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Salinas-based professional dog trainer and animal behavior counselor Barbara De Groodt has been named to the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) International Hall of Fame. And she never saw it coming.
Professional Salinas Dog Trainer and Behaviorist Barbara De Groodt Named to IACP International Hall of Fame Salinas-based professional dog trainer and animal behavior counselor Barbara De Groodt has been named to the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) International Hall of Fame. And she never saw itcoming. Salinas, CA, October 05, 2018 — Salinas-based professional dog trainer and animal behavior counselor Barbara De Groodt has been named to the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) International Hall of Fame. And she never saw itcoming. “I had absolutely no idea it was coming, none whatsoever,” she says, when she was presented the awardattheIACP’sannualconferenceinSt.Petersburg,Florida.“Mystaffsureknows howtokeepa secret. When (at the conference) they started to talk about people (who were nominated) and it narroweddowntome,Isaidtomyself,‘ohmygod,thisisn’tgood.’Icried.”
LuckilyforDeGroodt,shedidn’thave to giveaspeech,but acceptedtheawardonstageandlatertook somegood-naturedribbingfromafriendfortherestofthenightof“Crybaby!Crybaby!” “It’s quite a privilege,” she says of the award, which is awarded to “heroes …within the dog industry who have made an impact on the world of dogs and provided the dog world with a legacy that will always beremembered.”“It’soneofthosethings,you gothroughlife,workhardand hope tooneday be recognized by your peers. This is why I do what I do. When John Rogerson, one of my mentors, say these things about you, that means alot.” Here’s what Rogerson, one ofthe world’s leading dog trainer and behaviorists and founder and lecturer of United Kingdom’s Northern Centre for Canine Behavior, wrote in his letter of nomination to the Hall ofFame: “Therearefew charactersinthedogworldthatnotonlyinspireothersbutalsocanwalkthewalkwhere many sadly are just able to talk the talk,” he wrote. “I have known Barbara for more than 20 years and have seen first hand not only her ability to work with her own dogs but also her ability to work with ownersandothercanine professionalstoimprovetheirunderstandingoftheir canine companions. Barbara unselfishly gives much of her free time to helping and supporting many worthwhile canine projectsand also,despiteherhugewealthofknowledge,stilltravelsextensivelyathomeandabroadto furtherherowneducation.There isnoothertrainerfromtheU.S.A.thatIhaveeverendorsed,Barbara is oneinamillionand deservesinternationalrecognitionforheramazing lifeandlifetime achievements.” “Iwasteary-eyedwhenIreadthoseletters,especiallytheonesfrommymentors,”shesaid. “My peers werethe ones whonominatedme,thatmadesomuchofan impactonme.Youknowsomebodyis watching.” DeGroodtfoundedFromtheHearttrainingand dogbehavior counselinginthelate ’80s,butshe’sbeen working with dogs since she was apre-teen. “I’ve been training dogs since I was 8 or 9 years,” she says. “My dad trainedGerman short-haired pointers.” Alongthewayshe’s wonanumberof awards,includingthe2011 WestminsterDogShowTrainerofthe Year, Purina Pro Plan's Show Dog 2010 Trainer of the Year and is a certified Pet Tech pet first aid instructor. From the Heart’s training philosophy includes positive reinforcement, training to molda dog's behavior intoadesirableasset,andtrust:“Trustis thekey wordinthemethodsusedatFromTheHeart, however,trustmustbeearnedby andfromyourdog.”
“Dogs are, bynature,socialanimals andlooktoustoprovideleadershipthatisfair andnon-judgmental. Mycommitmenttoyou istoprovideyouwithtoolsneededtochangeundesirablebehaviorinto desirable behavior. A dog's friendship can be a wonderful one if you bothhave similar goals.” DeGroodtsaysthathertrainingmethodsarerootedintriedandtruemethods,butthatit’sa“constant growth.” “Itellmystudentsdon’teverthinkyouknoweverything,”shesays.“Youshouldalwaysbe ableto adjust. It’s a constantevolution.” From the Heart Dog Trainingand Paws at Play DoggieDaycare Phone:783-0818 Fax:783-0657 P.O. Box3734 Salinas, CA 93912-3734 fromtheheart.info k9tootr@gmail.com Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.fromtheheart.info