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Foragers Festival Fungus Face Off to be Held at Big Sur River Inn Saturday, January 19, 2019
Big Sur Foragers Festival Dates Announced: January 17-20,2019 Foragers Festival Fungus Face Off to be Held at Big Sur River Inn Saturday, January 19,2019 Big Sur, CA, September 18, 2018 - The historic Big Sur River Inn serves as the host and backdrop of oneoftheBigSur ForagersFestival’s mostpopularevents,the"FungusFace-Off,"setforSaturday, Jan. 19,2019. The Face-Off at the River Inn, set under the oaks overlooking the Big Sur River, features celebrated local chefs competing for the best foraged dish, and will include food tastings, fine wines, craft beers, raffles, a silent auction andmore. This event sells out early, and tickets will be on sale at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/big-sur-foragers- festival-2019-tickets-47639320490 The River Inn has a significant presence in Big Sur history and lore. The inn’s history goes back to 1888, when Jay Pheneger acquired a 160-acre parcel from the federal government and gave his name to the creekthat boundstheRiverInnonthesouth. Homesteaders Barbara andMichaelPfeifferboughttheproperty,andin1926, Michael,andBarbra’s son John took over the land on which the Big Sur River Inn now stands. The inn was opened in 1934 by his daughter Ellen Brown. She opened her living and dining rooms to the public and began serving hot apple pie, which is still served today and gave the place its first name, Apple Pie Inn. Lodging units were built and Big Sur’s first resort wasestablished. In1943,Ellen’ssister,EstherPfeifferEwoldsonandher husband,Hans,tookovertheoperation.Esther replaced her mother as Big Sur Postmaster and the Post Office was moved to the River Inn, situated wherethefrontofficeofthemotelis now. Withalotofhelp,HansbuilttheGeneral Storeand lodgingunits 10through15.Herebuiltthedining room and “fixed itup fancy.” ThePfeifferandthe EwoldsonfamiliesstartedatraditionattheBigSurRiverInnoffinefood,excellent service, and warm hospitality. In 1988, the Perlmutter family, along with a small group of close friends, formed a partnership to carry on thattradition. Thisyear,theBigSurRiver Inn extendsitstraditionofhospitalitytohosttheBigSurForagersFestival.
The Foragers Festival has traditionally served as a fundraiser for the Big Sur Health Center. The community'snon-profithealthcenterwillreceivetheproceedsfromtheforagingeventstocontinueto supportthepresenceoflocalhealth careservicesintheBigSurarea. Thefour-dayfestivalaffordsBigSur arearestaurantstheopportunitytohosttheculinaryexpertiseof notable chefs, who will be preparing unique fare ranging from rustic to elegant, paired alongside the central coast region's amazing selection of wine andbeer. InadditiontotheFungus Face-Off, eventswillinclude: >A Thursday Night Fundraiser at Lugano's Swiss Bistro. Details tocome. >Fridaynightwinemaker'sdinnersaslocationsaroundMonterey CountyincludeIlGrilloinCarmel-by- the-Sea >Saturday Foraging walk led by local experts. "Wild Mushroom Walks and Talk" led by Steve Copeland of Big Sur Guides and his team of expert mushroomforagers. >Sunday we are finalizing several brunch fundraisers around MontereyCounty. Stay tuned for more details coming soon. For event details and venue information,visit www.bigsurforagersfestival.org. Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.bigsurforagersfestival.org