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Decent Work Country Programmes In Arlac Countries. Cecilia Mulindeti Director African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC. 1. The characteristic s of Decent Work Agenda in ARLAC .
Decent Work Country Programmes In Arlac Countries Cecilia Mulindeti Director African Regional Labour Administration Centre(ARLAC
1. The characteristics of Decent Work Agenda in ARLAC • The DWCP as the primary delivery vehicle for the ILO programmes and budget and are part of “The Decent Work Agenda in Africa 2007 – 2015” • “3/4 of MC to develop programmes for the improvement of working conditions, with specific national targets for reducing accidents and progressive increase in the no. of Labour Inspectors in relation to workers by 2015 • ILO’s tripartite contribution to the effort to make measurable progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
The characteristics……. • Decent Work agenda for Africa consolidates actions undertaken by the ILO and its constituents to follow up on the conclusions of the Ouagadougou Summit of 2004 declaration, plan of action and follow up mechanism on employment and poverty alleviation in Africa (over 300 million live on US $ 1 or less per day). • employment creation as central to economic and social development at national, regional and continental levels.
The characteristics……. • The agenda also stressed that the goal of generating decent work should feature prominently in national macroeconomic policies • Improve and strengthen existing social protection schemes, occupational safety,health and hygiene for better working and living conditions for all men and women in particular the vulnerable(Key priority 4) • In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 73% of the region’s workers are in vulnerable employment could rise up to 77%
The characteristics……. • Utilisation of regional and international policy frameworks such as New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD), • Medium –Term Expenditure Frameworks and World Bank Poverty Reduction Strategies and the IMF Poverty reduction and growth facilities.
Status of DWCP in ARLAC countries • At the 35th ARLAC Governing Council of Ministers meeting held in February 2009, country reports were presented reflecting the promotion of Decent Work agenda in member countries. • recommendations were made on the need for strengthening social dialogue and tripartism and for programmes towards public education on decent work (Botswana, Ethiopia, Liberia)
Status of DWCP…………. • recommended that assistance be extended on how to mainstream labour administration into the macro-economic development framework in order to enhance its role in the creation of decent work. • research and studies on poverty reduction strategies in the labour market was emphasised as an overall response to the above challenges.
Status of DWCP…………. • In the ARLAC countries who confirmed having the DWCP in place the process included full collaboration with the social partners, namely government, employers and trade unions (Namibia, Nigeria, Mauritius, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia). • While most of these countries have adequately ratified the ILO core conventions, which provide adequate ground of implementing the decent work agenda, the major constraint here is domestication of the standards. • ILO has provided the technical guidance at all stages
3. Mitigating the Crisis. • ARLAC member countries have reported the common decent work deficits as caused by : ·High unemployment where people can not find work or conduct business in the informal economy. ·Rights deficit where workers are not protected by labour legislation due to inadequacies in labour inspections systems ·Social protection deficit due to job and income insecurity, low coverage of social security. ·Representational deficit due weak structures of social dialogue
Mitigating the Crisis…… • roles of Labour Inspection in promoting OSH strategies become even more relevant for the expanding informal sector in Africa. • In Africa more than 80 % of jobs are created in the IE. Partnerships between the Labour inspectorates and local authorities to promote OSH strategies (Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe(SHAW Conference resolution 2009). • Create awareness of the DW deficits in the Local authorities
Mitigating the Crisis………… • Member countries have formulated and adopted the programmes at various intervals, Namibia (2006), Zambia (2006), Zimbabwe (2009) Mauritius(draft 2009)which may have to be reviewed to respond to the economic crisis. • At the 7th AU Labour and Social Commission a recommendation was made to link the Decent Work Agenda with the Basic needs development to facilitate rapid creation of decent jobs. • member states to monitor the impact of the crisis on jobs and livelihoods through strong inspectorates
Mitigating the Crisis…… • Other special areas of attention in the process of mitigating the economic crisis impact relate to youth employment and women entrepreneurship. • Global Employment Trend expects an increase from 11million to 17million from 2008 to 2009. • LI to impart job-search skills and career counseling, additional training and skills development and support for self-employment initiatives, micro-credit, and partial subsidies and facilities for work-experience (AULASC, 2009).
Conclusions • Recommendations made at the African Ministers of Economy and Finance conference in November 2008 in Tunis, • Preparatory Meeting of Experts on the 1st African Decent Work Symposium organized by the ILO in February 2009 in Addis Ababa, • the Global Jobs Summit held in Geneva in June 2009. • 2nd African Social Partners’ Forum in Ouagadougou on 30th November will give direction to member countries on how to respond to the crisis through the reengineering of the DWCP.
Conclusions……….. • OSH challenges are an impediment to DW therefore DW cannot be achieved without addressing the safety and health deficits • OSH hazards can be controlled and the illness they cause can be prevented • LI should impart the following preventive measures ; - Education and and information dissemination to workers, shop stewards and managers
- Access to information o hazards by ensuring labeling of potential hazardous substances and process. - Redisigning of workstations,equipment,tools and tasks - Medical examinations and tests of employees before recriutment, and periodically - Safety inspections -Establishment of safety committees Lack of the above causes accidents.THANK YOU