlybeeffective in a context of empowerment • Empowerment is possiblethrough IMAR
Always do PDCA PDCA as a scaffoldfortoday’ssession
Collect relevant data Don’t plan toomuch
Data is more thannumbers Beware of inquiryfatigue
Embrace the factthatyoucan’tcontroleverything Communicate and report aboutresults
Set the right goals and keep the focus Sustainyourgains (use a chock)
PDCA and beyondPart two Empowerment
PDCA and beyondPart two Empowerment
School improvement is peopleimprovement (Richard Dufour & Robert J. Marzano)
Inspire Mobilize Plan Act Do Reflect Appreciate Check
Inspire Mobilize Reflect Appreciate
Learningobjective Plan • Think, talk and learn about how we can make people take up greater responsibility. Empowerment through • Inspiration • Motivation/mobilization • Appreciation • Reflection (reflectivepractice) • Exchange experiences (learn from and with each other)
The power of story • Storiesdefineourreality and ourdestiny • Storiesappeal to ourmindbutalso to ourfeelings • We rememberstoriesbetterthananythingelse • Positiveexperiencesmotivate and inspire to action • Storiescreate a bond • Stories make sense of chaos; they organize our many experiences into one thread