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A Positive Force

Discover how successful leaders generate waves of activity by fostering a positive force through a dynamic synergy. Learn about the importance of a can-do attitude, voice power, personal activity, motivational delegating, and building a strong communication network. Explore leadership strategies and habits that lead to success, such as persuasion, patience, teachableness, and integrity. Uncover the characteristics of principle-centered leaders and how they continually learn, radiate positive energy, and lead balanced lives as they embark on an adventurous journey of leadership. Join the movement toward positive leadership today.

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A Positive Force

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  1. A Positive Force • Successful Leaders Generate Waves of Activity. • Nothing is ever dull or routine • Things are always jumping • The environment feels alive and dynamic • People pull together in a positive direction with enthusiasm and dedication. (look for evidence or lack of it during your office visit)

  2. A Positive Can-Do Attitude • A positive attitude is vital to a leader’s positive force. • The positive force keeps a communications network alive. • People know and understand what others are doing to promote productivity and reach common goals. • Figure out how to turn weaknesses into strengths.

  3. A Dynamic Synergy • A positive force involves positive expectations. • It is a dynamic force that pulls the group into an inner circle of involvement and activity. • It generates vigor and confidence. • It stirs people up and motivates them. • It helps remove obstacles and solve problems.

  4. It leads to constructive action. • It is a form of energy that gets people on the right track and keeps them moving. • It stems from the positive attitude of the leader but manifests itself in action. • A positive force picks up momentum. • The increased velocity comes from the dynamics of the group. • A team results that pull together toward a common goal. • Synergy is created. • The organization soars to new heights.

  5. Center Stage • Leaders are Always on Center Stage. • Remaining positive under trying conditions is not easy. • Leaders must remain positive & optimistic. • A negative attitude even once in awhile can destroy or damage the positive force. • Leadership and being positive are inseparable.

  6. Voice Power • Leaders who develop their oral communication skills develop voice power. • Speak with conviction. • Inspire confidence. • Persuade and influence people. • Motivate and inspire. • Remain upbeat and enthusiastic.

  7. Personal Activity • Successful leaders are always on the move. • They create a flurry of activity which is catching. • Motivational delegating helps people reach their true potential. • It keeps people moving & creating and using their talent & Energy.

  8. Motivational Delegating • Gets people to utilize their expertise, energy, creativity, and talent. • They are busy and involved in meaningful & productive endeavors. • People are functioning at top capacity. • No one is bored. People are happy.

  9. Communication Network • A communication network keeps a leader in close touch with the people. • A good communication network can keep everyone in tune with organizational goals. • Networking builds positive relationships.

  10. 10 Strategies for Leaders • Persuasion • making a strong case for your position. • Patience • with the process and the people. • Gentleness • not harshness or forcefulness. Be sensitive to people’s vulnerabilities.

  11. Teachableness • Operate with the assumption that you do not have all the answers. I can learn many things from you. • Acceptance • Withhold judgment, giving the benefit of the doubt when possible. • Kindness • Sensitive, caring, thoughtful. • Openness • Approachable, open-door policy.

  12. Compassionate confrontation. • Allow followers to make course corrections in a context of concern & warmth. Safety net for taking risks. • Consistency • Set of values, a personal code, a reflection of who you are and what you value. • Integrity • Matching words and feelings with thoughts and actions to promote harmony and mutual benefits.

  13. Seven Habits of Successful People • Be Proactive • Develop self-awareness and the ability to choose your response. • Begin with the End in Mind • The endowment of imagination and conscience. • I have created the future in my mind. I can see it and I can imagine what it will be like.

  14. Put First Things First • Focus on highly important but not necessarily urgent activities of life. • Use willpower and good judgment. • Think Win/Win -- an abundance mentality • Share recognition and power. • More profit, power, and recognition for everybody. • Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. • Listen well & listen with empathy.

  15. Synergize • Understand the basic underlying needs and interests and find solutions to satisfy them both. • Get to “Yes” • Sharpen the Saw • Continuous improvement or self-renewal. • Continuous improvement, innovation, and refinement. • Stephen R. Covey Principle-Centered Leadership

  16. Characteristics of Principle-Centered Leaders • They are: • Continually learning • Service-oriented • Radiate positive energy • Believe in other people • Lead balanced lives • See life as an adventure • Are Synergistic • Practice self-development & self-renewal

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