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The Ambulatory M&A Advisor names the Top 15 Urgent Care Infl

The Ambulatory M&A Advisor, The Ambulatory M&A Advisor is a publication that covers business, legal and transactional updates and insights around ambulatory care center deal making, names the Top 15 Urgent Care Influencers.

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The Ambulatory M&A Advisor names the Top 15 Urgent Care Infl

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  1. TheAmbulatoryM&AAdvisornamestheTop15 UrgentCareInfluencersthrough2014 TheAmbulatoryM&AAdvisor,TheAmbulatory M&AAdvisor is apublication thatcoversbusiness,legaland transactionalupdates andinsightsaroundambulatory care center dealmaking,names theTop15Urgent Care Influencers. Dallas,TX, December12, 2014-TheAmbulatoryM&A Advisor,TheAmbulatoryM&AAdvisorisapublicationthatcoversbusiness,legaland transactionalupdatesand insightsaroundambulatorycarecenterdealmaking,namestheTop15 UrgentCare Influencers. Whathaveyoudonetochangetheworld lately? Overthelasttwodecades,15faceshavebeen changing thewaythe worldofurgent careworks. “They’vebecomea lot moreretail and customer-serviceoriented;they’relikethe NeimanMarcus’ and Starbucksofurgent care,”healthcareinvestment bankerBlayneRushsaid.“They’reinbetterbuildings,better staffedand betterequipped tohandlepeoples’needsnowadays.” Withasmall startin the1970s,therearenowover9,000urgent carecentersoperating acrosstheUS.TheAmbulatoryM&A Advisorhascompiled a list ofthetop 15mostinfluentialCEOs,foundersand ownersofsomeof thesecenters.Severalofthemarerecognized membersontheboardof theUrgent CareAssociationofAmerica,suchasJohnShufeldt,M.D.and LaurelStoimenoff.OtherssuchasTimReynolds,M.D.,and LeeResnick,M.D.havewonprestigiousawardsfortheirdedicationandhard work. Withinfluencers likethese,theworld ofurgenthealthcare will continuetoexpandand improve.Tosee whattheydid and howthey didit,view thecompletelisthere at:http://www.ambulatoryadvisor.com/top-15-urgent-care-influencers-2014/ Contact: BlayneRush,MBAPublisher TheAmbuatoryM&AAdvisor18181MidwayRdSte200 Dallas,Texas75287 469-385-7792 http://www.AmbulatoryAdvisor.com ###

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