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RoseAnne Ruccello-Fischer has a passion for premium olive oil and she’s turned that passion into a vocation, recently launching Ruccello Olive Oil, which specializes in Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Italy and California, hand-crafted olive wood items and handmade aprons.
Monterey Entrepreneur with Passion for Olive Oil Launches Ruccello Olive Oil, specializing in Extra Virgin Olive Oils, Olive Wood Items and Olive Oil Parties RoseAnne Ruccello-Fischer has a passion for premium olive oil and she’s turned that passion into a vocation, recently launching Ruccello Olive Oil, which specializes in Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Italy and California, hand-crafted olive wood items and handmadeaprons. Monterey, CA, April 16, 2018 — RoseAnne Ruccello-Fischer has a passion for premium olive oil and she’s turned that passion intoa vocation, recently launching Ruccello Olive Oil, which specializes in Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Italyand California, hand-crafted olive wood items and handmade aprons. “I want to offer consumers the highest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the best producers from around the world,” says Ruccello-Fischer, a native of Monterey, California. “I’m also committed to educatingtheconsumeronthemanyhealthbenefitsofExtraVirginOliveOil andhowtobe adiscerning consumer through olive oil tastings, olive oil and food pairing events and house parties showcasing this incredibleoil.”
StartingApril15,RuccelloOliveOilwillofferonitswebsite,ruccellooliveoil.com,ExtraVirginOlive Oil from the Tuscany region in Italy and California, handmade olive wood bowls and cutting boards, and aprons crafted byhand. Inthefuture,shehopes tooffermorevarietiesofExtraVirginOliveOilfromaroundtheworld.Shealso currentlyimports EuropeanantiqueswithherhusbandinpartnershipwithacompanyinCarmel Valley. And startingApril4th,oliveoilloverswillbeable tobookaGroveGathering,afunwayto spend an eveningwithfriendslearningaboutoliveoilandtastingandsavoring thewayoliveoilenhancesthe flavor offood. ParticipantsintheGroveGatheringwilllearnaboutoliveoilfactsandtips,healthbenefitsofoliveoil, olive oil tasting and food pairings. Hosts of these parties will receive discounts and/or a gift based on partysales. To have a Grove Gathering or to get more details, contact RoseAnne at roseanne@ruccellooliveoil.com, bycalling831-275-8306,orthroughthiswebsiteatruccellooliveoil.com. Ruccello Olive Oil also offers monthly subscriptions and have your olive oil delivered automatically every one or twomonths. Ruccello-Fischer may be passionate about olive oil, butshe’s equally passionate about eating and living well. She’s been in the health care field formore than 30 years and is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist, so she’s wellacquaintedwiththemany healthbenefitsofoliveoil. But it wasn’t until 2015, when she and her husband bought a small house in Tuscany nestled in the Chiantihills,withvineyardsandolivegroves everywhere youcouldsee,thattheideaofrunningherown olive oil business tookseed. AlocalbusinessownerintheirsmallItaliantownsuggestedimportingextravirginoliveoiltotheU.S.,an idea that appealed to her. She wanted to learn everything she could about olive oil, so signed up for an Olive Oil Sommelierclass. The original business idea didn’t pan out, but she did learn quite a bit about olive oil, especially the fact that many olive oils for sale in the U.S. are mislabeled and adulterated and that customers were being dupedinto buyingExtraVirginOliveOilthatwaseithervirginoliveoilorlampanteoil,which isnotfitfor humanconsumption. So she decided she wanted to educate American consumers and offer them the best Extra Virgin Olive Oilthattheworldhastooffer.
“Consumers know that olive oil is good for you, but there are a lot of myths about it out there,” she says.“IwanttosharewhatI’velearnedandIwanttoprovideaproductthatpeoplecantrustandfeel safeintheknowledgethattheproductsareofthehighestquality.” Ruccello Olive Oil was founded, the name taken fromher maiden name. She’s already working with threeoliveoilproducersinItaly andoneinCallifornia,withanotherfromItalyintheworks. WithRuccello OliveOil,Ruccello-Fischerisfulfillingone ofherpassions. “I have a passion for good food and a desire for a healthy life,and Extra Virgin Olive Oil enhances both.” Ruccello OliveOil P.O. Box 257, Monterey, CA 93940 Telephone: 831-275-8306 WhatsApp: 1-831-275-8306 roseanne@RuccelloOliveOil.com http://ruccellooliveoil.com Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://ruccellooliveoil.com