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Tasting Room Renovation Completed, Expanded Hours, Music Series Announced and More!<br>
Twisted Roots Celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2018 Tasting Room Renovation Completed, Expanded Hours, Music Series Announced andMore! Salinas, CA, May 22, 2018 - The Schmiedt family vineyard, was first planted with wine grapes in the richsoilofLodi in1918. Butittookthefamily 87 yearstodecidetousethosegrapesto make theirown winesinadditiontosellingthegrapes towinemakersaroundthestate. That was 2005, when Twisted Roots Vineyards was born and Ross Schmiedt produced a Petite Sirah becauseofanoverabundance ofthegrape. In 2009,productionwasexpandedtoincludeothervarietals on the estate, including Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Old VineZinfandel. ThewinemakingoperationwasmovedfromanoldfarmhousetotheirpartnersatEstateCrushin Lodi,a dedicated custom crush facility for premium wine production that continues to produce Twisted Roots wines from grapes grown at the SchmiedtVineyards. In 2010, Josh Ruiz partnered with Mike Hodge and Ross Schmiedt to create Twisted Roots Wine LLC. Schmiedtpassedaway inMarchof2014andhis placeinthepartnership wasfilledby hiswifeSusan Schmiedt. TwistedRoots raisedafeweyebrowswhenitopenedatastingroominCarmel Valleyin2013.“Atfirst, some oftheotherwinemakerswereleeryabout havinga Lodiwineryhere,”Ruiztold Carmel magazine,“ but they’ve acceptedus.” NewOwnership In January of 2016, Ruiz and his wife Julie, who is Schmiedt's niece and Hodge's daughter, bought TwistedRootsfromthefamily.Afewmonthslater,theRuizesbroughtonboardafewcollegefriendsto help expand thebusiness. “MywifeJulieand IboughtthefamilybusinessinJanuaryand inJunewebroughtinthreeofourcollege friends,wholiveindifferentlocationsinthestate,tohelpusgrowthe business,” saidRuiz.“Iknewthat withafull-timejobintheSalinas Valley Producebusiness,Ineeded help.Thesearealltrustedfriends, whohavebecomelikefamily, and it'sallaboutgrowingthebusiness.Ican'tdoitmyself.” Ruiz, who graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with both a bachelor's and master's degree in Agribusiness, asked his college friends Andy Gulley of Fresno, Matt Brem of Salinas and Neil Amarante of Paso Robles (and Andy and Matt's wives, both named Laura), tojoin Twisted Roots.
Ruizsaidthethreenewpartners'skill sets wouldbeinvaluablein reachingthecompany's goals. Gulleyis an agricultural pest control advisor, Brem owns Produce West, a Salinas produce brokerage, and Amarante is an agriculturallender. Also joining Twisted Roots as a partner is Matt and Whitney Pridey, who are currently managing Twisted Roots' wine club, events, and general business development. Whitney is also the sister of new partner MattBrem. Grapes Planted in1918 AccordingtoRuiz,thefoundersofthevineyards, plantedgrapesontheirnewpropertyin1918because their neighbors were growing grapes. The original Schmiedt vineyard was planted to over100 acres in whatisknownastheDairyVineyard, andlaterexpanded toincludetheCLRVineyards, named afterthe three sons, Carl, Leland and Ross, of Gust and Dorothy Schmiedt (The originalvisionaries). The eventual name was conceived by Ross, who came across a tangle of old rootstock and mused, “Twisted Roots wouldmakeagood nameforthevineyardsandwinery,”anditstuck.Theappellationin a general sense is Lodi, but the specific appellation is the “Mokelumne River”, which Ruiz believes makes the grapes and wines produced completely different from the rest of the Lodi AVA’s. The corner stone of the Mokelumne River AVA is the river itself, which help to keep the Schmiedt vineyard temps justabitcooler,inthehotLodisummerdays. Ruiz said 2017 has been the winery's biggest year yet, producing 1,000 cases of four varietals, including its signature “1918” Old Vine Zinfandel, created from vines planted in 1918. The other three varietals are the 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon, the 2012 Petite Sirah and the2015 Chardonnay. Hesaid TwistedRoots is lookingata“steadygrowth”of10to20percentperyear,withthenew partners on board toreach those goals. “It'sstillafamilyoperationwithrootsinLodi,”saysRuiz.“They reallyaremy family,that'swhythey're partneringwithme.We'rebringingitallintotheTwistedRootsfamily.” Tasting RoomRenovation: “When developing the design concept for Twisted Roots, it was important for us to deliver a comfortable space where guests feel at home to not just taste wine, but to grab a glass of wine, or two, and relax for a while. Craft Design-Build partnered with several local artisans todeliver custom solutions using elements that represent our unique Central Coast Vibe (Santa Cruz redwood, leather, seagrass, stone, hot rolled steel andglass). “Our goal was to design a space that was visually appealing, but not overwhelming. Themonochromatic colorsandtexturesoffersubtleinterestwithouttaking away fromyourwine-tastingexperience.
“Ahighlightofthespace isthe1918room,honoringTwisted Roots 100-year-oldvines.Asyouslideopen the custom steel barn door, you will enter a space with two sophisticated chandeliers hovering above a rustic 10-foot long farmhouse table . This space was created to host many different types of events from intimatetastings,todinnerparties,toviewingsportingevents. “It wasatruehonortoworkwiththeTwistedRootsteamtomaketheirdreamareality.” — Jon and Meryl DeYoung Rasmussen, Craft Design-BuildInc. Craft Design-Build is a full-service design/build firm specializing in both commercial and residential construction throughout MontereyCounty. High Resolution Photos Available ForDownload To view the gallery click on this link, http://www.richardgreenphotography.com/Chatterbox-Public- Relations/Twisted-Roots-Interior-Shots-4-8-18/, enter password, chatter,lowercase. 100th AnniversaryCelebration In 2018, Twisted Roots plans to celebrate 100 years since the vines were planted in Lodi. The festivities willincludespecialevents,winedeals,andwineclubgiveaways,culminatinginaglitzy,black-tie,1920s- styleHollywoodpartyattheirtastingroominCarmelValley,whichusetobetheLyonsHeadArt Gallery, next to CaféRustica. Save the Datefor: Twisted Roots Announces Its Summer Concert Series at its newly renovated Tasting Room from June– August2018! June-Concert -June 10,4-6PM -No food, Guests can bringsnacks -$15 gets entrance, a free glass, live music, FREE FORMEMBERS -Music: Wild Turkeys(https://www.facebook.com/Wild-Turkeys-166319330279/) July-Concert -July 8,4-6 -No food, Guests can bringsnacks -$15 gets entrance, a free glass, live music, FREE FORMEMBERS -Music- Rise Up (http://riseupreggae.com) August-Concert -August 12,4-6PM -No food, Guests can bringsnacks
-$15 gets entrance, a free glass, live music, FREE FOR MEMBERS Taylor Rae (http://www.taylorraemusic.com)- TwistedRootswillbethewinepartnerforPeaceofMindDogRescueLocal’s WineNightOutatthe Hofsas House September21st. Celebrate National Pumpkin Day on the Twisted Roots Patio. Paint a pumpkin, sip Twisted Roots Wine and support Animal Friends Rescue Project October24th. Don’t miss out on Twisted Roots Special 100-year Anniversary Winemakers Dinner exclusively at the Whaling Station Restaurant in Monterey November8th. Twisted Roots will at the Hofsas House Hotel Annual Gingerbread House Fundraiser supporting the Carmel Library Foundation December 8th. Build a house for a cause while sipping bubbles from Twisted Roots. Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.twistedrootsvineyard.com