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Stem Cells and Diabetes

Diabetes Research What is known. ??cells are not generated from adult stem cells in the pancreas.It is unlikely that a cure for diabetes will come from adult stem cells.Embryonic stem cells have been shown to generate insulin-producing ??cells. . What Has Been Tried: Whole organ pancreas transplants .

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Stem Cells and Diabetes

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    1. Stem Cells and Diabetes The Future

    2. Diabetes Research What is known ??cells are not generated from adult stem cells in the pancreas. It is unlikely that a cure for diabetes will come from adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have been shown to generate insulin-producing ??cells.

    3. What Has Been Tried: Whole organ pancreas transplants Problem: not enough organs to meet the demand Problem: must take powerful immunosuppressants Many hospitals will not do a whole organ transplant unless the patient is also receiving a kidney. The risk of infection due to immunosuppressant therapy can be greater than the health issues associated with diabetes. According to the National Institutes of Health, most patients receiving whole-organ pancreas transplants are free of the symptoms of diabetes and do not require insulin injections. Diabetes can damage the kidneys. High levels of blood sugar make the kidneys filter too much blood. This extra work is hard on the filters in the kidneys and after a period of years of being stressed, the filters start to leak. As a result, useful protein is lost from the body in the urine. Eventually, the stress of overwork results in the kidneys losing their ability to filter. Waste products build up in the blood. Eventually the person will require a kidney transplant or dialysis.Many hospitals will not do a whole organ transplant unless the patient is also receiving a kidney. The risk of infection due to immunosuppressant therapy can be greater than the health issues associated with diabetes. According to the National Institutes of Health, most patients receiving whole-organ pancreas transplants are free of the symptoms of diabetes and do not require insulin injections. Diabetes can damage the kidneys. High levels of blood sugar make the kidneys filter too much blood. This extra work is hard on the filters in the kidneys and after a period of years of being stressed, the filters start to leak. As a result, useful protein is lost from the body in the urine. Eventually, the stress of overwork results in the kidneys losing their ability to filter. Waste products build up in the blood. Eventually the person will require a kidney transplant or dialysis.

    4. What Has Been Tried: Injections of pancreatic islet cells Problem: less than 8% of these transplants have been successful Problem: immunosuppressants are required The immunosuppressants increase the metabolic demand on the transplanted ? cells. It is thought that this may result in the beta cells losing their ability to produce insulin. The immunosuppressants increase the metabolic demand on the transplanted ? cells. It is thought that this may result in the beta cells losing their ability to produce insulin.

    5. Problem: There is much work to be done before this technique will be ready—if it is ever ready.

    6. ? cells are destroyed by the individual’s own immune system in type l diabetes.? cells are destroyed by the individual’s own immune system in type l diabetes.

    7. Possible Next Step Provide type l diabetics with transplants of ??cells derived from embryonic stem cells. This treatment would be feasible if the patient no longer has any functional beta cells. Beta cell transplants may require that the recipient take immunosuppressant drugs. Transplants of entire islets require immunosuppressant drugs. Another issue is an adequate supply of islets from human cadavers. Source: International Society for Stem Cell Research http://www.isscr.org/public/diabetes.htmThis treatment would be feasible if the patient no longer has any functional beta cells. Beta cell transplants may require that the recipient take immunosuppressant drugs. Transplants of entire islets require immunosuppressant drugs. Another issue is an adequate supply of islets from human cadavers. Source: International Society for Stem Cell Research http://www.isscr.org/public/diabetes.htm

    8. What properties make embryonic stem cells unique? Where do these cells come from? How are they involved in the formation of the pancreas, ??cells, and other tissues? Totipotent cells, from the very early cleavage stages, can form the placental and other extra embryonic tissues. Totipotent cells are therefore able to differentiate and form an entire organism. Adult stem cells are much more restricted in what they can differentiate into. They are able to form cells of the type of tissue they are derived from. Embryonic stem cells are classified as pluripotent. They are able to differentiate into almost any cell in the body. They can form any of the tissues of the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. They cannot form extra embryonic tissues and therefore cannot differentiate to form an individual organism. Totipotent cells, from the very early cleavage stages, can form the placental and other extra embryonic tissues. Totipotent cells are therefore able to differentiate and form an entire organism. Adult stem cells are much more restricted in what they can differentiate into. They are able to form cells of the type of tissue they are derived from. Embryonic stem cells are classified as pluripotent. They are able to differentiate into almost any cell in the body. They can form any of the tissues of the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. They cannot form extra embryonic tissues and therefore cannot differentiate to form an individual organism.

    9. Where do they come from? Play the “Human Embryonic Development” animation, which is located on Disc One of the Potent Biology DVD from HHMI and also downloadable here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/stemcells/human_emb_dev.html. After fertilization, the resulting zygote is totipotent. Over the next 4 or 5 days, the zygote undergoes repeated mitotic divisions. All of the cells at this point are also totipotent. This means that any of the cells in this mass have the ability to form an entire organism. Each cell has the potential to create every cell in the body as well as the placenta and extra-embryonic tissues. After five days, the cells begin to differentiate and form a hollow ball of cells called the blastocyst. The outer cells of the blastocyst form the placenta and other extra-embryonic tissues. A cluster of cells inside the blastocyst form the inner cell mass (ICM). Cells of the ICM are pluripotent. These pluripotent cells can be separated from the blastocyst and have the ability to form any cell of the body except the placenta and extra-embryonic tissues. They do not have the potential to develop into an organism. Play the “Human Embryonic Development” animation, which is located on Disc One of the Potent Biology DVD from HHMI and also downloadable here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/stemcells/human_emb_dev.html. After fertilization, the resulting zygote is totipotent. Over the next 4 or 5 days, the zygote undergoes repeated mitotic divisions. All of the cells at this point are also totipotent. This means that any of the cells in this mass have the ability to form an entire organism. Each cell has the potential to create every cell in the body as well as the placenta and extra-embryonic tissues. After five days, the cells begin to differentiate and form a hollow ball of cells called the blastocyst. The outer cells of the blastocyst form the placenta and other extra-embryonic tissues. A cluster of cells inside the blastocyst form the inner cell mass (ICM). Cells of the ICM are pluripotent. These pluripotent cells can be separated from the blastocyst and have the ability to form any cell of the body except the placenta and extra-embryonic tissues. They do not have the potential to develop into an organism.

    10. What makes them unique? can regenerate an infinite number of times can be grown in culture indefinitely are classified as pluripotent are able to differentiate into specialized cells as needed Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent.Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent.

    11. How are stem cells involved in the formation of the pancreas, ? cells, and other tissues? Play the “Differentiation and the Fate of Cells” animation, which is located on Disc One of the Potent Biology DVD from HHMI and also downloadable here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/stemcells/differentiation.html. Review of the formation of the three germ layers and the tissues that arise from each one.Play the “Differentiation and the Fate of Cells” animation, which is located on Disc One of the Potent Biology DVD from HHMI and also downloadable here: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/stemcells/differentiation.html. Review of the formation of the three germ layers and the tissues that arise from each one.

    12. Germ Layer Differentiation First embryonic stem cells commit to become cells of the three germ layers. The different germ layers develop into different types of tissues and organs. Numerous factors influence this process. Ectoderm: nervous system and skin; Mesoderm: muscles including the heart and kidneys; Endoderm: gut tube including the pancreas. First embryonic stem cells commit to become cells of the three germ layers. The different germ layers develop into different types of tissues and organs. Numerous factors influence this process. Ectoderm: nervous system and skin; Mesoderm: muscles including the heart and kidneys; Endoderm: gut tube including the pancreas.

    13. Forming Specialized Cells Growth factors and other signals tell a stem cell when to differentiate and what type of cell to become. One way to learn how an ICM cell becomes a ? cell is to follow its natural course of development. It is known that various growth factors and other signals direct the process.One way to learn how an ICM cell becomes a ? cell is to follow its natural course of development. It is known that various growth factors and other signals direct the process.

    14. Forming Specialized Cells The same growth factors and signals could be used to direct the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells grown in culture. Embryonic stem cells can be directed to become specific cell types if the signals involved in the process and their timing is known.Embryonic stem cells can be directed to become specific cell types if the signals involved in the process and their timing is known.

    15. What is Known Early endoderm cells receive specific signals at critical times. Signals include transcription factors, cytoplasmic factors, and growth factors. Signals also include physical contact with other cells. The specific combination and timing of signals direct which cell types these cells will differentiate to form. In the illustration, first pancreatic bud cells form. Some of these cells form the endocrine pancreas. By following the normal progression of events, researchers know that signals from adjacent blood vessels are needed for ß cells to differentiate from those of the endocrine pancreas. If there is not direct contact between future ß cells and blood vessels, ß cells will not form. Early endoderm cells receive specific signals at critical times. Signals include transcription factors, cytoplasmic factors, and growth factors. Signals also include physical contact with other cells. The specific combination and timing of signals direct which cell types these cells will differentiate to form. In the illustration, first pancreatic bud cells form. Some of these cells form the endocrine pancreas. By following the normal progression of events, researchers know that signals from adjacent blood vessels are needed for ß cells to differentiate from those of the endocrine pancreas. If there is not direct contact between future ß cells and blood vessels, ß cells will not form.

    16. The above photo shows some embryonic islets and a mature islet. The islets are green, blood vessels are red, and nuclei are blue. Notice that the islets are always next to blood vessels.The above photo shows some embryonic islets and a mature islet. The islets are green, blood vessels are red, and nuclei are blue. Notice that the islets are always next to blood vessels.

    17. This slide shows three different sections through an area where the blood vessels (red), pancreatic bud cells (blue), and gut tube (yellow) are all in close proximity. Areas A, B, and C show three different regions. A. Shows 2 dorsal aorta. They are not touching the gut tube. There is no sign of pancreatic development. B. This shows 2 dorsal aorta and the gut tube touching. The blue shows a group of cells that have committed to become the pancreas. The blue indicates that the pdx gene is expressing in these cells. The pdx gene codes for a transcription factor necessary for pancreatic development and beta cell formation. C. This shows the blood vessels and gut tube no longer in contact. In this region, the pdx gene does not come on.This slide shows three different sections through an area where the blood vessels (red), pancreatic bud cells (blue), and gut tube (yellow) are all in close proximity. Areas A, B, and C show three different regions. A. Shows 2 dorsal aorta. They are not touching the gut tube. There is no sign of pancreatic development. B. This shows 2 dorsal aorta and the gut tube touching. The blue shows a group of cells that have committed to become the pancreas. The blue indicates that the pdx gene is expressing in these cells. The pdx gene codes for a transcription factor necessary for pancreatic development and beta cell formation. C. This shows the blood vessels and gut tube no longer in contact. In this region, the pdx gene does not come on.

    18. The Task: Guiding cultured embryonic stem cells to become insulin-producing ? cells.

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