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Gamma-ray bursts and hypernovae. Konstantin Postnov Sternberg Astronomical Institute Moscow. Erice-2004, July 6, 2004. Outlook. Introduction GRB as superstrong cosmic explosions Association with supernovae – a critical view Thermal effects in ambient plasma Conclusions.
Gamma-ray bursts and hypernovae Konstantin Postnov Sternberg Astronomical Institute Moscow Erice-2004, July 6, 2004
Outlook • Introduction • GRB as superstrong cosmic explosions • Association with supernovae – a critical view • Thermal effects in ambient plasma • Conclusions
BATSE rate ~1 per day No repetions, full isotropy
`Brief course’ of history of GRBs • 1967- Discovery by American military Vela satellite 1973 – Declassified for scientific community End of 1970s – `Konus’ experiments onboard Russian Veneras (E.P.Mazets et al) • 1991-2000 – `BATSE’ (CGRO) era. Largest homogeneous data (a few thousands) on GRBs. Debates on galactic vs extragalactic origin • 1997-… Afterglow era. Discovery of afterglows in X-ray (BeppoSAX, 1997), optical, radio. Triumph of cosmological model for (long) GRB origin. Multivawelength GRB astronomy 1998 – possible association of GRB980425 with nearby peculiar type Ic SN1998bw. Start of hypernova era (?)
Observed: Duration: 0.1-1000 s Fluence: S~10-7-10-3 erg/cm2 Spectrum: nonthermal, 10keV-100 MeV Variability: high, 1-10 ms Rate: 1 per day Location: z=0.17-4.5, (but 980425 z=0.0085), star-forming galaxies Associated events: X-ray (~100%), optical (~70%), radio (~50%) afterglows F(t)~t-αα~1-2 + Environment signatures: transient X-ray em./abs. lines, metal rich material Derived (for long GRBs only!): Isotropic energy release Eγ=4πdl2/(1+z) ~1051 -1054 erg (but 980425 ~1048) Evidence for jets from afterglow breaks θj~0.01-0.1 Points to ‘standard’ energy release ΔE~1050-1051erg equally shared in kinetic energy and radiation Photon energy correlations vFν~Eiso Association with SN Ib/c General properties
GRB spectra: Two power laws smoothly joined together (Band et al 1993): Slopes α, β and peak energy Epeak vary with time
Generally, spectrum gets softer: ...but not always:
…and even gets harder:GRB 941017 (Gonzalez et al. 2003) EGRET-TASC detection Duration: ~150 s A new, very hard component appeared: E2 FE~E1, Epeak>200 MeV Signals hadronic component (UHECR) with subsequent photomeson interactions? (Dermer & Atoyan,2004)
Amati et al. (’02,’03): Eiso-z, Ep-Eiso correlations 22 events with known z and spectra: Lg Epeak~0.45 lg Eiso Are older GRB more energetic?
Explanation of GRB spectra (not fully satisfactory…) Standard synchrotron shock model (SSM): Optically thin synchrotron radiation by energetic electrons left to radiate without further acceleration. Electrons are accelerated by the Fermi mechanism in relativistic shocks created by the “central engine” (dN/dE~E-p, p~2.2-2.3) BUT: many individual GRB do not fit this! Additional acceleration, IC, change in electron energy index p with time, etc., etc., etc. are invoked
Basic model: ultrarelativistic (Γ>100) jets associated with hyperstrong (1051 erg) explosion (a “hypernova”)
Term “hypernova” introduced by B.Paczynski (1998) according to energy release in an explosive cosmic event • Nova (thermonuclear explosion on white dwarf surface) ΔE ~ 10-9Mc2~1045erg galactic rate~ 1 per a few year • Supernova (core collapse of massive star, SNII,Ib,Ibc or th/n explosion of a WD with MCh~(mPl/mp)3mp~ 1.3 M) ΔE ~ 10-1Mc2~1053erg (~binding energy of neutron star, mostly in neutrino) kinetic energy ~1050erg (~binding energy of stellar envelope) galactic rate~ 1 per a few 10s years ●Hypernova (core collapse associated with black hole formation? Requires the most extremal conditions e.g.B~1015G, rapid rotation, etc.) ΔEγ~1051-52erg kinetic energy >1051erg galactic rate~ 1 per a few 104-106 years
Evolution of massive stars: M<25 M neutron star M>25 M black hole: Hypernova MNi>0.1 M Ekin>1 foe Faint supernova Nomoto et al.2004
Fireball models for GRBs • Rees & Meszaros (1992, 1994…) Recent review: Piran 2004 • Thermal energy of explosion is converted to kinetic energy of thin baryon shell with ultrarelativistic speed (Γ>100) to avoid compactness problem and explain non-thermal spectra • GRB is produced by internal (most likely) shocks within the expanding shell, or by external shock in inhomogeneous ISM. • Internal shocks GRB itself, external shock in ISM X-ray, optical, radio emission of the GRB `afterglow” • Initial interaction of GRB ejecta Reverse shock propagating inward and decelerating fireball ejecta. Erases the memory of the initial conditions. Expansion approaches self-similarity (Blandford & McKee solution, 1976) ΓBM~r-3/2 (simply from E0~(4π/3)r3n0 mpc2Γ2 ) • Parameters: E0, no (const or 1/r2),Γ0, p, εB, εe
ES RS IS Γ2> Γ1 ? Afterglow GRB
Optical afterglows (synchrotron emission from relativistic blast wave in ISM) Early: reverse shock in the ejecta 990123 Late: external shock in ISM 021211 Breaks in ag lc: decelerated jet
Jet beaming effect in the GRB light curves Θ~1/Γ(t)~t3/8 θ0 Γ(r)~r-3/2~t-3/8 t~r/Γ2 r Emitting area: A~r2θ2~r2/Γ2~Γ4 t2/Γ2~t10/8, θ<θ0,t<tj A~r2θ02~Γ4t2~t1/2, θ>θ0, t>tj Θ(tj)=θ0 A increases slower after t>tj
Observed emission~(emitting area)x(specific intensity) For SSM, I~(B2γe2)’Γ~(εBΓ2)(εeΓ2)Γ~Γ5~t-15/8 so F(t<tj) ~ AxI ~t10/8t-15/8 ~ t-5/8 F(t>tj) ~ t1/2t-15/8 ~ t-11/8 θ0=0.16(n0/E0,iso)1/8(tj/days)3/8 Eγ=E0,iso(θo2/2) E0,iso=4πdl(z)2S/(1+z)
Evidence for associated SNe • GRB980425 and peculiar type Ib/c SN 1998bw in nearby galaxy ESO184-g8 (z=0.0085)
Special cases: GRB 030329 – nearest (z=0.168), brightest (S~10-4erg/cm2) Host: a SMC-like star-forming galaxy
SN 2003dh signature in light curve? Difficult to directly accommodate!
GRB030329: but earliest optical spectra (BTA 6m telescope, Sokolov et al. 2003) difficult to explain by shock breakout as pre-SN must be compact!
Optical variability and polarisation suggests structured environment Greiner et al. 2003
List of GRB/SN associations +s (from Dar 2004)
W49B – a hypernova remnant? (Keohane et al. 2004) red: molecular hydrogen 2.12μ (Palomar Hale WIRC) green: 1.64μ FeII (Palomar Hale WIRC) blue: Fe Kα (Chandra). No NS. HN explosion in a molecular cloud a few thousand yrs ago?
Clues from radio observations • Radio scintillations in ISM: Fresnel radius ~5 µasdirect measurement of angular size evidence for relativistic motion (970508, 030329) • Vapp ~4c Frail et al. 1997
Radio observations of GRB030329 (Taylor et al 2004) • Directly reveal apparent superluminal expansion v~3-5c, in accord with relativistic blast wave model for GRB afterglows • Inconsistent with cannonball model prediction for plasmoid superluminal motion (Dado et al 2004) (NB: general problem for CB model is absence of rapid radio diffractive scintillations in GRB030329, though the expected anglular size of plasmoids ~0.01 µas << Fresnel (5 µas ) scale)
But: radio luminosities of GRB and SN1b/c are strongly different (Berger et al.2003)
SN/GRB rates SNIbc in spiral galaxies: 0.2/100yrs/1010L(B) Local univesre: ~ 108L(B) Mpc-3 SNIbc rate ~ 2 104Gpc-3 GRB rate: ~250 Gpc-3 (factor 3-10 uncert. due to collimation) Only a few percent of SNIbc can be associated with GRBs (unlike CB model). Additional conditions (e.g. binarity etc.) must be imposed on the progenitors
‘Standard energy’ issue • Postnov, Prokhorov and Lipunov 1999, 2001 (idea): • Standard explosions ΔE ~ 5x1051 ergs • Structured jets Frail et al. 2001 – standard energy from jet-corrected afterglow observations. Berger et al. 2003 – structured jets from radio calorimetry of GRB 030329, 980425
Jet-corrected energy release (Frail et al) Beaming-correction factor for the rate/energy ~30-200
Recent discoveries : Light echo on dust for GRB 031203 (loc. INTEGRAL, X-ray rich)
HETE2: GRB-X-ray rich-XRF (Lamb et al. 2003) Apparently continuous transition GRB=>X-ray rich=>XRF
XRF 020903 host galaxy spectrum Z=0.251 Star-forming galaxy
Thermal effects in ambient plasma(Kosenko, Blinnikov, Sorokina, PK, Lundqvist 2001, 2002) Bisnovatyj-Kogan & Timokhin 1997 First consideration of environmental effects
Fading X-ray emission lines in 011211 Reves et al – XMM observations of fading (~10 ks) emission lines Kosenko et al 2002 – thermal cooling of plasma clouds heated by GRB N~106 1-3AU-sized clds ne~1011 cm-3 within 0.1 pc are needed