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Start up company, SportsAddict Apparel previews its unique athletic products by highlighting several cutting edge sports related accessories on crowd funding site KickStarter.
Apparel Company Launches One of a Kind Sports Line Start up company, SportsAddict Apparel previews its unique athletic products by highlighting several cutting edge sports related accessories on crowd funding site KickStarter. Homewood, IL, January 29, 2014 - SportsAddict Apparel is created with football and basketball fabric incorporated into athletic apparel. This concept creates a unique aesthetic of accented andstrategically placed fabric, which undoubtedly translates the connection of the product to a sport.SportsAddict Apparel adds another dimension to sports apparel in a manner that has neverbeen done before. Owner and designer, Wallace Brown, describes the company’s mission: “ SportsAddict Apparelwill address the increasing demand for independent fashion that is fast gaining traction in the U.S.and abroad by presenting customers with a unique, never-before-seen use of materials andtextures.” He goes on to say, “We see our product line as the go-to, distinctive, lifestyle brand fortoday’s active and sports-minded individuals. We named our company with this in mind.” Wallace is a Chicago native and serial entrepreneur. He talked about how he came up with the idea of using sports textured fabric integrated into apparel. While watching an NFL football game,it came to him: “So many people love sports but where are the products that reflect the synergyof apparel and the fabric which the game is centered on… and what about Basketball as well asother sports?” As he pondered, he sketched out the Football Helmet Hat and the ideas started toflow. “This is the ultimate disruptive model that will appeal to millions, including casual sportsfans, women, and children,” says Wallace. The growth of the sports apparel industry, technology,social media, and crowd-funding sites are the perfect formula for this company to gain serioustraction in the market. SportsAddict Apparel is looking to raise funds to realize its growth potential. Using their authentic aesthetic, the company has produced the Football Helmet Hat, visors, and caps as wellas backpacks and duffle bags to debut their brand. Their introductory products can be seen at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/47434463/game-changer-sports-accessories-and-apparel Contact: Wallace Brown or R. CalhounSportsAddict Apparel Homewood, IL 60430 USA312-545-9681 sportsaddictapparelinc@gmail.com http://www.sportsaddictapparel.com/ ###