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Lessons from the Prophets

Lessons from the Prophets. MALACHI. Series on the Minor Prophets. Joel God will punish us. God will forgive us if we repent. We will stand before God in judgment. Micah God will punish His people. The need for good leaders. God is merciful to those who trust in Him.

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Lessons from the Prophets

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  1. Lessons from the Prophets MALACHI

  2. Series on the Minor Prophets • Joel • God will punish us. • God will forgive us if we repent. • We will stand before God in judgment. • Micah • God will punish His people. • The need for good leaders. • God is merciful to those who trust in Him.

  3. Kingdom divided (930 B.C) Israel falls to Assyrians (722 B.C.) Assyria falls to Babylon (612 B.C.) 1st Captives of Judah (606 B.C.) 10,000 more Captives (597 B.C.) Jerusalem falls (586 B.C.) Babylon falls to Persians (538 B.C.) 1st remnant returns (536 B.C.) 2nd wave returns (457 B.C.) Last remnant returns (444 B.C.) Timeline of LatterHalf of OT

  4. Kingdom divided (930 B.C) Israel falls to Assyrians (722 B.C.) Assyria falls to Babylon (612 B.C.) 1st Captives of Judah (606 B.C.) 10,000 more Captives (597 B.C.) Jerusalem falls (586 B.C.) Babylon falls to Persians (538 B.C.) 1st remnant returns (536 B.C.) 2nd wave returns (457 B.C.) Last remnant returns (444 B.C.) Timeline of LatterHalf of OT Joel

  5. Kingdom divided (930 B.C) Israel falls to Assyrians (722 B.C.) Assyria falls to Babylon (612 B.C.) 1st Captives of Judah (606 B.C.) 10,000 more Captives (597 B.C.) Jerusalem falls (586 B.C.) Babylon falls to Persians (538 B.C.) 1st remnant returns (536 B.C.) 2nd wave returns (457 B.C.) Last remnant returns (444 B.C.) Timeline of LatterHalf of OT Micah Joel

  6. Kingdom divided (930 B.C) Israel falls to Assyrians (722 B.C.) Assyria falls to Babylon (612 B.C.) 1st Captives of Judah (606 B.C.) 10,000 more Captives (597 B.C.) Jerusalem falls (586 B.C.) Babylon falls to Persians (538 B.C.) 1st remnant returns (536 B.C.) 2nd wave returns (457 B.C.) Last remnant returns (444 B.C.) Timeline of LatterHalf of OT Micah Joel Malachi

  7. Lessons from the Prophet Malachi • Lesson #1: We need to see the ways that God has loved us. • Lesson #2: Are we honoring God in our worship? • Lesson #3: God will not accept half-hearted worship. • Lesson #4: To be acceptable, we must worship because we want to. • Lesson #5: Listen and take it to heart.

  8. Lessons from the Prophet Malachi • Lesson #6: God expects His priests to conduct themselves in a certain way. • Lesson #7: God designed marriage to be a permanent relationship. • Lesson #8: Brethren should have a special relationship with each other. • Lesson #9: We learn about John the Baptist and his mission.

  9. Lessons from the Prophet Malachi • Lesson #10: Judgment is coming, and God will punish. • Lesson #11: God is merciful and offers us the chance to repent. • Lesson #12: God has not changed: He is loving, merciful, and just. • Lesson #13: The Lord hears those who fear Him.

  10. Lessons from the Prophet Malachi • Lesson #14: Beware of the danger of human wisdom. • Lesson #15: The Day is Coming!!

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