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European values ​​ role in the world

European values ​​ role in the world. Made by : Oskars Jepsis , Annija Admidiņa , Roberts Kauliņš. The perfect EU. Peace, security, justice, human rights - what options are possible to get closer to this ideal ?. Peace and security.

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European values ​​ role in the world

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  1. European values ​​role in the world Made by: Oskars Jepsis, Annija Admidiņa, Roberts Kauliņš

  2. The perfect EU • Peace, security, justice, human rights - what options are possible to get closer to this ideal?

  3. Peace and security • Inthe 21st centuryEuropestillfacessomesecurityissues. • TheEuropeanUnionmusttakeeffectivemeasures to guarantee a successfulnationalsecurity. It has to workconstructivelywiththeregions just beyonditsborders - theBalkans, NorthAfrica, theCaucasusandtheMiddleEast. • It mustalsoprotectitsmilitaryandstrategicinterestsbyworkingwithallies, particularly NATO, andtheestablishmentof a commonEuropeansecurityanddefensepolicy.

  4. Internalandexternalsecurityareinterlinked. Inorder to combatterrorismandorganizedcrime, the EU policeforcesworktogetherclosely. • EU an 'areaof ​​freedom, securityandjustice ", whereeveryonehasequalaccess to justiceandprotectionofthelaw, it is a newchallengethatrequiresclosecooperationbetweengovernments. institutionssuchasEuropol, theEuropeanPolice Office, andEurojust, whichpromotescooperationbetweenprosecutors, judgesandpoliceofficersindifferent EU countries, have to bemorestrongerandmoreeffective.

  5. Justice • Towards a common European judicial area; • Single Market.

  6. Europe, which is free to cross borders, more and more people live, work and manage businesses in other EU countries. EU wants to make life easier for these people, developing EU-wide justice. The aim is to offer practical solutions for cross-border problems for citizens to feel safe when traveling to the EU, and that companies can benefit from the Single Market.

  7. Towards a commonEuropeanjudicialarea • Currently, theEuropeanUnionhavemanydifferentjudicialsystems, eachwithinitsterritory. Ifthe EU wants to ensurejusticeforall, thejusticesystemmustmakepeopledailyliveseasierratherthanmoredifficult. • The EU need to adoptactsothatjudgmentsinonecountryareapplicableinanothercountries.

  8. SingleMarket • TheSingleMarket, whichwaslaunchedin 1992nd year, hascomeforthebenefitofallandhavecreatednewopportunities. However, freegoods, services, capitalcirculationandmovementofpeoplearenotalwaysconductedassmoothlyashoped. • Insomeareasthereisstill no developedintegratedEuropeanmarket. Inadministrativebarriersandlackofproperimplementationofthemeasures, thesinglemarketpotentialisnotbeingfullyexploited. • It isnecessary to achieveconfidenceinthesinglemarket, as it willcontribute to economicgrowth. Europemustactdecisively to showthatthesinglemarketbringsitssocial progress andisbeneficialforconsumers, workersandsmallbusinesses.

  9. Human rights • Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights are the values ​​on which the European Union is based.

  10. EuropeanUnionpromotesthehumanrightsanddefendsthembothwithinitsterritoryandinitsrelationswiththirdcountries.EuropeanUnionpromotesthehumanrightsanddefendsthembothwithinitsterritoryandinitsrelationswiththirdcountries. • Ingeneralsituationin EU isgood, butit’snotperfect. Andweas a societycanmakethissituationbetter. • Frequently, Europeanstaketheprotectionofhumanrightsforgranted, ignoringdeficienciesthatstillpersist. • Althoughrecentstudiesshowthattheattitudetowardsgaymenandlesbiansisbecomingmoretolerantinmanysocieties, homophobiaas a fearorhostilitytowardsgaypeoplestillcontinues to beanimportantissueofourcurrentcommunity.

  11. Severedeficienciesconcerning LGBTI awarenessarestillprominentintheeducationsector. • Incidents ofharassmentandbullyingarecommonlyreportedineducationalinstitutions. • Anotherfactorhinderingthefurtheradoptionof LGBTI rightsarereligious. • Somereligiousgroupsandfiguresgoasfaras to mobilizedemonstrationsagainst LGBTI events. • TheUniversalDeclarationofHumanRightsentitleseveryhumanbeing to enjoyhisorherhumanrightsandcivillibertieswithoutfearofbeingdiscriminatedorviolatedagainst. Therefore, wheredo LGBTI stand? 

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