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Enhance your French skills with weekly phrases for the Spring Term. From basic greetings to conversations, master essential phrases effortlessly!
Bonne année! (Happy New Year!) Phrase of the week: Week 1 Spring Term
A plus tard (See you later!) Phrase of the week: Week 2 Spring Term
OÙ est/ OÙ sont…? (Where is/where are…..) Phrase of the week: Week 3 Spring Term
Voici / Voilà (Here is/Here it is ) Phrase of the week: Week 4 Spring Term
Pardon ! (Excuse me!) Phrase of the week: Week 5 Spring Term
Allons-y! (Let’s go!) Phrase of the week: Week 6 Spring Term
Tut'appelles comment? (What’s your name?) Phrase of the week: Week 7 Spring Term
My name is Jane. Jem’appelle.. (My name is..) Phrase of the week: Week 8 Spring Term
Oùhabites-tu? (where do you live?) Phrase of the week: Week 9 Spring Term
J’habite (à)… (I live in …) Phrase of the week: Week 10 Spring Term
Quelâge as-tu ? (How old are you?) Phrase of the week: Week 11 Spring Term
J’aicinqans J’ai …..ans. (I’m … years old) Phrase of the week: Week 12 Spring Term
Je ne comprends pas (I don’t understand) Phrase of the week: Week 13 Spring Term
Je ne sais pas (I don’t know) Phrase of the week: Week 14 Spring Term
Joyeuses Pâques (Happy Easter) Phrase of the week: Week 15 Spring Term